
chapter 1 : treasure hunt

this world..

will end.

but they didn't know.

they didn't know..

the great apocalypse will happen.

and they didn't know that...

they will loose all the person they love.


"brother!!!" a girl's voice shout out my name.

i look at my back and a monster almost eat me, but gladly aron's sword move faster than that monster.

"that was close, thank you aron".

"what happen luca, is there something bothering you?".

"no, im just tired so dont worry".

someone running into me.

"brother luca, are you okay?" it was mia.

"im okay, what about you mia?".

"im okay too".

"are you tired? want me to carry you?".

"no need. sister hanna told me to be a strong girl".

"are you sure your not tired?".

mia hesitated and reply.

"um.. no".

"i knew it, you can just tell me if you tired ok?"

"ok i understand" she smile cheerfully.

"should we find a place to rest?". aron interrupting

"no lets just keep going, we should get a new sword for you and andrea"

"i still can use this sword so dont worry"

his sword.. the tip of his sword already broken. what if there is a giant and strong monster suddenly attack him, he want to use that?

"we still have to find a barrier dust, it would be really helpful to protect us from monster and another being when were resting. so we should keep going"

and we continue our hunt.


my name is luca. and im one of the people who knows about the apocalypse.

and how do i found out about the apocalypse?

it was that day...

"hi luca!"

"oh, hi hannah"

"what are you doing?"

"im drawing?"

"can i see?"

"yeah sure"

"wow your really good at drawing"

"thank you"


she is a really kind person. she has a good personality, have a pretty face and a long blonde hair that looks so beautiful and bright.



"are you hungry?"

"a little bit, why?"

"let's go to cafeteria. i will treat you"

"um.. is it really okay?"



"what do you want to eat?"

"I don't know, you can choose it for me"

"um ok, wait here"

i take my sketch book, and continue my drawing.

'hey guess what! i found a creepy man in the boys' toilet. should we tell teacher about this. because he looks so suspicious'

'ah yes i saw it too, he had a really creepy aura'

so loud... and what are they talking about? a creepy man in the boy's toilet? they must be making it up.

'yeah and i see one of a student walked inside too. i hope hes ok'

shit, im getting really curious now.

i raise from my seat. i want to see whats going on there.

i only want to check so it wont be long.


i walked inside the boy's toilet. there is no one here.

[ you have to die, i should kill everyone who knows about the apocalypse ]

huh? there is someone inside the toilet. i hide on the toilet next to it.

"apocalypse? i dont know what you are talking about"


[ i know that you know about it, you got that information from your magic stone ]

"im not, my magic stone only give me a useless info, aghh - "


blood comes out of the toilet next to me.

i can hear the next toilet door open.

i hink hes gone already.

I came out of the toilet and checked the toilet next to me.

h- hes dead?

there is a dead body.

apocalypse? what is that?

I licked the blood from that body to read the information.

yes, thats my super power. my power is related to information. i can read an information from a dead body. i can read someones mind, that's if they're not use a protection.

[ apocalypse will happen if theres no damn demon king and god take care of this universe and the universe will be unbalanced ]

[ and its been ten years without a demon king and god ruling this damn world. the timing is still unknown so you just have to get ready to survive in that hell. thats it, bye ]

what the hell. who is the guy who made this information, they are such a rude person.

huh? what happen?

the dead body suddenly gone.

i have to tell hannah.



"luca! where have you been?"

"sorry, im checking the boy's toilet"

"boy's toilet?"

"yeah and there is something important i need to tell you"

her face looks so worried because of my serious expression.

"what is it?"

"i will tell you later after school. we should eat first"

"oh ok"


school days end here. me and hanna walk home together.

"hanna about the things i want to say"

she stopped and looked at me.

"let's run away together!"

"w what?" her face turned red.

"please trust me. lets run away and train our magic. something worst will happen to this world and we should getting ready for it"

"what will happen? and are you sure that the information are right"

"i saw it with my own eyes when im in the toilet. someone die in the toilet but the corpse are gone. i didn't see the one who killed him but he get killed because he knows about the apocalypse"

"apocalypse? but what about our family?"

"lets find something that can help our family survive. and thats why we need to train our magic and get stronger"

"i need to ask my dad"

"no, don't. let's just run so they wont chase us"

she seems like she doesn't know what to say.

"you trust me right?"

"i- "


03:00 AM


"luca.. lower your voice"

"oh sorry"

"i can't go out, my parents is still awake"

"then jump!"

"w what? are you crazy!"

"its okay, i will catch you"


"trust me"

with eyes closed, she jump from her room.


"that is really scary"

"sorry, but there will be something even more scarier will happen"

i put her down.

"now, lets run away"

and that's how we run away from our house. our parents are so worried. and its almost been a years since that day. our parents think that we are dead already.

and now we still training magic by our self. we're hunting monsters and animals to eat, we hunt an item that might useful in the future to.

we even got a new friends, they mostly run away from home too. but they still don't know about the apocalypse.

i will tell them later on.


01:00 AM 2021 ~ mini market

i need to take a lot of snacks because it's possible for me to get lost in the forest for five months or even a year.

i think this is enough, I don't think I have that much money on me right now.


i don't have money, i escape from house without bringing my wallet.

i don't have any intention of doing this in the first place. i only bring my phone because it's always in my pocket.

what should i do.

i have no choice.

"it cost ***". the cashier lady give me the snacks and the bill.

im staring at her for a moment.


"huh? hey! you should pay!"

then i run as fast as I can without paying the bill.

gosh, that was scary.

luckily, the cashier lady is not very good at running.

i think i should take a break now, and i will leave on the morning.

huh? what's that women doing there.

I saw a women standing on top of the bridge, the same place when I wanted to end my life.

"hey!" i shout at the women and the women turned her gaze towards me.

"what are you doing there, do you want to die?".

the women stared at me and finally open her mouth.

"it's non of your business. you are to young to understand".

"i just want to tell you that suicide is a sin".

"so? i will die anyway, so it doesn't matter".

"pfft.. that's the point, how will you ask god's forgiveness when you die". i smiled.

"if you really want to die that badly, you can ask for my help, that way your death will count as murder not suicide".

"young girl, you have to go home your mom must be worried. you don't know how i feel, You don't know what it feels like to lose your son and be so depressed that you just want to die".

what if i said that was exactly what just happened to me. not only loosing my child, the father not take a responsibility, i get bullied, my mother didn't care about me and instead she locked me in for over five months.

what happened to me is worster than you. just because im young, doesn't mean im never feel depressed and feel lonely.

"so you loose your son? is he your only child?".

"no, i have two son".

"so you want to leave your other son? imagine how he would feel, left by his mother and his brother.... ".

"if i die, he doesn't need to take care of me again and ack - ".

i push her and grab her hand.

"this is your last choice old women, choose carefully".

"this is the first time someone calling me old, everyone said that i look so young".

"that's not the answer i want to hear. if you didn't choose, i will be the one who choose it for you".

she glare at me.

"hey! what the heck are you doing!"

an unknown guy grab my hand.

"release your hand from my mom's"

"don't touch me!".

"don't touch my mom"

"if i released it she will die, so don't touch me please"

hes a little confused at my weird reaction and release his hand from me. then i pull the women.

"mom are you okay? and you, what do you want from my mom"

"i just want to help her, she want to suicide so i help her to make it murder. suicide is a sin, you know"

"but murder is a sin too"

"yeah, but i still to young to die"

the guy looks so annoyed.

"is it true mom?"


"why do you want to end your life?"

"im a burden for you"

"no your not, you are the only one I have left. dont even try to do that again"

"im sorry, i promise i wont"

the women switch her gaze towards me.

"and for you too young girl, thank you. i know that you're doing that to remind me. but still, you have to speak politely to people who is older than you. did your parents never teach you?"

"my parents never even take care of me"

the women stared at me like she understand what i mean.

then they say goodbye and left.

i too need to take a rest, i need to have enough energy to survive.


"woah this forest is really big, how do we managed to find that secret cave brother. do you know the way?"

"no, but we have to find the cave before anyone else finds it"

we have to hurry.

"guys, how about we split up? Andrea, you go with Mia. Ian, you go with Mike"

"damn, I don't wanna go with ian" mike grumbling.

It seems like Mike doesn't want to go with Ian. but there is no other choice, Mia has to go with Andrea because Hanna is not there.

"how about you brother?"

"I will go alone"

"i want to go with broter luca"

"You can't, there's something else I have to do. so you go with sister andrea"

"ugh.. fine"

"Are you sure you will go alone?"

i pat mia's head.


i look at my friends.

"okay, now we split up. if you find the cave, contact me"

and we split up.

actually, the reason why i want to split up is not because i dont know the way, but its because there is an item i want to find.

memory peeking, I've wanted this for a long time to see other people's pasts.

so that I can find out the enemy's secrerts.

i hope no one find the secret cave yet.
