
I own a Magic Castle

This tale follows Rodrigo's journey through grief and despair after losing his mother, his last source of joy. With no one else left and feeling utterly abandoned, Rodrigo contemplates ending his own life. However, his encounter with a spirit who owns a Magic Castle changes the course of his fate. The question arises: is this a story of Rodrigo stumbling upon a treasure amidst his darkest hour, or will it lead him further into the depths of despair?

Emkaydo · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Don't say that again!

Connor's blood boiled at Ben's interference, but he knew better than to provoke someone with Ben's influence in the school. Ben's wealthy father made him untouchable in certain circles, and Connor didn't want to risk his standing by antagonizing him further.

"Ben, the self-proclaimed freedom fighter, why not let the man speak for himself? Or is he too shy?" Connor shot back, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Meanwhile, Rodrigo remained lost in thought, his attention fixated on Anita. Despite the ongoing exchange between Ben and Connor, his focus remained solely on her.

Driven by a combination of affection and vulnerability, Rodrigo finally found the courage to express himself, his words cutting through the chaos around them.

"Do you want me dead? Would that finally bring a smile to your face?" he began, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Every time I'm near you, you never smile, no matter how hard I try to make you. It would mean the world to me if you could just pretend, just for a moment, to make me happy.

I know I've overstepped my bounds and acted like a jerk. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused you. I came here today to apologize, to try to make things right."

He paused, his gaze unwavering as he continued, "I live for two things: you and my mom. I've lost one, and it seems the other doesn't want me either. I've decided to give up and find peace."

As he stood close to her, his heart laid bare, he awaited her response, unsure of what he would find.

"With that, I believe I'll find peace and perhaps bring a smile to your face. Even if you won't shed a tear over my departure," Rodrigo said, his smile bittersweet as he gazed into Anita's eyes.

"But know that I will always love you, Anita. Goodbye."

As Rodrigo turned to leave, Connor and Ben were engrossed in their own argument and failed to fully grasp the gravity of Rodrigo's words, except for Anita and her friend who watched in shock.

Realization dawned on Connor as Rodrigo walked away, prompting him to hurl a spiteful comment. "Yeah, go to hell, you son of a bitch!"

Rodrigo halted in his tracks, his anger flaring as he turned to face Connor. "Don't you dare say that again!" His voice was clear and forceful, his senses sharpened by rage.

"What? A bitch? Your mum's a—" Connor's retort was cut short by the sound of Rodrigo's fist crashing into his teeth.


The force of the blow sent Connor flying several meters backward, blood spurting from his mouth as he crashed to the ground.

Before he could comprehend what was happening, Rodrigo pounced on him, raining down a barrage of punches that left Connor battered and unconscious.

Before Ben could intervene, Rodrigo had already incapacitated Connor.

"Stop! Stop that man!"

Ben shouted, but it was too late to prevent the onslaught of violence.

Ben struggled to pry Rodrigo away from Connor, fearing that Rodrigo's anger might escalate to fatal levels.

He had never witnessed Rodrigo in such a state of fury before; it was as if he had transformed into a primal beast, consumed by rage and intent on vengeance.

"No one insults my mom and lives to tell the tale! No one!" Rodrigo's voice reverberated with fury, but Ben managed to muffle his outburst, mindful not to attract too much attention.

With a firm grip, Ben covered Rodrigo's mouth with his hand, simultaneously pulling him away from Connor. "Get a hold of yourself, man! Pull yourself together!" he urged, his voice firm but tinged with urgency.

Rodrigo's body quaked with rage, his lips trembling as he continued to vent his anger. His mind was in turmoil, clouded by the overwhelming emotions coursing through him.

But as he looked up and met Anita's horrified gaze, a wave of guilt washed over him. He realized that his actions had disgusted her, further deepening his sense of shame and regret.

Anita and her friend, Ella, stood frozen in shock, their silence speaking volumes. They seemed paralyzed by fear, afraid to make a sound that might provoke the volatile situation further.

As Rodrigo locked eyes with Anita, her faint tears of fright pierced his heart. In that moment, he felt his anger dissipate, replaced by a profound sense of remorse.

"I'm... I'm sorry," Rodrigo stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to do that. I just... I couldn't let him get away with it."

Suddenly some rushing footsteps were heard closing in, Ben's urgency heightened. "Shit, you have to go," he urged, motioning for Rodrigo to flee before they were caught.

But Rodrigo stood firm, his resolve unyielding. "No, I'm not a coward. I made the mess, I'll clean it up myself," he declared, his determination unwavering.

Before Ben could protest further, three security guards burst onto the scene, their expressions a mixture of shock and alarm at the chaotic scene before them.

"What happened here?" one of the guards demanded, his tone stern and commanding.

Rodrigo remained silent, his mind racing as he tried to formulate a plan to avoid getting himself into further trouble.

"I said, what have you done, Rodrigo? Fucking speak up!" the guard pressed, his patience wearing thin.

Just as Rodrigo prepared to respond, Anita's voice cut through the tension.

"He was defending me!"