
Chapter 17

Southern Mesopotamia

2803 BC, Agade city

"Come on, Speed Up! "Frightened by Gulan's shouting, the prisoners sped away. The prisoners were taken to the front of the palace behind the gaze of the Akkadians. After a while, they saw King Ningul waiting for them with 30 soldiers.

"My king, I have brought new tribal leaders who have rebelled in some of the places we have captured. "Gulan calmly explained. Ningul looked at the captive tribal leaders. "Why did you rebel?"

A brave tribal leader raised his head. "Because you wanted to invade us. My father died because of your ambition!"

The other tribal leaders, afraid that Ningul would get angry, trembled. But Ningul only looked at the brave man. "And who is your father?"

"My father, Maluk, devoted his life to protecting us. But you killed him! "The brave man looked at Ningul grudge. Ningul sharpened his eyes and looked at the other tribal leaders. "So if you're as good as your father, dedicate your life to other tribal leaders. Save the lives of others in exchange for your head. How?"

"I accept. So that the children of the other tribe may not be left fatherless in like me. "Even Gulan was impressed by the brave man's words. Ningul looked at the soldier standing next to him. "Release the tribal leaders."

The soldiers obeyed the order and released the tribal leaders. The freed tribal leaders stood up excitedly. He was brought to Ningul by the soldiers. A tribal leader, who was cunning, approached Ningul.

"Where are you going! "A soldier cut in front of the tribal leader. The tribal leader was immediately scared. He was about to go back, but Ningul saw the old man. He gave orders to his soldiers. "Let him come."

A sigh of relief greeted the tribal leader. Then he went to Ningul. He bowed. "I am at your service, My King."

Some tribal leaders also noticed this and went to Ningul's side. The Brave man, who was about to be taken away by the soldiers, carefully looked at the Tribal leaders and Ningul. One of the tribal leaders said, "My king, when you defeated the Maluk, who forced me into the coalition, I saw salvation."

When the Maluk's son heard this, he got angry and looked at the man who said this. But the soldier squeezed his neck more and more and had to collapse again. When Tribal leader saw that Ningul was not bothered by his words, he continued his ugly words. "My king, Maluk was a very disgusting man. Tribal leader was shameless and inseparable from prostitutes. He was a bastard who rotted his bloodline. Killing the Maluk was officially a gift to his ancestors."

Ningul, who had been looking at the Tribal Leaders who were flattering for a while, looked at his soldier. "Go and bring me the son of Maluk."

The soldier turned and looked at the soldiers holding Maluk's son. "Bring it. The king wants him with him."

The soldiers lifted Maluk's son and brought him towards Ningul. Stopping in front of Ningul, the Maluk's son turned his eyes to the tribal leaders. "Traitors!"

Some tribal leaders were embarrassed, but they turned their faces to another side so as not to show it. Ningul looked at the Maluk's son calmly. "What's your name?"

"My name is Nahul. "Turning his eyes to Ningul, Nahul calmly said his name. Ningul, who heard the name, asked." I'm asking you again. In exchange for your head, do you want the tribe members to survive?"

Nahul's eyes widened. "I've changed my mind. I don't want it!"

Ningul smiled kindly at the agitated tribal leaders. "Soldiers, take them all and execute them."

Before the tribal leaders had time to escape, 15 soldiers grabbed the tribal leaders and took them away. "My King, please have mercy!

A random tribal leader begged, but Ningul didn't care. Then he returned to Nahul. "Get up."

Nahul, who had risen to his feet, looked thoughtfully at the floor. Looking at the thoughtful Nahul, Ningul had an idea. He turned his eyes to Gulan. "Gulan, take Nahul with you and educate him. Teach everything necessary him. And then whenever you decide that Nahul is ready. Give Nahul your assignment and come back here."

"What do you say, Nahul. Do you want to serve us?" Evaluating Ningul's offer, Nahul shook his head. Ningul, he smiled. "All right, you can go."

Gulan and Nahul, who had bowed down, turned around. Then Ningul also returned to his palace. Riding horses, Nahul and Gulan set off with 400 soldiers behind them.

While Gulan and Nahul were on their way, the envoys of Uruk and Egypt were talking elsewhere. The Egyptian ambassador looked at the Sumerian in front of him with a smile.

"As you know, the aggressive behavior of the Akkads puts us in danger. One day we may be attacked by the Akkadians too. " Egyptian ambassador told calmly." We must call a halt to this. At first we wanted to make an offer to King Etana, but he and king Ningul of Akkadian are on good terms. This makes us unable to make a deal."

"He refused us. We also found the remedy in Uruk, which is indispensable in Mesopotamia. Maybe there can be a friendship between us that will last a long time. We promise. Egypt will always support the Uruk city-state. In return, you will provide us with military and financial support. "After the Egyptian man finished his speech, the Uruk ambassador thought for a while.

"You think the way we think. We accept your offer. My king, he will be happy about this. "The Egyptian envoy smiled contentedly. "I've heard about your famous wine. They say it's delicious."

"Come, let us offer it to you." The Sumerian messenger looked at the soldiers behind him. "Go and get me some wine."

The envoys, who were talking happily after the soldier brought the wines, left after a while.


Middle East,

2801 BC, Army Camp

"Well done,go on like this!" Nuhal, who received the mission from Gulan with an army of his own, was training his own soldiers. After Nahul received Gulan's personal training for 1 year, Nahul almost looked like a Knight. His blond hair, blue eyes gave him a noble air. Plus, the fact that he was an honorable man made Nahul look more like a knight.

Nahul, who was a novice just 5 months ago, now, in his own words, looked at his Knights with pride. He did not know what the concept of chivalry was at first. One night in a dream, he saw 150 incredibly armored soldiers at a round table and a small blonde girl sitting at the at Throne. When he heard the blonde girl call a soldier a Knight, he liked this name very much. Then he called the soldiers in his unit Knights. İn another dream he learned the word apprentice. Then he told the King about the concepts he had seen in his dreams.

Ningul interpreted Nahul's dream as a prophecy. Then he liked these concepts himself and gave Nahul's unit the title of Akkadian Knights. He also granted autonomy to Nahul with the condition that it be subordinate to the Akkadian Kingdom. Ningul left it to Nahul's command for 1 year to see the potential of these troops named Chivalry. Then he decided to give the Knights a trial.

For 1 Year, Nahul has strictly trained his Knights to be honest, Honorable and Fair. 100 Laps every morning and A 10-minute lunch break at noon, followed by sword fighting until the evening, then the basics, go to bed at night and do the same program again in the morning. 1 Year had passed like this. The Knights, who had whined at first, had now become the best among the Akkadian army. Such a big development in just 1 year had surprised everyone, including Ningul.

Then the day of trial had come. Nahul, having prepared the knights, set out.

The Knights who set out proceeded in a disciplined manner. Then they came to Agade 10 days later. The Akkadians looked with admiration at the Knights, who looked magnificent and holy.

The knights advanced and knelt before their King."Hail to the sword of God...!"

Ningul looked at the Knights, disciplined and filled with strength. He was amazed. From recruits in just 1 year, they became the strongest unit in Akkadian. "Get up, my knights."

The knights quickly stood up and stood upright. Looking at the powerful Knights, the Akkadian people were filled with pride. Then, under the leadership of Nahul, the Knights took out their swords, which were of bronze, and stuck them hard into the ground. The ground was easily pierced and the swords stuck in the ground.

"We are ready, my king! Please give us an order! " Nahul, he knelt down and bowed his neck. Ningul smiled in an interesting way. "Your first task is to kill the Troll that has destroyed some villages on our land. To bring me the Troll's ear as proof."

"Yes, my King! 'Nahul stood up. He started to go out, heading north.

7 Days later, the Akkadian Knights found an angry troll. Nahul took out his sword and gave orders in a harsh voice. "Knights, attack! May the Great God be with you!"

By Nahul's order, the Knights attacked. Nahul advanced and jumped using the troll's hand, who was about to punch him. He landed to the back of the troll.

He leveled his sword and stabbed at the troll's waist. Immediately, the troll, who felt pain, shouted. As he was about to return to Nahul, 2 Knights stabbed their swords into the troll's feet. The troll raised his hand and was about to hit the Knights who were at his feet, when the other Knights threw a rope over the Troll's head. The Knights who pulled the rope wrapped around the head of the troll managed to drop the Troll even if it was difficult.

The Troll, who fell to the ground, tried to get away, but in his effort the Knights stuck their swords into the troll's neck. Then Nahul plunged his sword into the troll's head. The troll died with a sword thrust to the head.

The retreating Knights waited for the order of their leader. Nuhal cut off the Troll's ears with his sword. Then he turned to his Knights. "Let's go back!"

Having burned the troll's body, the Knights mounted their horses and rode back towards Agade.

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