
I turned into a girl and got fucked by my crush

Have you ever been the worst popular male student in the school? Well this story is of a student like that but with a twist...he got a drug that can change his gender to a girl for 5days...! Warning: 18+ content

RohanDutta · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 : My Life

I turned into a girl and got fucked by my crush


Chapter 1: My life

I am Akito and am one of the worst popular male students in our school. No one mixes with me and having girlfriend is out of the context. But I do have a crush. Her name is Katie. She sits just ahead of my bench. Damn she is so hot and have such a nice figure. Literally everyone in the school have a crush on her and some even tried to propose her but all got rejected. Don't know why Katie with such a huge popularity rejects all the handsome boys but it also made me a bit happy cause it gave 0.01% hope for me to try to be friend with her. Normally even if I sit behind her, we never got any chance to talk. She has such a dominating personality and rules the school like a boss.

"Man, Katie even rejected Stephen, the judo champion"

"Yeah, don't know why Katie rejects such good and competent boys with whom she can have fun in the bed properly" murmured the boys in the back during recess one day.

I was angry, by the way they were talking, but then also,thinking to have Katie with me in the bed was making me horny.

Suddenly Katie stood up and rushed to the back of the class and gave a tight slap to one of the boys who were talking about her. "Did you thought I could not listen to what you all were speaking!?" firmly asked Katie.

"Every guy is like that and that's why I reject them " said Katie with tears in her eyes as she ran away from the class .

I tried to follow and console her but then thinking about my own situation left the plan.

That night I was very frustrated on myself. " Why God gave me birth as a boy, if only I could be a beautiful girl then my life would be so much fun and exciting " I murmured in my mind. "If I could be a girl like Katie then I don't had to worry about anything". I thought to check on the net if boy to girl transformation was possible for straight people.

I know this idea was terrible but think in a situation like this wouldn't you also do the same!

I gave up all hope on finding anything when suddenly I got a website. In there they told about a drug that can temporarily transform a ugly guy into a beautiful girl and an ugly girl into a handsome boy for 5days.

I was shocked...!

Like seriously it is possible....!?

I checked further and saw they gave an address to receive that drug. The time was Monday nights 1am near Central station. Also the cost of the drug was only ₹500.

" Today is Monday and I also have my savings of 500 rupees, so what's the problem in trying!"

But then again I didn't believe at all if the drug was legitimate and what if I got mix up with any harmful drugs and people and police catch me.

Still I made my heart strong and thought to try once since I already live alone in my apartment and my parents live in a far away village so no one would know. And also no one would suspect anything if a boy like me gets absent for some days.

So after dinner I went to the given location and reach there at around 1:02 am and saw that no one was in the station and it was very quite and calm. After walking some distance when I saw no one was there I thought it was definitely a prank website and decided to return when suddenly I saw a group of people were giving out stuff in one side of the street to some my age boys and girls.

"What are they doing there ?" I asked myself. Being curious I went there and one masked man asked me" Have you bought the money?"

"Money? were they the people on the website!" I was confused.

Anyway I told yes without asking anything further as they looked suspicious.

"Ok give us the money" the masked man told me.

"Here" I handed over my 500 rupees note to him.

He then gave me back a small polythene which had something in inside and a manual copy.

"Go and take the drug just after reaching home and after 5hrs you will be able to see the transformation" the masked man told me.

So it was really the drug dealer.

"Also after transforming don't panic. Check the given manual properly and then you will have no problem" continued the masked man.

After saying that he and the other people left the scene and I also couldn't find the other people around me who took the drug from them.

Anyway it was 1:45 am and I was feeling very sleepy so I hurriedly went to home. After reaching home I opened the polythene and found a small box containing one tablet. I told myself "All will be well" and swallowed it with some water. Suddenly I felt sleepy and fell to the bed.