
I own an Island in an apocalyptic world

Kael while he was still a child , a fire broke out at his home and his parents sacrificed their lives to save him , even though he survived the fire accident , he was disfigured and looked ugly. He was betrayed and killed by a guy , he thought he was his only friend. “ If there is a next life i want to born in this planet after humans gone extinct “ [ Host was discovered, integrating the system with the host's soul….. integration is completed…. Beginning the reborn process….. reborn is completed ]

LuoFeng915 · Kỳ huyễn
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73 Chs

A Tragic story of a mother with two kids

"Haha... I run like a mad dog. If any kid dies, I will tear every bastard involved in it into pieces," Kael murmured angrily while wiping the sweat beads from his forehead.




"I won't let you touch the kids. Kids will stay with us," Rita shouted, extending her hands like a mother chicken protecting its chicks.

Sita and Rita both had red finger marks on their cheeks, and blood dripped down from the corners of their mouths.

"Hehe, if you are obedient, you can stay alive for a few days. If not, you will become tender meat along with these kids," said James with a sadistic smile on his face.

"James, bro, I'm very hungry. Let's kill these bitches. There's no need for them to be alive to fuck them," said Henry, taking the handmade gun into his arms. He aimed the gun at the head, and suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his neck as Kael lifted him into the air from behind.


"Who are you? What's happening here is none of your business. Scram if you don't want to lose your life," shouted James, pointing his gun at Kael.

" Crack…."

Kael broke Henry's hand. "You know what? A gentleman will never lay his hand on a helpless woman. Don't mention slapping them until your finger marks are etched on their cheeks," said Kael, controlling the anger burning inside him.



Kael threw Henry to the ground like a dead chicken and appeared in front of James before he could react and shoot at him.

Kael held the gun barrel and slowly bent it in James's direction, his eyes widened as if they were close to falling out of his eye sockets.

"Variant... Spare me... Don't kill me..." James loosened his grip on the handmade gun and ran away without turning back.

Kael moved at lightning speed, grabbed the back of James's neck, and dragged him back to Henry.

*Crack... Crack...*

He then threw them to the ground and turned to the young ladies. "I'm sorry I failed to stand by my words. I will make sure it never happens again. These two guys, I will leave them to you. You can kill them however you like," said Kael with an apologetic look on his face.

"Sisters, no, grandmothers, please spare our lives. We will never do bad things in our lives again," shouted James and Henry at the same time, panic evident on their faces.

Entering the factory, Kael was hit by the strong scent of blood. He followed the trail and entered the storage room.

"What the fuck?" Kael was taken aback by the shocking scene. Many survivors were missing half their bodies, some with missing limbs like hands, legs, and thighs.

"Please kill us, stop torturing us, kill us already," the survivors murmured with voices filled with despair.

*Sigh.* Kael felt sad as he summoned his sword and ended their misery with a few slashes.

He heard a faint cry and moved towards its source. There lay a naked woman. Kael reached out to move her aside, revealing a little girl and a baby in her arms.

"System, scan them. Will the lives of the kid and the baby be saved?"

[Yes, the lives of the kid and the baby can be saved.]

"Nice." He immediately bought a few tonics and poured them into their mouths.


The little girl woke up, and the baby started crying due to hunger. He had come there after hearing the faint cry of the baby.

"Little bro, you're so resilient. Don't worry, you are part of my family from today onwards," Kael murmured while putting the nipple into the baby's mouth and holding the bottle in his right arm, while his left arm cradled the baby.

He raised the girl and laid her on his shoulder. Then, he took out a petrol can and poured it all over the place. Taking the matchbox, he lit a match before throwing it on the ground and slowly walking away.

The sudden blast startled the kids and young ladies. Kael reached them and gave the baby to Sita and the unconscious girl to Rita.

Turning to look at the bloody gruesome death of those two guys, he thought, "Sigh, who said women are gentle and kind-hearted? Whoever said those words has to come here and look at this scene."

"Let's go, the blast will attract the zombies. It's best to leave this place as fast as possible," Kael said, and they all moved away.

Continuing their journey, they took temporary shelter in a building at night. Of course, Kael cleared the building, and they had another huge meal before going to bed.

The baby slept peacefully, and the girl woke up, having had a tummy full of a meal.

"How did you, your brother, and mother end up in that factory?" asked Kael.

"We are actually living in the Vulture Wings Shelter, but a few days back, it was attacked by enemies, and they enslaved our people. My mother found a way to escape somehow, and she thought we could take refuge in New Dawn Colony. So, we started our journey there. Since we are alone and don't have any kind of protection, we carefully moved forward. But still, we were ambushed by those guys, and they forcefully kidnapped us, throwing us into the storage room," she paused, starting to cry.

"Hic... Hic... My mother shared all the food with me and only had very little since she had to feed my brother. Day after day, seeing how they ate human flesh broke my mother. She tried to escape from that place. We were still caught by them, dragged back, and thrown back into the storage room. Then, every day, they started giving injections to my mother. I heard them say it was a drug, and they did very bad things to her after she was injected. She did everything they said on the promise that they wouldn't touch me. But one day, she didn't get up after taking that injection. I cried and shouted, but she didn't move at all," she continued crying, hiccupping.

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