
I Transmigrated Into Another World And Became The Strongest Swordsman!

There are different ways to die in this world. Some die by accidents, Murder or even suicide, but my question is, what is the most painful way to die. Is it being tortured or beating to death? Is it being sentenced to death for something you didn't commit or is it being poisoned by the one's you love? Well whatever it is, I myself had my own share of a painful death and what is more painful than to be killed by the love of your life. I was born weak and died weak but when I finally thought that I could go to the place they all called, 'The afterlife' Instead I woke up in an whole new world and if that isn't the most shocking thing, I Transmigrated Into the body of the strongest and most powerful swordsman who is exactly the complete opposite of me. And this world isn't an easy one as it's literally the brother of hell, what I'm I gonna do when I am tasked by to accompany the locked princess to the Soul keeper who can save her kingdom and it doesn't seem like it's gonna be an easy journey. "Why me!!!"

BLVixen · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Let the Journey Begin!

"Come Quick you guys!" Fiji said as he made his way out and seeing that, they all panicked as they went outside to see what was going on.

In the Big square, Different people could bee seen gathered around, some looked like Humans while some were pig, wolf and bull headed humans but their attention was straight for what awaited them in stage but just then, the wolf headed men solders brought in four men with their head covered with a sack.

And as they removed the sack, they revealed the three men who looked completely lifeless.

Lintin, Xenia, Zara and Giji with Fiji all hide at the huge crowd as Xenia widened her eyes in shock as she gazed at the lifeless Sebastian in front of her.

His Orange glowing hair was now low in light and scattered. His face and body were filled with bruises as blood was visible on his forehead and shoulder.

Upon seeing him, shs felt so weak that she almost collapsed on the ground but was held by Lintin who monitored the girl as she cried her eyes out.

Just then, A white haired man walked on stage as he was dressed In an eunuch uniform and following him, were two guards, humans to be precise.

With everyone staring at him, Fathom then said, "People Of Hellborn! I know very much that you are all still in mourning of our late king but we cants mourn forever. The king died so that we all can haves a better future but the only way to move higher is to have a suitable leader to rule us!"

Fathom said but just then, a man said, "Yes! Like the princess, right?" He said and hearing that, everyone agreed as they responded, "Yes;! The princess!"

They said and hearing that, Fathom furrowed his brows as he then said, "You aren't wrong but our Princess is still inexperienced with things that concerns the court. And she herself is still in mourning and so she isn't in the right state of mind to take over the throne."

Fathom stated and hearing that, the crowd started to murmur and no one was more angry to hear that than Xenia, "His he trying to say that I'm incompetent, I've already reached level 25 and I've been able to pass the depths of darkness...what else is there that I'm not strong enough for?" Xenia said annoyed.

"I'm not saying that the princess is incompetent and can't take over the Throne, all I'm saying is until she is ready to claim the throne, the kingdom should be managed by someone that's why we should name a regent for the princess."

He said and then continued, "As we all know, My brother 'Zygot' have been the late king's most trusted subordinate because of his skills and brains and since the king's death he has been the one managing and taking care of the kingdom, he has been trying his best to make sure all is in order but you see these three men here!"

Fathom said as he walked towards Sebastian and the two men beside him, "They tried the assassinate the same man who is trying to save hellborn and so because of that, they have rebelled against us. They had rebelled against their kingdom and so must be punished!"

"Sebastian is my brother and even I am very disappointed in him but I won't let my brotherly love for him blind his sins as what he have done to our kingdom shouldn't be taken lightly and so their punishment will be a death penalty!" He said and hearing that, both Xenia and Niko widened their eyes in shock as they couldn't believe the words that had just left fathom's mouth.

"What the- His really gonna kill his own brother, how could he?" Niko was taken aback but Xenia just kept quiet as hed mind was in turmoil right now.

Just then, she turned around and ran away and seeing that, Niko ran after her.

Xenia ran as fast as he'd legs could take her until she finally stopped in a empty place that was close to the huge lake and upon catching up with her, Niko just stood there as he stared at the girl who was in all tears.

"That's why he didn't escape allowed with me, it was because he was planning on killing Zygot even though it was the last thing he was gonna do in this life. He did that just to save me, it's because of me!!" Xenia blamed her self as she collapsed on the ground and wrapped herself with tears falling out.

Seeing her, Niko couldn't help but feel heartbroken. What a poor princess, the people she loved has betrayed her and now she's was losing her closet friends one by one.

He wanted to help her but yet he was scared, it wasn't gonna be an easy journey but he knew that if he was sent here, then it might be because of something.

It's just like the books and novels he read, whenever the ML is transported into another World, it's because he was gonna be the hero and sav everyone but he wasn't a hero, he was weak and his not even able to make use of Lintin's powers and skills well.

How would he protect the princess? He didn't really know what to do!

Bending down, Niko then took the crying Xenia in his arms as he patted her at her back and seeing that, Xenia was completely taken aback.

Was this the Lintin she knew? Why was he mode gentle all of a sudden?

"I've made up my mind Princess! I'll take you to the soul keeper, but once I help you get to the soul keeper, I can't help you with anything else. You are on your own after that!" He says he abs hearing that, Xenia just kept quiet as she cried silently in his arms.

If he were to get to the Soul keeper, he was sure that he might actually go back to the real afterlife and leave this weird World but before then, he would at least assist a princess in saving her kingdom even though he died trying.

Now let the Journey Begin!