
1. A manor’s life strating from zero

As punishment for underestimating Killian's love as physical affection, I had to suffer because of him for several days. During the day, if i say something, he would say, 'Because we live for ourselves'. Then, he made a lonely expression, and at night. . . .

'Why is Killian using his body to prove that his love is not a physical affection? It doesn't make sense!'

Even though i reached my climax in Killian's arm. Who was pushing me so hard. But i was thinking about this.

"Because I don't know how to show it to you. I tried to buy a present for you, but you refused everything. . . ."

Killian once again replied, displeased after I said something like a joke. Killian was anxious because he couldn't buy anything for me, but I really didn't need anything more. Choi Soo-na, who used to live in an old studio apartment with a 10 won rent increase, now she's an owner of a huge luxury castle. So what else i want?

"You already bought me this and that stuff when we went on a date in the capital."

The ruby ​​necklace I gave the mercenary still hangs around my neck thanks to Killian for buying it back to me, and my jewelry box is also already filled with my taste jewelry. My dressing room was also filled with full of practical and pretty dresses, and there was no shortage of other accessories, cosmetics, shoes, etc.

"No, of course, those things were necessary. I talking about something else . . . . like music boxes, glass dolls, high-quality scented candles, etc?"

"I don't think I'll need something like that, isn't it?"

"Ha. . . ."

Killian seemed to think that I liked those 'pretty trash' that Lizzy coveted. However, I wanted to save the money to fix the territory roads instead of spending it on such trash stuff.

'But first, we have to take care of this castle.'

However, there's a problem I encountered now. It's the issue of my relationship with the servant . The servant who haven't been an owner for a long time need to be organized well because they have a strong personality. To put it in a bad way, they are so arrogant. They treat Killian with a respectful attitude, but they treat me like an outsider. Maybe there's a bad rumor about me in this castle.

'It took so long for rumors from the capital to reach this countryside, but even the people here seem to think me as an evil woman.'

I don't want any rumors about me spread here, I don't want to hear it. But it's seems like they must be talked about their innocent master, which is Killian had no choice but to marry a lustful evil woman because of the Riegelhoff family's scheme, and the kind Killian killed all the Rigelhoff family because they betrayal Ludwig family but couldn't kill his own wife, so he brought his wife here. Maybe they still don't know yet, Killian is someone who doesn't hesitate to punish them if those thing relate to me.

"Anyway, the attitude of the servants here is a bit problematic. If Killian finds out, they will face a big problem."

"Maybe. . . .I guess so."

Anna answered me and sighed.

"The maids here are pure and hardworking, but they also seem very proud and stubborn."

"I thought so. They greeted me but, they facial expressions didn't look good."

What should I do? As I was walking down the hallway while I thought about that, two maids happened to pass by from the other side. They just passed by, avoiding eye contact, and bowed their heads insincerely. Anna's complexion looked worse than mine when she saw that manner.

"I will scold them harshly."

"There's no need. If that happens, Anna will be marginalized among the maids. Just leave it alone."

"But, ma'am."

"A person heart is not something that we can force."

Actually, I'm was stumped too, but I don't want to force myself to create my relationships with the servant by shouting or punishing them. Fortunately, Killian gave me some clue to solve this problem.

"Something difficult has happened."

"What is it?"

"The craftsman we commissioned the tapestry. . . . Died because of old age."

I've been feeling a little uneasy since I left it to him. I was worried if he still had a time to make the tapestry we requested him before he died, but the thing that I thought at that moment really happened. . . . .

"But don't worry. I'll find another craftsman soon and request it."

Killian seemed worried that I would be disappointed, but I didn't think much about it. Honestly, I don't even know why we have to spend so much money to buy a tapestry just to hang it on the castle walls. . . . .

'Eh, wait. But why do we have to pay so much money to craftsman in the capital? There are a lot of people in our territory who need money!'

It felt like a light bulb shining in my head.

"It's rather good."

"Do you mean that the craftsman died?"

"No! not like that, I'm was sorry to hear the news. But when i think about it again, i think it would be better if we shouldn't entrust the tapestry to the craftsman in the capital."

Killian tilted his head.

"But there aren't many skilled workers in local workshops. If that is so, i think we need to use local wives' hands to help us weave the tapestry."

"Yes, that's exactly what i want, Killian!"

". . . . What are you trying to say? Can you explain it in more detail so i can understand?"

I said with a smile.

"The cost of producing a large tapestry was 5 million sena. If we entrust the tapestry to the craftsman in our territory, they must be able to make a large size and even a medium-sized, right?"

"They could probably make more than that. But. . . ."

"That's great! Then, we will entrust the overall supervision of the tapestry weaving to a local craftsman, and we will also use women from our territory to do the work!"

"But the quality won't be very great."

"Those things, just a decoration to hang on the wall anyway. Wouldn't it be more meaningful if we could provide income to the people in our territory during the farming season?"

Killian was silent for a moment. My attitude must be awkward in Killian eyes. Since he was born and lived as a great noble in the capital, Killian, who is slient, spoke softly.

"Thank you, Edith."

"Yes? W-what, all of sudden?"

"For thinking about the people in our territory, even though you want to order something expensive like this."

Then Killian carefully took my hand and kissed the back of my hand.

"I feel very lucky to have a kind and intelligent wife like you."

Whoa, it melts my heart. . . . .

'I think the word wife 'kind and wise' has disappeared since the era of Shin saimdang in the chocon dynasty of Korean country.'

"Killian. You seem to forget this fact often, since you are the owner of this land, so I'm also owner of this land to, I'm your wife. It's natural for me to think about the people in our territory."

Only then did Killian grin.

"Well, you seem to have more ambitions for the development of this territory than I do."

"Of course! Someday, I'll make this territory the best in the empire. So, everyone will be interested, they will surely flock here, and they will definitely want to settle in Ryzen."

After that day's conversation, I met with a tapestry craftsman in the estate, then we exchanged opinions about the tapestry production, and signed a contract to continue the tapestry production even after the autumn harvest is over. However, this work received an unexpected response.

"The maids in the mansion have been talking about you often these days."

"Eh? Suddenly?"

"I think it's because of the tapestry work."

"But why?"

According to Anna, people at Ryzen always thought they were lack of work. Especially when the harvest is over and winter is coming. They have to live by eating what they had stored up. However, since the winter is very cold and a little longer, they can't do any work, so they will run out of supplies. That is why when spring comes, there is nothing left in their hands.

"I am grateful that the luxury goods of the mansion were entrusted to the women of this estate to do the work, instead of being entrusted to craftsmen in the capital."

"That's a great relief then."

Even though I didn't do anything special, I was so proud that i was able to help the people's lives. At the same time, I began to think about the meaning of life while governing the people. If we just receive a report about this territory problem while living in the capital, we will never know any of these details. Especially how the people here survive when winter comes and what they need when spring comes. I really want to know everything about the lack of this territory and what kind of help the people here really need. So the next day, I started visiting some places where the people in this castle do their work and find out what they need.


"What's the matter. . . ."

When I showed up, the people who were working covered in soot stood up in surprise. They are people who chopped the firewood and burning the firewood to keep the mansion warm.

"You're doing a lot of work, good job. I came here to check this workplace for a while."

"Oh, but in a shabby place like this. . . . "

"Are you lacking any equipment to cut down the trees and chop firewood?"

"Th-that's we just use what we have."

"How much is the equipment you have?"

I went downstairs just in case, and sure enough, the axe, saw, poker, and the ash can were all worn out.

"Tell me what you need."

In my words, the workers looked at the butler behind me first.

"You have to tell me when I'm here so I can buy what you really need."

Then, they exchanged their glances and opened their mouths with difficulty.

"All the axes are old, but. . . . "

"And the sharpness of each blade has also exceeded its limit . . . . "

As expected, it seems that they're not comfortable with the old axe either.

"Vincent. Did you hear that?"

"Yes, ma'am. But what they are using now is still usable."

"Yes, it's still useful, but it's not comfortable to use while working. Let's improve they efficiency. Please keep all the tools they have been using and distribute it to the villagers who need it."

"I got it."

"And also add some of a first aid kit and leather work gloves.

They really need that, since they work in places where they always have a risk of getting injured, so it's necessary."

"Yes. Ma'am"

After the workers greeted me, i headed to the laundry's room. It was very busy and the atmosphere at that place wasn't the same as at the firewood cutting place, and everyone was so surprised by my sudden appearance that their eyes widened.


I looked down at them as they bowed their heads, as if they thought they had done something wrong, and then looked around the entire laundry room.

'This. . . . where should I start fixing it?'

The dark interior, the air mixed with the smell of damp mold, their hands suffering with eczema because they always doing a laundry with wet hands. . . . Now I think I know why the laundry maids are the lowest rank among the maids.


"Yes, ma'am."

"Let's change the laundry room."


"If they keep working here, it's natural to get sick. I need to move the laundry room to a well-ventilated and sunny place."

"There is no such place on the first floor of this mansion."

"If we don't have it, we should make it."

Vincent, the butler, unknowingly opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth.

"I need to make it in detail, so bring two senior laundry maids and a designer at my room tomorrow."

"Ah, alright."

Vincent's voice was trembling, but the expressions of the laundry maids brightened. That's how I spend my time researching all the problems in this mansion, what needs to be fixed, and what the servants need. I examined all the places, including the kitchen, guest bedroom, wine and food store, servants quarters and etc. Vincent has done a good job all these days he managed to get the best way with the least investment, but I don't want other comfort have to be replaced like that. Because I wanted to live happily with everyone here.

'I never dreamed that the day would come when I was so proud about myself because i had an experience working as a lower class labor market in my previous life.'

Killian, as the owner of this land, he definitely worked hard, and I believe he will lead Ryzen well. I, as his wife, have to support him from behind and help him to pull his reins. Tomorrow's Ryzen will definitely be different from the Ryzen today.

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