
I believed in love

I jumped through the electric wired fence,handle a whole security guard team ,diffused security cameras ,sprinted to his room only to find him the love of my life...Well hi I am Amy a sixteen year old heartthrob who plays with rich player boys .I can't actually blame them for falling for me I mean... who wouldn't fall for a life sized barbie doll who is perfect in academics,sports and IT back to my story...my mom committed suicide when i was 2 after being left by my father because of my mother's poor status ,that event landed me in an orphanage,years later I was adopted by a billionaire widow and I grew despising all men and I guess that's what lead me to my heartthrob life...my current target 🎯 is James a mysterious rebel and John the captain of the football team who was a spoiled rich kid they were school's heartthrobs A.K.A the double threat they are well known for playing with the hearts of girls and making money of them.While thinking of an plan ...an opportunity was served for me a silver plate.James hired me to be his tutor for 2000000 grand when of I happily agreed ... I went to James house and rang the bell only to find John shirtless with the boy of a Greek God.. i practically drolled on the floor looking at him ...no! no! Amy keep it together I know his is some eye candy but I had to lure him to me not the other way around .I got a grip and John led me to James's room .On the way John was flirting with me and i was confused on how easily this was for me .On our small chat ,were interrupted by an angry James and i started asking myself why James was... wait wait wait don't tell me that James was swooned by me too ...if so than damn I am good but nah maybe i am overreacting. Back to the story .During my tutoring session I found out how caring,sweet and smart James is and I wondered why he needed a tutor but the later I found out while I was packing up my things to go home, I over heard the two heartthrob 's betting to win me over coz they both really liked me and after hearing that I went home with an evil grin..The next day like I excepted John came up to me and asked me on a date and I happily said yes but to those reading who might think that I would be a monster to come in an ugly attire don't worry I actually behave...When it became time for John to pick me up he looked amazing ....wait wait Amy stop drooling and blushing let's get on with the date. James took me to an expensive restaurant and well I kind of made him run for his money coz I bought every expensive dish possible but he deserved it coz he kept talk on and one about himself

... readers see how self centered this guy ,is the worst part at the the end of the date he dared to kiss me but I dodged him and he landed in dog poop 💩 serves him right...Well I know before i went to James house for my plan but through the past days i started looking forward going to his house coz everytime see him i just smile and get this weird feeling in my stomach i guess it was just a bad burrito. One day I went to James's house for a tutoring session , same time the door was opened James held my hand and I had this weird feeling in my stomach ...get It together girl.... I got into his car and he drove to my favorite place" the carnival".At the carnival i got to see a different side of James he won a teddy bear for me,bought cotton candy for street kids and whenever he glanced at me the weird stomach thing happened to me .When we left the carnival the James took me to his " secret place" where I got to know him better and were he told me about his dream top

start his own law firm and I told him about my life and about my mother ,the pressure that's always on me to be the barbie figure people wanted me to be...I thought he will judge me but instead he listened attentively and gave me useful advices.The next day I woke up to hundred messages about the whole James and John drama and how I planned to play the two boys...i had been exposed.. When I arrived at school I looked all over the place for James to explain myself but I didn't find him..I sooner learnt from John that he was moving to France 🇫🇷 and which landed me back to the scene of me in his room.i found James shirtless i kno u might be wondering what's with me finding man always shirtless i don't known but it's a blessings .I didn't care I went closer to him with my face closer to his face and told him everything and I told him that he is annoying, cute,funny ,that he gives me this weird feeling in my stomach like i just ate a bad burrito and he was confused and i told him that i loved him,After my confession he gave me a hard felt kiss and left me breathless