

As if it wasn’t enough to be hit on the head by my co-workers and boyfriend, I died at the hands of my gambling-addict older brother. Without even regretting my unfortunate death, I realized that I had possessed a supporting role in a romantic fantasy novel, which I just read yesterday. To be precise, a villainess destined to die at the hands of her husband. I know it’s cliché! ‘Possessed a villainess in a romantic fantasy novel! So this is what it feels like?’ I thought it was pretty good for the price of my unfair death. Until I realize that no matter what I do, I can’t deviate from the flow of the original. For the female lead Rizé, it’s a delightful cider series, but it’s nothing more of a bloody story for Edith, the villainess I possessed. I am the protagonist in my life. If I’m going to die according to the original story, I should at least kiss my super handsome husband! In the original story, Edith is greatly despised by her husband, but who cares, I’m going to die anyway. However… “You pretended not to be, but now you’re so hot to play with. Well, that’s good.” “Yes…?” “Satisfy me like Rigelhof’s serpent. Well, who knows? I might be interested in that body of yours.” …why is the original story starting to change now? ***** P/s: The cover are not mine. It’s from original author. Don’t use it without permission.

alleviey · Lịch sử
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134 Chs


It was because the extras were able to flexibly deal with any unexpected situation so that the flow of this world would not be disrupted. However, the 13th Edith brought the Duchess and her aide Linan to her side. She was trying to change her perception of herself by greeting the unnamed servants. She was worried that being framed for something she didn't do after the poison pie incident would cause her to break down mentally, but once again, she calmly convinced Killian. She even insisted on her innocence with a more confident and arrogant appearance than in the document leak case while making plausible reasoning about accusing Sinclair family as the culprit. Thanks to this, Killian seemed to be more inclined toward Edith, and Killian had no choice but to cover up the case that Edith should have been framed as the culprit. If the previous Edith were quickly swept away and collapsed by K's tricks, the 13th Edith felt like fighting against K.

'It's fun. . . . .yeah, this is a fun situation.'

K calmed down the nervousness he felt.

'Now, now should i set the exception conditions for the second stage?'

I had to set a condition that Edith would not be able to handle it. If the second level is fulfilled, Killian will pass some control from K, and her control over important characters other than Killian will also decrease a bit. If those three levels were fulfilled by Edith, K's dominance would be almost useless. K did not know what would happen to this world if Lizzy and Cliff could not be formed because of that. It was because K's arrogant confidence allowed her to drag a possessed through a multidimensional universe at such risk. But K was determined to protect her world. This was just a game that K created, and she is going to win it anyway.

'The rules of the condition should be a condition that Edith will never meet, and it should be reinforced to the original flow by causing it to do the opposite of that condition. What are the conditions?'

K, who had been agonizing for a long time, smirked after I watched Edith's progress so far. After a while, the "flow of original work," the system of this world, accepted K's condition.

[Step 2 exception condition has been set]


After he threw Sophia away, Killian made a vague guess about Edith's situation.

'She's a daughter raised by Count Riegelhoff for being sold at a high price.'

That wasn't really a surprise. it was not uncommon for a daughter to be born and raised for that purpose. At least they believed that marriage alliances were the safest. But it's amazing how much control he had over Edith, even to the point of assaulting her through his maid. the Riegelhoff's play was perfect.

'But revealing this would put Edith in an awkward position.'

It would be a huge blow to Edith's pride if that words got out that she'd been beaten by her maid, since she'd been always presented herself as a young lady with a sense of self-determination.

'I don't understand it at all, but every family has own circumstances.'

Maybe they thought it was 'discipline' in their own way. It's ridiculous, but people have different ideas, and even villains have their reasons. If the abuse was truly unbearable, Edith would have asked for help. So Killian didn't tell anyone that Sophia had assaulted Edith.

"If you look at recent events, the maid is suspicious, too."

That explanation angered Cliff. He said they should have caught her and investigated, not let her go. But Killian calmed Cliff down.

"If we investigated that maid, with no corroboration, won't we look worse than Riegelhoff persecuting people? and it will only get you in trouble."

"But. . . . ."

"I just took this opportunity to throw out a maid i didn't like in the first place. That's all she knows."

Killian tried to make a rough stand, but Cliff was still sharp.

"Then there is no way that the Rigelhoff family would have accepted without opposition. . . . ?"

"There's no confirmation, but at least there was a plan. When I told her that there were some incidents that made me suspicious of the maid, and I wanted to send her back, she accepted it calmly?"

In the end, Cliff and the Duke also accepted Killian's decision.

'What am I going through because of her?'

I had a bad day, but I didn't actually feel that bad. the last thing I saw of Edith's face as I dragged Sophia out was something close to relief.

'I thought it was a fox. . . . . tsk.'

I thought she was an arrogant and shrewd woman who couldn't lose to anyone, but she was like a bear who couldn't even open her mouth about her pain and endured it. The maid probably assaulted Edith right after she came in. Nevertheless, it was amazing to see that Edith had never lowered her proud chin.

'How can you be so clueless.... no, wait.'

Suddenly, I remembered Edith's strange behavior after Sophia came in.

'Come to think of it, during that peach pie incident. . . . . how many days did Edith starve herself to lose weight?'

Sophia said that Edit didn't eat to lose weight voluntarily. But looking back now, it was nonsense. As soon as I put Anna on, just look at Edit, who started to gain weight like before. I could tell that she didn't have the will to lose her weight. So that means the damn maid was starving her master.

'No way, that's why you asked me to attach another maid?'

Suddenly, the puzzle seemed to fit together. at the same time, an unintended laugh broke out.

'I didn't just keep my mouth shut. She had no intention of giving in after being beaten like that, and she said.'

I couldn't hide my laughter when I thought of Edith, who had a sad expression on her face, asking for more maids from the Ludwig family to reveal her innocence. I should have looked at Sophia's expression then!

'That's great, Edith Ludwig.'

She wasn't an easy woman either. I thought I would do anything for my father, but it turns out that he refuses to obey even his own orders. He found it strangely satisfying, even though he'd been used by her. Lizzy is also grateful for the decision to let Sophia go without much fuss.

"Thank you, Killian. I really. . . . .I didn't want to think about it anymore."

"I can't say for sure that the maid, Sophia, is the culprit. I still suspect the Sinclair family, and I'm just taking this opportunity to get rid of that maid I don't like."

"Whatever it is."

Lizzy, who was slowly recovering from her poisoning incident, looked truly exhausted.

"Are you sure you want to bury it, Lizzy?"

"Yes, I mean it. I don't think I can stand the fact that the culprit is Edith or my siblings in Sinclair's. It's just. . . . . I want to move on without knowing."

Up until this point, Cliff has been trying to convince her, but there's no way he can beat Liese, who is crying pitifully. It was the same for Killian.

"Yes. So, what else do you want? I'll do anything for you."

Killian suggested, half-jokingly, and Lizzy's face lit up.

"Will you really do it if I ask you to?"

"Of course."

"Then. Killian."

"Yes, Lizzy."

Lizzy hesitated a little and said, slightly drooping her eyebrows.

"Please take good care of Edith."

". . . . .what?"

"How hard must it have been for Edith. Now that I've been poisoned, I can see how hard it must have been for Edith who eats the poison last time."

Killian knows because he saw her pain in person.

"I don't believe Edith was the culprit. So. Please comfort Edith, who has been having a hard time, Killian."

"Haa. . . . . You're such a mean woman."

Killian gently caressed Lizzy cheeks slightly, which was still pale.

"But I don't know how to comfort her."

"You've been nice to me."

"That's because it's you. . . . ."

"Please do the same for Edith. Just like when you comforted me, we drink tea together, take a walk, and have a conversation. . . . ."

In the old days, I would have said, 'Am I crazy?' But this time, Killian seriously considered Lizzy's offer. I felt a mixture of guilt that I didn't know anything about Edith and curiosity to learn more.

"Well, I guess I just need to keep an eye on her to see what she's thinking."

"I'm not asking you to be nice with that kind of thinking."

"I know. But changing my mind is something i need a little time to, Lizzy."

Lizzy, who understood what he meant, looked down as if she was sorry.

"I don't blame you. It may be hard now, but time will heal it all, and I'll be fine someday. So. . . . . it means I don't know my own mind yet."

"I'm sorry. And thank you, Killian."

Killian smiled bitterly and kissed Lizzy's forehead slightly. Her forehead was warm because of the slight fever that had not yet fallen. Suddenly, I remembered that I had not once put my hand on Edith's forehead, which had rolled up in a circle because of pain and was shaking. I couldn't figure out why I thought of it now.

"Killian. i'm begging you, will you listen?"

Killian smiled and nodded at Lizzy, who looked up at him with big, clear eyes.


It wasn't hard to do. I can ask her to go out together, take a walk in a sunny garden, buy something expensive on the high street, and eat something delicious together. It was a bit of a hassle, but not impossible, so Killian didn't think twice about accepting Lizzy's request. But things didn't go as planned.