

—[Tap the comment to see Kirsi and Cedric's art]—

The next day when Kirsi woke up, she found the side of the bed next to her was empty. The Cabinet clock shows 6 am. Kirsi had developed a habit of getting up late recently, so no one was knocking on her door at this hour. Kirsi lazed around for a while, rolling to and fro on the bed surface, writhing like a silkworm, before sitting up. When she was seated, she could see a small part of her reflection in the obsidian mirror in this room.

After the last time she received a special greeting from the mirror, Kirsi abundant times tried to revive something inside the mirror in various ways, but she failed. Perhaps the figure in the mirror would only come when he had something to say to Cedric. Or maybe Cedric was the only one who could summon him. But, why the last time the figure greeted and had thought Kirsi was Cedric?

And what Cedric's thing did she have in her body?

Is it something mystical? Or is it something perverted?

Out of curiosity and not having enough agenda to do, Kirsi walked once again towards the mirror. A body figure clad in a satin black nightgown is reflected on the mirror's surface. Her face had an indifferent expression as she looked at her reflection. But in her mind, she harboured a hint of anticipation and interest. Kirsi rubbed her chin while tilting her head, unsure of what else to do to lure this mirror-dweller out. If she was still in her former world, she would be scared to death. But this world has more absurd things to happen. It was too late to be afraid now.

"Ahem." Kirsi cleared her throat. She closed her eyes in embarrassment as she chanted, "Mirror mirror on the wall…" her eyes peeked slightly to see if anything had changed. But nothing happens. No outcome at all. Could it be because the glass isn't actually stuck to the wall?

Kirsi thinks of another spell. "Uh, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary..." she first said it three times. Since there was still no response, she said it eleven times. She did it by closing her eyes while periodically peeking.


Unexpectedly, the reflection of her own figure let out a sigh while wearing a wry smile. Kirsi was shocked that her heart seemed to move with her stomach. With a slight reflex mixed with annoyance, she kicked the mirror surface with her foot.

[You're the one who called me here casually, and you're being aggressive now?] Her reflection looks disapproving. It was a little strange to see herself speaking in such a manner. It felt like she who was still in her former body was talking to the real Kirsi.

"So you're really a bloody mary?" Kirsi tilted her head, assessing the reflection of her own face which had a mocking look on it.

The mirror replied, [What kind of nonsense are you talking about?]

Kirsi snorted softly, "You are like Cedric."

The mirror looks angry, [Are you insulting Alexander?!]

Kirsi gave an "Oh" before replying, "So you underestimate yourself?"

The mirror flinched, about to get angry, but ended up snorting in annoyance and turning his face away.

"So what's your relationship with Cedric?"

[Don't want to tell. ]

Kirsi kicks the mirror once again.

[What are you doing? You think you can intimidate me?]

Kirsi was still kicking as she replied, "I can't. But how else are you going to contact my husband if this glass breaks?"

The mirror sneered at the meagre kick. [There are many mirrors in this world.]

Oh, my gosh. So it's not this mirror that's magical, but what's inside?

It was a futile attempt to kick. All she got was her sore toe. But this was not a fruitless endeavour considering that she had received new information about Cedric, as well as getting a rough idea of ​​how much power the man possessed.

"Madam? Are you awake?" Alruna's voice at the door distracts Kirsi. The reflection in the mirror suddenly moved back in sync with her movements, as if nothing had happened just now.

The sound of conversation between Kirsi and the mirror made Alruna sure that her Madam was awake.

Kirsi replied, "Yes."

"Madam, may I come in?"

"Please. "

Alruna opened the double doors of this room and entered. She came with a tray of letters and the letter opener. While handing the tray to Kirsi, Alruna explained. "There was a letter that came from the Aslaug tea plantation, as well as a letter from the Remus manor."

Alruna entered with 5 other ladies in waiting. One of them went straight to the window and opened the giant curtains after greeting Kirsi respectfully. Two of them neatly tidied the mattress, while the rest went straight to the bathroom to turn on the water heater.

Kirsi didn't accept the tray Alruna gave her but instead went to the nearest sofa and sat with her legs crossed. She pointed with her chin at the sofa opposite for Alruna to sit down and explained the contents of the letter to her. Alruna obediently complied. But instead of sitting on the sofa, she knelt by the table, politely opening the envelope using a letter opener. Kirsi frowned, protesting loudly, "Loyalty is not shown by being humble. I rewarded you by asking you to sit across from me, and you just refused?"

Kirsi didn't know anything about Alruna who was great in combat, or about Alruna who had promising magical powers. All she knows is that Alruna has been loyal to Cedric until the end, and for that service, Alruna has at least received an award from the bottom of Kirsi's heart. And as she said about devotion, Kirsi doesn't see condescension as a form of loyalty. It was just sheer camouflage that everyone could do. There was no need to kneel or prostrate to worship her, Kirsi could judge for herself what kind of people she could trust. Kirsi wouldn't stress her superior position to anyone much, yet without acting arbitrarily she was still able to maintain her oppressive impression so as not to be trampled on by other.

Alruna smiled gently, got up from her position and walked to the sofa opposite her madam. The open letter she read out in a soft voice, "The Aslaug tea plantations ask for your confirmation before replenishing their supply. Normally, Master will buy extra firewood at once to replenish this residence's supplies."

Kirsi nodded. Alruna continued, "Then the Remus household held a coming-of-age celebration for their youngest daughter."

Kirsi gave a mocking laugh, "Having a Debutante at a time like this? Aren't they ashamed of the Emperor?"

Alruna shook her head slowly, "Not completely Debutante, because the imperial court is busy and can't be borrowed for presentations at the current circumstance. It's just, so to speak, a birthday party. Therefore, the invitation came to the Madam's table and not the Master's table."

Kirsi mumbled, "The palace fall banquet is a mess but the people can still go on with their own events. I don't think nobles make any difference either, huh?" she commented with a hint of disdain while leaning the side of her face in her fist, looking languid and lazy.

It makes sense to send an invitation to her desk. Since Kirsi is married, she will come as her husband's representative. Actually, they could still invite Cedric to an event at such an inopportune time like this, if only Cedric was an ordinary noble. However, they couldn't do that because Cedric was a member of the imperial family. Not to mention he is the Crown Prince. If Cedric decided to come to their party to accompany his wife, it would be a breath of fresh air for them.

Alruna felt she needed to say this. So after clearing her throat, she explained, "It's a bit embarrassing to say, but it looks like the Remus household is in a bit of a rush before the guests from the East to West come home."

"Ah… I see." Kirsi chuckled. The generals and other noble families from outside the capital were in the capital right now. Even generals who weren't born into noble families would still attract interest because they had connections. Moreover, there is now a Grand Marshal who is the most difficult to find in the capital. Even though he was no longer young, the man's charm and prestige were hard to ignore.

If she had transmigrated into Kirsi's body before marrying Cedric, maybe Kirsi would have married the Marshal instead. Apart from being the Grand Marshal who was more stable and had a clearer mentality than Cedric, if Kirsi married the Grand Marshal, at least she could live far away in the West and avoid the complicated conflicts that plagued the capital.

Kirsi laughed at her very thoughts. Well, Que sera sera. What happens let it happen. There's no point in devising plans for something that's already past. She cleared her throat and asked Alruna, "Do you think the Grand Marshal will attend it?"

Alruna thought for a moment. "It seems unthinkable. But it could be that he will come. After all, the Grand Marshal is the freest person. He will do anything according to his mood. If heaven permits, he will probably come."

This was the first time Kirsi attended a party hosted by people from the upper caste of nobility. Previously when she was still reading My Dearest, nobles' events had always been described in a clichéd way between gossiping rumour and showing off possessions here and there. Kirsi couldn't relate such a scene to a real noble gathering. So she was slightly nervous.

Kirsi took a shower at 7 o'clock. She threw up a few times before her stomach was finally comfortable enough to accept millet porridge and a cup of milk. Since the birthday of the youngest daughter of the Remus household will be held this weekend, Kirsi already has to think about what clothes and gifts to bring. So from the moment when her breakfast plate was cleaned until it was a moment for dinner, Kirsi spent her time in Cedric's study. She at least needed to find a reference about the Remus household. Whether it's about their family symbol, their habits, and always identifying with what their family is. So that later the gift is appropriate and does not bring problems.

After searching for half a full day, Kirsi finally got some important information regarding the family. The first is that they use roses as a characteristic of their household. The second was that the Remus household had close ties to the Evander household. This is a bit surprising. This information is never mentioned in the novel.


The weekend has finally arrived. A total of 12 people served Kirsi in dressing up and beautifying herself.

Kirsi wore a black lace-up back dress with a low cut. The front of her dress showed her full chest half, while the neck was decorated only with a black satin ribbon and a small diamond necklace in the shape of a water drop. She wears an arm-length glove with the imperial family's seal ring. Because Kirsi was pregnant she didn't dare to wear a corset and could only wear a dress that didn't weigh too much on her body. Her silk dress flowed from the waist down sweeping the floor with layers of tulle framing like a cloud.

Kirsi smoothed her black wide cartwheel hat in front of the mirror, making sure the artificial black roses and goose feathers attached to it were lined up properly, before making sure she was ready.

Seeing that his madam had finished dressing, Frederick who was waiting patiently for Kirsi at the front door bowed politely while offering his hand to be reached, a very solemn and dignified position. Kirsi bent her legs slightly in a graceful manner, then placed her hand on top of Frederick's gently.

"You are incredibly charming, Madam." Frederick escorted her to the luxury carriage with the imperial clan emblem emblazoned on each side.

"So are you, Sir Frederick." both smile sweetly.

When they were inside, Kirsi asked, "How about my husband?"

Frederick thought for a while, "Well, to be honest, the Emperor is still punishing him, so Master can't promise himself to come. But if the opportunity arises, he will follow."

Kirsi nodded.

Then the trip begins.

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