
I Transmigrated Into Another World And Became The Strongest Swordsman!

There are different ways to die in this world. Some die by accidents, Murder or even suicide, but my question is, what is the most painful way to die. Is it being tortured or beating to death? Is it being sentenced to death for something you didn't commit or is it being poisoned by the one's you love? Well whatever it is, I myself had my own share of a painful death and what is more painful than to be killed by the love of your life. I was born weak and died weak but when I finally thought that I could go to the place they all called, 'The afterlife' Instead I woke up in an whole new world and if that isn't the most shocking thing, I Transmigrated Into the body of the strongest and most powerful swordsman who is exactly the complete opposite of me. And this world isn't an easy one as it's literally the brother of hell, what I'm I gonna do when I am tasked by to accompany the locked princess to the Soul keeper who can save her kingdom and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be an easy journey. "Why me!!!"

BLVixen · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Transmigrated 1

Opening his eyes, Niko could feel pain all over his body. This was a pain he haven't felt for a long time because due to how weak he was, he never did anything that resulted to him stressing himself out or getting injured so this was something new to him.

As he gazed upon the sky, the next thing he saw was a big monster with wings, flying and breathing out fire.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing, was he still asleep because he didn't know what was going on.

Blinking twice, Niko tried to stand up hoping to feel more pain, but his heart and mind didn't have time for pain when he looked around and saw where he was.

He was in a place full of trees, everywhere was dark and it had this type of aura that made chills run down his spine.

Was he died and was this the afterlife, why did it feel Soo scary and dark. From what he heard, the afterlife was a warm and calm place so what was all these.

He looked up and could see red mixed with the atmosphere and sky, he had never seen anything like this. He got up and tried to move and to his surprise, he was able to stand and move a little.

He didn't feel weak or tired at all, he felt energetic and Whole. He had never felt this way in his entire life of living.

He walked further into the forest and went to a certain place when he saw a fountain. He walked toward the fountain and he could see the water flowing through it. It was red-ish in color, but his throat was really dry so he had no other choice but to drink the water.

And to his surprise, it didn't take bad as he had imagined. Using the fountain water to wash and clear his face. He was extremely shocked at what he saw next.

He saw a man in his reflection, the man had beautiful skin, dark red eyes, and long Black hair. there was no way this was him, since when did he become a man?

The last time he remembered, he was just seventeen! How did he change so much?

He looked at himself well, he was wearing weird clothes. He wore a trouser with long boots and a white dirty-looking big shirt with a sword pack around it.

Using his hands to touch himself, he couldn't believe that this was his body. He had a big broad chest and muscles which he knew he never had. He couldn't help but go confused at what was going on.

After he was done cleaning himself up at the fountain, he decided to continue walking to find out what was going on.

Walking further towards the forest, he finally was able to leave the forest but to a place, he couldn't recognize.

There were many people there, it was like a market square, but something was strange and different. well of course it was the fact that some of the human beings weren't human beings.

Some were like skeletons, while some looked like big monsters, pigs with big bodies, and wolf-looking men. there were only a few humans and some were all tied in chains and we were being dragged by the wolf men in an arm suit.

He walked further and he felt some eyes on him, He finally escaped from the place but was shocked to see a pig Headed man dressed in a white blood-stained apron, call on him.

"Hay! lutein, What are you doing there?"

Shocked to hear that, Niko looked in the direction of the voice and was almost out of breath

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Main while, in a tall prison tower, Two big bull-looking men held a girl with black hair packed in a ponytail in their arms and took her to a cell, thereby putting her inside and locking it.

At their back was a tall man, dressed in an Enunch uniform, he had big glasses and had a book in his hand.

He then said to the black haired girl, "You won't be in this place if you had just agreed to marry him xenia." He said.

Bearing no strength to speak, Xenia just looked at the man with her blood-red eyes with disgust. Gaining all her strength, she said "I'd rather die than be his wife."

Hearing that, Lucas grinned and said, "Then so be it." saying that, he looked at the guards and left the prison.

Seeing him leave, Xenia just cursed him in her heart, she couldn't wait until a hero comes and all these evil people are eliminated from this horrible world but her wish was soon to be fulfilled.

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In a big cell, which was a dark as night. only a glimpse of light from a very small window could be seen.

Laying on the floor was a girl, she had white pale skin and black Raven hair. she was breathing in a heavy way, like she was going to faint at any moment.

Her clothes were torn and there were scars and marks in her white skin. She looked completely Lifeless.

This was once the princess of the land of helborn, but now she is a prisoner to a beast who has taken her father's throne and wishes to marry her, but with all her might she disagreed.

Using all her strength, Xenia managed to get her self in a seating position. She rested her head and on the wall as she tried to heal. She swore the her father's grave, that she was gonna get revenge and that she must do.

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Main while, Niko couldn't understand what the pig Headed man was saying "Hay! Lutin, what are you doing there?"

Looking around to see if he was talking to someone else, Niko saw no other person so he was sure he was talking to him, "A-are you talking to me?" He asked a little taken aback.

"If not you then who else, come here brother." Said the pig headed man.

Hesitating a little, Niko finally went towards him and sat on the stool in front of him.

Looking at his friend, Giji voiced out, "so how was your night with king Kun's wife, Lady zeta? (laughs)."

Still not knowing what he was talking about, Niko said "What are you talking about and who is king Kun's wife?"

Niko asked confused and hearing that, Giji just laughed insanely "Wow! Lutin, you are really something. Even a new born will know who king Kun's wife is. Stop with all this annoying games, I won't be fooled anymore."

"Seriously Sir, I don't know what and who you are taking about."

Hearing that, Giji's eyes widened"S-sir, did you just call me Sir? Oh! my Satan, you have really lost it."

Confused, Niko didn't know what to say "is something wrong?" He asked.

"Of course something is wrong, did you get hit by a spell or did you hit your head on something."

"No i-i-i don't even know, I'm supposed to be in a different place from earth but I'm sure not this type of place, but I'm here in this strange world, Where am I anyway?" He asked and hearing that, Giji was literally lost for words.

"Ahh this is really serious, you have really gone mad haven't you. Well I do know someone who can help." Saying that giji placed his hand beside his lips, as he called out "Fiji!!!"

After the name was called, a little small, pig looking man came to them and when he saw Niko, he shrinked "Ahhh lutin, what are you still doing here. I thought you have already been caught by kings Kun's wife."

"who are you, and who is king kun. why do you two keep saying that."

Looking at Fiji, giji said"it looks like something fell s wrong with his memory. He doesn't remember a thing."

Looking at Niko, Fiji said"don't you know, you said that you wanted to have a night with Lady zeta, king Kun's wife."

Looking at Niko, giji continued the story"and you did but got caught and was chased by king Kun and his men.

Fiji,"I heard they chased you to the blood forest. now do you remember."

"No I don't."just then flashes of scenes that Niko knew he had never seen came into his Head. was this the memories and f this body formal owner.

Now he was hundred present sure that he had transmigrated into the body of this man called 'lutin' and he had no idea why.

Looking at Niko in his deep thoughts, Fiji said "I think you are starting to recall things. If that's it then I will be on my way, see you at home."saying that Fiji Left, leaving giji and Niko alone.

Niko couldn't finish his thoughts, when he heard a loud voice "so there you are you bastard!!."

It was king Kun and his men. and they had come to take his head.

Seeing king Kun, giji quickly closed his shop and said to lutin"good luck brother."before flying off.

That leaving Niko, King Kun and his men alone.

Who was king Kun, well only the most annoying, rich, and barbaric man in all helborn and lutin at made a mistake by touching his precious apple, hi wife 'zeta.'

With a big bull shaped wooden Stick on his shoulder, king Kun said"your u made a mistake by touching my wife lutin." saying that, king Kun used his finger as a sign for his men to Chase after lutin. and they did.

Without waiting another second, Niko started to run for his life. He couldn't understand why all this was happening to him.

Niko tan like he had he had never ran before, and to his surprise he was quite fast and he could also jump higher. It turns out that his new body was really strong and talented.

He ran towards the market square, with king Kun's men still after him, he jumped different stull and barrows and slide through different things. But things went out of control when he saw a little baby looking pig in the road side and was about to be hit by a running horse.

He quickly went to the baby's rescue, which caused him to trip and fall on his butt.

Now he was in the front of king Kun and his men, and before they could hit him with their huge hammer. He used his hand to block it but instead something extraordinary happened.

A big brown colored shield appeared in his hands and it blocked the hammer attack. And then a huge, glowing, brown colored sword appeared on his right hands and he did not know when that rage and power entered him and he started tearing all of them in pieces.