
The New changes reveal themselves

This next year was... Interesting. Some changes had already appeared obviously. But this really struck home how many changes I had made in the timeline.

First of all as the second year of our efforts to grow came. Gohan started to crawl at only a few months old. But he could keep it up for over 2 hours before needing rest!

Saiyans really were built differnet. But the shocking part was that in original canon he had only a power level of 5. And that was when he was 4 years old. A strong child, given a full grown human adult with little to no training on this world was a 5 to 10 in power.

However in this time line. Since I helped increase Gokus power level past the previous level of when he got Chi chi pregnant. Gohan was only a few month old baby with a 15 in power!

Now I know how Trunks and Goten inherited their fathers Super forms. The stronger the Saiyan warrior at the time of conception. The stronger the saiyan child.

Makes sense given Vegeta and how powerful his bloodline was every generation getting past 20k+ in order to become king.

But man we would need to help train him so he could harness that once he was 5 or 6 years old. Just the basics of course.

But I digress. Poor Chi chi felt her poor breasts get drained at every feeding time. But she was happy as a mother.

Soon another year passes but with big changes.

I made sure to tell everyone where Goku lives so they could come visit us and see their honorary nephew. Gohan began to get used to people thanks to this and learned to love his uncles and aunt Bulma as they came often to train with Goku, Chi chi, and I. Resulting in one of them fawning over him a bit.

Tien kept a healthy distance as we all came to the conclusion that he would be the distant but still well meaning uncle.

Piccolo made the excuse he came for beating Goku and I in order to prove his strength.

Liar. He just held Gohan between sessions and seemed to be trying to imprint on the little tyke.

Soon enough we were back in the look out with. *Shudder* Abridged Popo once more.

He smiles at us all evilly and goes, "Welcome back maggots! I hope you're ready for my real training program! You'll be going to a special place for it! Against the echoes of true saiyan warriors! Let's begin~!"

I have never felt true fear until now. Especially since he somehow increased his power to 4000 in the time we haven't seen him.

Chi chi continued to train with Kami as he had some techniques she could use for herself in his arsenal.

Meanwhile Popo led us, read forced, to the simulation echo chamber.

He placed us there and said, "Alright maggots! Get ready to learn hard and fast! You are all just past 1 tenth of my current strength. So you need to get past 2 tenths. And you shall~"

The creepy smile was back.

He walks over to an activation sigil and types in a command as we ready ourselves by getting rid of all our weighted clothing. Giving us an extra 100 to 150 points of power to each of our levels.

He smirks as he goes, "Get ready~"

We all do before a blinding flash of red coats us and we are suddenly in a ruined city of some alien place.

We all begin to walk and sense things out.

Thanks to my ability I was able to sense out and know exactly where the opponents were.

There are two of them and I believe we are dealing with brussel and sprout. The two weaker saiyan foot soldiers who died on this planet and thus became specters to use for the echo chamber.

We all looked for them as everyone managed to sense their energy signatures thanks to their recent training break throughs.

Brussel power level 850

Sprout power level 880

We were out matched by a solid 300+.

We had a chance but we had to be carefu- annnnd there went Chiaotzu.

He got dragged into a nearby building and managed to fire off a single ki blast before his neck was snapped.

Tien tushed in there to avenge him with Yamcha coming in to aid him. But both of them only last a few seconds before both of their lifeless bodies join Chiaotzu on the ground.

They only managed to land a punch and a kick each. But that didn't do much in terms of lasting damage.

Piccolo, Goku, and I all stare the pair of evil Saiyans down.

Brussel comes out with his ring of hair forming a nest around his partially bald head. And being just close to Gokus height. He was wearing black and gray armor.

The other one Sprouts was my height and had on blue siayan armor and a completely bald head.

They both had scouters on and scanned us.

Sprouts chuckles as he sees us ready our power levels. "Hehehe what do you know Brussel! We have a trio of power houses! The green one is powerful! But only a solid 560. The tall one in orange is a nice upgrade with 590 solid. And the short orange is right behind them both at 545."

Brussel chuckles and goes, "Hah! Then they will give us a better fight then these three 400+ fighters! I'm looking forward for a real fight!"

Our group of survivors all ready themselves for the fight of our current lives. As we stare down the pair of wicked Saiyan soldiers.

They shoot right at us with ki blasts empowering their punches. Piccolo counters with a Masenko and Goku with a quickly made KameHameha.

I fly up and do a scatter shot at them.

The Saiyans gasp as our power levels shoot up by 200 each thanks to concentrating our ki into a powerful technique.

They both dodge our attacks. But both Piccolo and Goku land a glancing burn on each Saiyan. They grit their teeth and come at us again.

We ready ourselves and go at hand to hand.

And while we did as best we could. We were still physically weaker than them both. And the power level difference really came into play the longer we fought.

Though I had a strange sense of satisfaction when I landed a solid hit past the groin flap guard of Brussels. Making him grip them and fall to his knees singing soprano.

I was blasted by Sprouts shortly after. But it was worth it.

We all woke up after our apparent "deaths" in the echo chamber.

Popo looks at us all and looks pleased. He then goes, "Excellent you have all done well with the preliminary test."

Tien gasps and pants trying to recover from the shock of dying before looking at Popo, "Wait test? That was a TEST?! THEN WHAT IS THE REAL TRAINING?!"

Popo simply says, "Pecking order~!"

Tien shuts up and sits down immediately.

Popo hums in glee while the rest of us sweat at that. And how much power Popo actually holds over us until we can hopefully surpass him one day.

He goes, "Yes it was a test to see how far you can go with your current abilities. But now what we need to do is prepare you for the long haul. In this case you will be spending the next month straight in this chamber. Fighting and dying over and over until you grow powerful or skilled enough to defeat them. And once you do, you will all have graduated from basics."

We all cheered. Before i caught something he said. "Wait... Bssics?"

Cue creepy smile back in full force.

He then did the loud Popo laugh before we were sent back to the other dimension with a fresh chance and a new drive to prove we were strong. But with a healthy reminder of why we were scared of Popo.

We spent a whole month there as promised. And it was only after the whole month did we start to win most of our encounters with Brussel and Sprouts.

You know I should have put together why I hated them so much just based on their names. I never liked brusselsprouts in either life. And now they haunt me in my dreams too.

Life is funny that way when being trained by a sadistic genie.

But I digress we finally managed to pull off a few wins to prove it wasn't a fluke. And managed to go to the next level of training by mr.Popos standards.

Chi chi asked if she could try our training... Which was vehemently denied by Goku as he said she would be better off as Kamis personal disciple.

She agreed. But only after Goku agreed to spar and train with her and Kami for about 2 weeks so they could train as a couple again.

Popo allowed this and then turned to us with a smile that promised pain.

I could only gulp helplessly as I then thought, The end of the month can't get here soon enough!!

Hi guys quick question. I plan to have Goku with Chichi and Kale eventually since I laid the ground work for Chichi to meet her and get to know the female saiyan through her being a Z fighter.

But I wanted to ask. Is there any other female characters you'd like me to add to Krillin and 18s relationship? or leave it as 1 on 1? let me know. And I will consider all votes.

Silverfangcreators' thoughts
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