1 Prologue- What did I expect?

It was one of those days. Where everything just felt wrong. The sun felt dim, the wind, dry, and the earth looked crusty. But it was probably just me. I mean, who can relate to lil ol' me?

It was supposed to be a normal day. I had a routine, ya know.

Wake up. Toast bread. Make coffee. Look out the window. And at the three minute mark, toast and coffee, done. Then daydream about the things which could and couldn't be.

Like, what if I could fly? What if the sun was cold? What if magic was real? What if the earth was about to die? What if dinosaurs were real? What if science... well, you get the point.

Now, I was expecting it to be normal. I could care less about what other people thought, but that was what I thought.

It was supposed to be... normal. You get what I mean.

Nothing out of the ordinary. Routine working perfectly. Blue skies, green grass, white clouds. Heck, singing birds.

There I was, ready to go through the day as usual. When something incredible happened.

Gessler Stray

Age 19

Hair color: black

Eye color: black

Height: 5'3"

Favorite color: black

Codename: Geist

Talent: Presence Nullification

A nobody. Talent self-explanatory.

A card was on my front door. The card that changed everything. From zero to one, a to z, nothing to everything.

It was a black card. On the card was a symbol. Intricate. Beautiful. Deadly. A rose sticking out of a skull. With words written in glossy silver which glimmered under the light — Life and Death, All returns to nothing. And on the back, an address.

The card of judgement. Appearing to those who seek death, or something more.

But I didn't know that.

As I said, I was nobody.

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