
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

CHAPTER 2 - The Skill of a Hero. Part 1.

CHAPTER 2 - The Skill of a Hero. Part 1.

Vampires, a race that, honestly, never interested me. Before becoming a hero, I spent all my time working and protecting my orphaned siblings, and after awakening the [Hero] job, I spent all my time training with my companions, ensuring that we were all equally powerful and good friends. I was never interested in knowing more about this world because I didn't have time to investigate, I only know the basics.

Vampires were one of the most powerful demonic races, with the potential to become as powerful as the Demon King. That's why I killed the Vampire Queen the very day I learned of this, to avoid unnecessary risks. Huh? What? Yes, on the very same day, I searched for and killed her, and she was at a level similar to the Demon King, or at least that's what I heard from some high-ranking demons.

Yes, I could definitely defeat the Demon King without any trouble when I awakened the [Hero] job, but I didn't because… Well… The main reason would be that at that time I didn't know I had regained my original power, and the secondary reason would be that… I wanted to have friends. Or, rather, to try to do things right this time.

That's why I never went to kill the Demon King on my own, because I wanted to do it with the help of my friends, to strengthen our friendship and become friends forever… Ah, but it didn't turn out as I expected and I only wasted 10 years of my life.




"I'm talking to her."

"She's mute, officer."

The officer in charge of registering the entry looked at the crystal orb, which is a magical device that detects lies, and since it didn't activate, he believed me.

I can easily enter my house using a portal, but since Yuik will live with me, I must get her an ID to avoid problems in the future, with taxes and suspicions.

"What's wrong with your…?"

He fell silent, waiting for me to respond.

Friend? No, it would be easier to get her an ID if she's related to me.


And since I know how to use magic so they don't know I'm lying, the crystal orb didn't activate.

"So, your sister, Dreimo. Haha. You don't look alike at all. She got all the beauty, huh?"

Say what you want, I know I'm somewhat handsome, at least above average.

I'm very sociable with the people who live here, so I have acquaintances in different places, like with the guards, guild employees, and the academy. The more acquaintances I have, the more chances I have of finding trustworthy friends, and even a girlfriend.

"If she's your sister, there will be no problem with the paperwork. Just fill out this form."

He handed us a form. Well, let's finish this so we can go.

"Hey, by the way…"- He said, before I covered his face with the form.

I recognize that smile, you jerk.

"Our parents died recently and she's devastated. Not today, please."

"Oh… I'm sorry, I didn't know."

I know your reputation as a womanizer. If you dare harass her, I'll cut off your testicles.

I filled out the form as quickly as I could and we went to my house.

I used illusion magic on her to make the streets look empty. She had a panic or anxiety attack, she got too agitated seeing so many people, so I did this.

"I live nearby, it's not far."

At least she calmed down a bit seeing the empty streets.

... Yuik is a Vampire. I know it was necessary, but it worries me. If an ordinary Vampire has the potential to reach the power of the Demon King, a Vampire created by me should have twice that potential. I defeated the Vampire Queen without knowing her true power or that of her subjects. Was she really powerful? And her subjects too? They died when I killed the Queen, so I couldn't see them in action.

Maybe the rumors are exaggerations, but it does worry me. I feel a very kind soul in Yuik, but I'm afraid she might be corrupted by power.

Vampires are a mystery to me. Ah, I need to investigate this.

I returned home and laid Yuik on the bed. The room was clean and well-lit, and the bed was soft and comfortable, no need to make any changes, it's perfect. She needed to rest after all that had happened, so I left her alone for a moment. Meanwhile, I went to prepare something to eat for her. Something simple, a sandwich, since I don't know how to cook. I wanted her to feel at home.

She needs to rest in a comfortable place because she probably had been sleeping on the ground all this time. Lying in a comfortable bed will make her realize that her life has changed and that her suffering is over.

After a few minutes, I returned to the room with a tray of food. I left it on the nightstand and asked:

"Are you comfortable? Is the pillow soft?"

She was still trembling with fear and nodded timidly. Ah, yes, I know, it was normal for her not to trust me after all that had happened, so I set out to show her that she had nothing to fear. How? With actions and words. More actions than words. Anyone can say something, but that doesn't mean they'll do it. I won't give her false promises that I can't keep.

Well, I'm a stranger to her, and considering all she has suffered, it's understandable that she doesn't trust me, someone she barely knows. She doesn't even hope that I am a good person, she probably thinks I plan to do something bad to her… Ah… Yes, she definitely thinks I want to do something bad to her. She's thinking that I want to abuse her.

Suddenly, I saw Yuik start to undress, so I stopped her, shaking my head.

"No, stop. I don't want to see you naked."

And out of fear, she stopped.

"Don't misunderstand my actions. I genuinely want to help you, I don't want anything in return."

I knew she had been abused by many men and that's why she didn't trust men in general. I had to do something to make her trust me.

I would never rape someone… At least my current self wouldn't.

I would like to say the same about my past self, but I did worse things.

"You're free, Yuik. No one will force you to do something you don't want to do."

I patted her head, trying to calm her down. I know touching her is inappropriate, but at least I want to try. I don't want her to think she disgusts me.

She's too used to every man who sees her abusing her. She trusts no one, least of all a man. I must show her with actions that I don't intend to hurt her.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything bad to you. I know it's hard for you to trust someone, but you can trust me. Or at least try."

Despite my words, Yuik was still trembling and scared. Yes, I know, it will take a long time, but I want her to sleep peacefully tonight. I have to do something to make her trust me, at least a little.

I am like her. I suffered the same as she did. I want her to realize that my empathy for her is genuine because we both suffered the same.

It was time to tell her about me, to tell her my story, or at least part of my story, omitting all the pain I caused to millions of people throughout my life.

"In my past life… Well, in my first life, I was also abused, just like in my second life… But I managed to move forward with my life. You can start a new life too."

It's hard to accept that the suffering one has lived through doesn't disappear easily, and this is especially true for those who have suffered abuse and trauma. Yuik had been subjected to abuse and torment by bandits who delighted in her suffering. The situation had left a deep scar on her mind and spirit, and even though she was now a physically healthy Vampire thanks to my help, she couldn't shake off the pain that haunted her.

Although she didn't trust me, I was still willing to help her as much as I could. As her friend, I wanted to be by her side and do everything possible to prevent her from suffering again. However…

"Living without wanting to live is not life, it's a hell."

I realized that I couldn't force her to trust me or to keep living if she didn't want to. It was her life, her decision, and I had to respect her choice.

It was then that I took out from my [Magic Storage] a knife with a special poison. I knew this might sound very extreme, but I did it with the intention of offering her a quick and painless option.

I won't force her to live just to satisfy my own desires, I won't use her as an object. She decides her life.

It hurts to see a person as pure as her die without having been happy, but at least in paradise, she might find happiness.

"If you cut yourself with this, you will die immediately without feeling pain. When I analyzed your body, I realized many things. You inflicted many of your own wounds. They removed your teeth to prevent you from committing suicide, so you used your hands to cut your veins, and that's why they cut them off. You had fractures in your skull, so you tried to commit suicide by hitting your head, but you failed. Those bandits kept you alive to continue enjoying themselves... That's disgusting."

According to the report of sins that useless Goddess sent me, Yuik has tried to commit suicide many times, but the bandits prevented it. She doesn't want to live, and knowing that really makes me feel... sad.

"That's why I'll give you two options. Number 1: Death. End your suffering right now and rest forever. Number 2: Start a new life... It's your decision... I recommend number 2. I know you suffered a lot and just want to die, but you have the right to move on with your life and forget the past... Everyone deserves to be happy. And it makes me sad to know that you will die without having been happy... I can see in your eyes that you have suffered all your life. How do I know? Because you have the same look I had in my first life. If you stay by my side as my friend, I guarantee you will never suffer again and will have a normal and comfortable life, without pain. But if you no longer want to live and finally want to die, then choose number 1. It's your life, it's your decision."

I lifted my hair so she could see my eyes better. It is said that eyes confirm when a person is lying or telling the truth. I want her to realize that everything I'm saying is true, I'm not lying. I really do want her to be my friend. I don't want her to die without having been happy.

Ah, I'm a hypocrite, I know. I did the same harm to thousands... to millions... to hundreds of billions of people in the past. The same harm those bandits did to her. But I'm not the same as before, I changed... or so I hope.

The damage I did can't be fixed, that's why I at least want to make up for my mistake, at least a little.

"Please, make a decision. I really want to be your friend, I have no other motives. I don't see you as a sexual object. I just want to be your friend... I just want to have a friend."

Ah... It's time for the truth. Whatever her decision is, I will respect it.

I handed her the knife, and she held it, trembling. I watched intently, knowing she was making one of the hardest decisions of her life.

But finally... she placed the knife to her neck and seemed ready to go through with it. But then, she hesitated. She's trying to muster the courage to do it, but she will definitely do it.

I felt sad for her, knowing that life had been too cruel to her. But at least soon she will be happy, I will make sure of that.

Finally, she made her decision, and I respected it. She is determined to die.

I hope Sant gets her the best spot in paradise.

"... I guess you've decided... I will respect your decision... I'll prepare a coffin. I just want to say one last thing. Life may seem painful to you, but that doesn't mean it always will be. Friends, love, nature, entertainment, the pleasure of rest. There are so many things worth experiencing and enjoying in life. But well... I hope you'll be happy in paradise."

Because if they don't accept you in paradise because you were saved by me, I'll personally kick the ass of the God who prevented your entrance to paradise.

"It was a pleasure meeting you."

I left the room and sighed.

"I really wanted her to be happy."

No one saved me, but at least I was able to save her.

That won't erase the mistakes I made, but at least it makes me feel a little better about myself.

I want to be happy, and I don't want my past to ruin my life.

Everything is ready. I need to bury her body in the forest. I'll give her a dignified burial and then ask that useless Goddess if she went to paradise. If they sent her to hell or tried to erase her soul just because I saved her, I might end up killing a God again.

I entered the room... Huh?

"What are you doing?"

She is standing, looking at her hands and legs. Appreciating her healthy body? Did she regret committing suicide? Her expression hasn't changed, but her fear has decreased, at least a little.

Has she reconsidered her actions? I hope so. I want to be her friend and give her a happy life. I want her to have a normal life, just like I'm having.

If a monster like me is having a normal life, she can also have a normal and peaceful life, without pain.

"You don't want to die?"

She shook her head.

"... Do you want to start a new life...? Wait, please."

I took out a pencil and paper from my [Magic Storage] and handed it to her. This will make our communication easier. I hope she knows how to write.

"Write what you want to say. Do you know how to read and write?"

She nodded and started writing.

She handed me the paper and I read it.

It says: "I want to repay you for what you did for me. You look sad. I want to be your friend."

Wow. Does it show that I'm not happy...? Well, I'm finally having a normal life, but I have no friends and live with the guilt of living a normal life despite not deserving it.

Having friends is something I want, so I don't live a lonely life and feel loved. I also want to have a wife, but it's hard for me to fall in love because I stopped believing in love... No... I didn't stop believing in love... I stopped believing that I deserve to be loved.

But she says she wants to repay me for what I did for her. I don't want that. I don't want her to do something she doesn't want to do just because I want her to stay alive.

"... It's not necessary, I won't force you to live. It's your life, it's your decision. Please, think carefully about what you want to do with your life and don't think about what others want."

She shook her head and approached me.

I handed her the paper and she wrote the following: "I'll go to hell if I commit suicide, and I want to see my younger brothers again. I must not commit suicide. Please, be my friend. I don't want to be alone. I also want to be your friend."

Her family is dead, as I suspected. She was probably a victim of a bandit attack in her village.

I hope her brothers were older than 10 years because if they were younger than 10 years... they've already reincarnated and aren't in paradise.

"Are your brothers dead?"

She nodded... I see.


I'm afraid to ask about her brothers' ages, I don't want to live with that uncertainty.

I know Gods in person. There is paradise and hell, but it doesn't matter how you die, only the actions you did while you were alive matter.

If she dies, she will most likely go to paradise, but I'm forbidden from mentioning that I know Gods... and my words won't convince her. The Rauk church forbids suicide. Yuik believes in that God. Her relatives must have been very religious. Names ending with a "K" are very common among believers of the God Rauk.

Tsk. Stupid God. People's lives are theirs, they decide what to do with their life, not you. I no longer feel guilty for what I did to you.

... But she tried to commit suicide more than once... Her desperation and pain forced her to make that decision despite her God forbidding it.

She truly lived a hellish life.

"... Do you trust me?"

She nodded.

I don't feel she's lying, but she's not telling the truth either. She doesn't trust me that much, but she trusts me enough to try to be my friend... Thank you.

If only you knew how happy you've made me just by saying that, a happiness I haven't felt in a long time.

"... You won't betray me?"

She shook her head... She's not lying... She's not lying to me.

S-she isn't capable of betraying me.

"... Thank you. Really, thank you."

I would hug her, but I shouldn't touch her too much, it might make her uncomfortable.

She didn't commit suicide because she wants to see her brothers again. She's placing all her hope in me, hope that she regained. I can see in her eyes that she doesn't trust me yet, but I promise to earn her trust with actions and not just words. Her gaze hasn't changed, and she's still trembling. She hopes that I am a good person... If she suffers again, she will completely lose hope again and commit suicide. I must avoid her feeling uncomfortable at all costs. I won't let her suffer again.

And I'll kill anyone who bothers her without hesitation, regardless of their gender, age, or social status.

"I promise I won't hurt you. I want you to be happy." I said, smiling.

I raised my hand and she closed her eyes tightly... She thought I was going to hit her.

Don't worry, you won't suffer again.

I gently patted her head.

"Not everyone is bad. Let's go have dinner."

I walked away from her. I need to earn her trust. It will take a long time, but I can do it.

I looked back at her. She's walking with her head down... She has suffered a lot. I want her to be happy, and I'll do anything to make her happy. I want to see a genuine smile on that pretty face.

... "Not everyone is bad"? Yes, that's true, but... Ah... I want to be a good person, but I've done so many horrible things in my life that I don't deserve a chance for redemption. My current self considers himself a good person, but my past will always haunt me. My mistakes will never disappear.

I better stop thinking about that. Now I am Dreimo, a librarian, not a hero, much less a villain.

Just a humble librarian who wants to have friends.