
Chapter 24

"I think this will do," says Seth looking at the circle made of several runes wrapped around the floor.

"Now we take the Shizue pendant and put it in the middle," he says walking to the center and placing the pendant on the floor.

Let's start the first treatment," he says, putting his hands on the floor, his magic circuits begin to fill with mana, and then the runes on the floor begin to light.

[Third True Magic: Heavens Feel]

The air in the shifting surroundings, nature itself seemed to rage with the gusting winds that circled the place.

Heavens Feel as a True Magic required a lot of mana and Seth with just a few minutes of activation was already feeling tired

Gritting his teeth, he continues to push more and more mana at the runes that have the function of channeling all soul energy into Shizue and not wasting anything even with his lack of control over magic.

His sweat is starting to run down his body until he can't handle it anymore and falls to his knees on the floor.

"Huuf huuf wearing mana like that really makes me tired" complains Seth as he stands up and takes the pendant

You can see the silhouette of Shizue sleeping inside the pendant and now energy surrounded her as she stopped absorbing her.

"The problem will be to make a new body for you Shizue" he thinks putting the pendant and sitting next to a tree

"Now, let's see how they are," says Seth with a small smile on his face.

your eyes then start to get embarrassed and in your vision two girls stand side by side fighting a big bear

Aya and Elen were evidently tired and injured, but they were still fighting the big bear.

"Well, it looks like they're fine for now," he says and begins to close his eyes slowly, "I think it's time for me now," he thinks finally falling into his dear dream world.

2 weeks later

"AAAHHHHHH" yells Elen as she runs away from a large group of lions next to Aya, "Aya-chan please do something I can't take anymore running" yells Elen running nonstop

"I'd love to, but if I quit I think that with their sizes they can eat me with a single bite," says Aya nonstop as well, "Elen-chan, let's split up, so it's easier to deal with them with lower numbers." "says Aya and without waiting starts running in a different direction than Elen

"Hey Aya wait, please wait me Ayaaaaa" yells Elen as she sees Aya running away from her next to another group of lions

"hahahaha look like they're in trouble" says Seth laughing at the top of the cliff that had thrown them before while watching them

"Hm? What is that?" says Seth when he sees a large group coming towards the two

(Rock goes towards that group to see what they are) says Seth telepathically

(Ok) Rock responds and with a flap of wings he quickly gets closer to the spot

Seth's eyes begin to blur and his vision shifts to Rock's

"Pigs walking on two legs? They look very strong with these heavy armor" thinks Seth to see many bipedal pigs wearing black heavy armor with axes and swords in hand

"Will they survive?" thinks Seth as he sees the direction of the pigs, "I better go rescue them," says Seth preparing to go down the cliff, "Wait what's that?" says Seth surprised to see ahead a group of six tired and bruised people running from the pig

"Aya, Elen an emergency! It looks like a group of pigs are coming towards us as they chase 5 people to go north to kill them, I'm leaving too," says Seth telepathically to the two girls.

The two were surprised for a second but soon changed to an expressive

"Okay master" said the two girls in unison even though they are not in the same place, the next moment the two stop running and turn to the lions in a serious way, the two cowardly girls running from lions before even seem to exist anymore

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