
I own an Island in an apocalyptic world

Kael while he was still a child , a fire broke out at his home and his parents sacrificed their lives to save him , even though he survived the fire accident , he was disfigured and looked ugly. He was betrayed and killed by a guy , he thought he was his only friend. “ If there is a next life i want to born in this planet after humans gone extinct “ [ Host was discovered, integrating the system with the host's soul….. integration is completed…. Beginning the reborn process….. reborn is completed ]

LuoFeng915 · Kỳ huyễn
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73 Chs

Face down with Roller level 1 zombie leader

A few hours back...

As a bonus reward, he didn't just get one-time full recovery; he also gained access to the shop. Additionally, he obtained 100 points as a one-time reward for killing a Level 1 zombie leader, a zombified alligator.

"System, how can I get these points?"

[Each zombie that you kill will gain you 1 point. Killing a Level 1 zombie leader will gain you 50 points...]

It took a few minutes for Kael to digest all the information given by the system.

He had gone through so much, and he had also advanced and evolved further in appearance and strength.

He was hungry, so he opened the shop and started looking for dishes to eat.

He found the food section and opened it.

"What? A cup of rice costs 10 points? I have to kill 10 zombies just to get one cup of rice? Are you kidding me?"

After fighting a few inner battles, he decided to be frugal and save points, which were way more precious than any currency he had seen in his past life.

"Okay, I will make do with instant noodles," he moved his hand to click on instant noodles.

The instant noodles picture blinked for a moment and appeared in front of him, hovering in the air. "Why do I feel like this world is some kind of game? I don't know if everything is real or not, but I know one thing for sure: I'm real, and what I'm experiencing in this apocalyptic world is real."

At present...

"I can't always stay alert; I need something that can detect life signatures up to 1 km distance around me."

[Host, the mini scanner costs 20 points. Do you want to buy it?]


[Please confirm the order... Click on the empty square if you want to not see this alert again.]

"In case in the future I mistakenly make a wrong purchase, this alert will be useful at that time," Kael confirmed the order but didn't click on the empty square.

A small band appeared hovering in the air; he moved his hand to touch the band, and it disappeared and appeared on his right-hand wrist.

"Let's test this mini scanner," he reached out his left hand and touched the screen.

The touchscreen glowed for a moment, and a 3D projection appeared on top of his hand.

He issued a command, "Scan for any life signatures."

Beep... beep...

After a few beeps, an alert appeared in front of his face, "No life signatures are detected within a 1 km distance."

"Oh, that's good," he then changed the function of the band and started scanning for zombies.

"Oh, looks like this place is a paradise for zombies," Kael murmured while looking at the 3D projection.

[Host, your goal is to reach Apex in this apocalyptic world. A strong leader needs subordinates, and you need a place to live and grow stronger for your subordinates. Therefore, a special mission is issued to you. The time duration of this mission is one month. Successful completion will grant you an island as a reward. Failure means a penalty: you will be stripped of your titles that you earned, and you will have to begin everything from the start.]

"Begin everything from the start? No way! Every title I will earn from now on, while keeping my life on the line. There is no way I will fail this mission," Kael murmured while clenching his fists tightly.

[Mission requirements: kill 10 Level 1 Zombie leaders or 5 Level 2 zombie leaders.]

"Hmm, 10 Level 1 Zombies, right?"

"Scan and give me the hideouts of these Level 1 zombie leaders," Kael issued the command.

[Scanning is initiated. 5 Level 1 zombie leaders' hideouts have been spotted.]

"Give me the details of the nearest one."

[Roller type Level 1 zombie leader, 200 meters far from you. Its hideout is in the park.]

"Roller type? What's this? I never saw this kind of zombie in the Resident Evil movie in my past life."

Kael didn't waste any more time. He stretched his body and slightly bent his body, then he ran towards the direction where the park is.

Within a few minutes, he arrived at the destination, and he stomped on the ground to stop himself from moving forward due to inertia.


He looked down; the whole park was scattered with different sizes of bones.

"Damn it, how many humans did this Zombie leader digest till now?" Kael murmured while looking around in high alert.

Since he became strong, his senses also became sharp.

"Du... du... du..."

"Where did this sound come from?" Kael looked around, but he didn't find any movement. Suddenly, he thought of a possibility and somersaulted backwards.


The Roller came out of the ground, and Kael narrowly missed the roll attack by a few inches.

It came to a halt and glared at him with its bloodthirsty gaze.

"Hmm, from the looks of you, you haven't eaten anything for these few days and are very hungry. Yeah, I can understand your situation, but see, you can't just eat us like we are some kind of live stock. I won't just sit here and let you eat me. Come on, let's see if you are stronger than me or if I'm stronger than you."


The zombie growled at him and rolled towards him.

"The heck, it is way faster than Cannonbolt from the Ben 10 series," Kael cursed with an annoyed look on his face while dodging the roll attack.

"Looks like I have to use the iconic weapon to take it down," Kael murmured and opened the weapon section in the shop.

"Hmm, system, can you create a custom weapon for me?" asked Kael while dodging the roll attacks from the roller.

[1 point will be deducted for every mod that you add to your custom weapon.]

"What the heck? Why are you deducting points for even adding mods to a custom weapon? I just want to buy a baseball bat, not some machine gun or something."

[Host, I will add whatever mod you ask for to your custom weapon, and I only take 1 point for each mod that I add, so please stop being stingy.]

"Your grandpa is stingy. Do you think these points are falling from the sky like rain?" Kael cursed inwardly.

"Okay, make the metal body using Tungsten, add metal spikes at the top half of the bat, make a solid rubber grip, add impact resistance, and the bat has to be in silver color."

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