

"You must not die" the King of Etilania orders and everyone across the room went silent as she rises up from the ground. Of course, who wouldn't be, she did not die and she's no immortal, she's only a slave but below her were dead bodies she just killed. Now, who would not be scared? The King's trump-card emerges, this time she will follow and kill with no mercy.

Kaisane · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

Chapter 3

The night is still young when the faceless shadow starts to wander around the palace for the first time leaving the sleeping Catori behind. Though the palace is big and can get easily lost the shadow seems to have no problem searching for the people he wanted to see, he first visited the young prince's room and there he saw Zen guarding the door. The same with the others except for the young prince Zen can't see him. The shadow observes the knight, handsome with his blonde hair and golden eyes, he notices how Zen never lets go of his sword as if any moment someone might attack him. He shows no fear but only full concern to the person sleeping beyond the door, the shadow continued his search and went through the wall and is inside the young prince's chamber. There, he saw young prince Aiden sleeping on his bed, the young prince must have cried a lot after his visit from the dungeon because his eyes were swollen, the shadow comes closer to the prince and notices his holding a piece of paper.

Plan A: Tell Zen the truth and ask him for help to save Catori.

Plan B: Tell Leon instead of Zen and ask him for help to save Catori

Plan C: Bribe the guards and run away together with Catori

His plans go on and on, and the shadow can't help feeling a bit happy. But this is not the time to enjoy such an innocent view, he looks out the window and directed his vision farther than the young prince's room. Towards the extension of the palace just a floor higher than the princes' lies the King's chamber. It took only a few seconds for the shadow to arrive inside and to his surprise sees Leon standing at the door with no King in sight.

"I can sense you" Leon called out

The shadow got startled.

"I know you're here, what do you want?"

It was clear to the shadow Leon can't see him, they are already facing each other but the gaze on Leon's eyes is still far. Curiously as he tries to touch Leon's face a voice suddenly interrupts.

"Curious are we?"

The shadow turns around and just beside the window curtain, the King of Etilania appears.

"What do you mean your majesty?" Leon answered

"Barging into someone's chamber and talking to himself" the King walks towards an area where the light was dim "Seems like you have forgotten your manners Leon"

Leon's shoulders suddenly straighten up "I apologize, my King, I sense someone else in room right now"

"There is no one here beside me and if there was.." the King looks at the shadow.

"...he will be dead the moment I see him"

Feeling threatened, the shadow suddenly disappeared leaving behind a confuse Leon.

"You may now leave Leon..."

"Oh, that's weird...I sense no presence of someone anymore. I apologize for suddenly intruding your majesty, please take some rest we will be leaving for Corhall first thing in the morning"


"Then, I'll take my leave"

After Leon left, the King looks out to his window again. Thinking about the shadow he just met intrigues him a bit, it's something new for him and as he looks farther outside he can't help but grin a little.

"This should be interesting"


Morning came, young prince, Aiden is summoned to the throne room to meet his father.

"You don't look well prince, you've barely eaten your breakfast as well" the worried Zen utters

It was around four o'clock in the morning the young prince wakes up calling Zen, he was trying to tell him something then changed his mind suddenly. Zen insisted to know what bothers the young prince so much to have woken up so early in the morning but Prince Aiden refuses to talk about it. They both went to the kitchen and met with the chef, Prince Aiden has ordered him to serve the same food they will be having for breakfast to Catori. Then they went back to his room and starts to prepare for the day. Prince Aiden never visited Catori after which made Zen curious, he never fails to visit that woman every morning, he thought.

"I'm fine Zen. Let's walk faster, I don't want to delay my father's travel today" Prince Aiden replied

When they arrived in the throne room a familiar face greets them.

"Ah, young Prince Aiden! It's been a while!" a white-haired man dressed in all shades of gold greeted him.

"Viscount Claren" surprise, the young Prince and Zen greeted him back with a light bow.

"Blessings to the future Sun of Etilania!" the Viscount responded with a bow as well.

"What brings you here Viscount? I heard you're currently on vacation" Zen asks

"Oh! Yes! Indeed my boy! I just came from the famous hot springs in the town of Yuth!" he looks at Prince Aiden

"I'm supposed to go back to my hometown but since the Capital is near, I plan to pay a visit to the King. I brought gifts as well!" behind Viscount Claren were tons of boxes in different sizes, all were wrapped in beautiful shades of silver and gold.

"There is also one for you young prince but it seems it's been put together with the big boxes" Viscount Claren pouted "It's a special gift only for you, I apologize but I hope you could find it while opening these gifts, I specifically labeled it for you"

"I-it's fine, thank you for your kind thoughts, I'll make sure to find it later" Prince Aiden replied

While the Viscount is busy sharing how his vacation was, the door finally opens as the King of Etilania enters together with Leon. Every person in the throne room bows.

"Blessing to the Sun of Etilania!" Viscount Claren shouted.

Unsurprised to the Viscount's visit, the King only looks at him and the boxes behind.

"I see you had fun" was the only thing he said as he walks pass through the viscount and sits on his throne. One moment there we can see the Viscount's expression changes to grim but suddenly lightens up.

"I did your majesty! These are gifts I prepared for you and the young prince!" he pointed at the boxes in front

"Is that why you are here?" the King asks.

The Viscount seems to be embarrassed of himself "Y-yes, I just want to give it personally before going home"

"Well, thank you for your gifts, you may now leave. I and my son needs to talk about some important matters"

"Y-y-yes your majesty, then be well, young prince I'll be taking my leave here" the viscount apologizes.

"Alright, thank you for the presents" Prince Aiden replied

As the Viscount reaches the door outside he utters to the prince "I hope my gift will give you happiness my prince" and so he left.

The room becomes quiet when Prince Aiden finally started to speak.

"When will you be back father?" he asks

The king looks at him with his usual cold eyes. He studied his son's behavior, just by looking at his eyes he can already sense anxiety and fear but at the same time, he can sense determination.

About what? He thought

"Just for a few days, I'll only be checking the border" he answered

"Then please be well and come back soon, I'll be seeing you off"

"Aiden" the King uttered, Aiden suddenly got shaken up

"I summoned you here to let you know the Marchioness of Luwan will be arriving in four days, in case I won't still be here, you'll be in charge for the execution of that so-called friend of yours"

"No!" The young prince shouted, "I can't do that father!"

"The young prince is still five years old your majesty, he's too young to be exposed to those kinds of things" Zen breaks in hiding the young prince behind him, he looks at Leon asking for help only to be stared at.

"Zen, since when are you in charge of making decisions on behalf of my son?"

"N-no your majesty, but it's just --- I-I apologize" Zen backs down

Young prince Aiden can't help himself to want to cry in front of his father but decided not to. he gritted his teeth and even try to pinch himself so that he won't cry.

"I - I - I understand father...." Aiden finally replied

"Good, Leon let's go" the King stands up and walked pass Zen and Prince Aiden. Both father and son did not bid farewell, the prince looks over at the window as he sees his father gave him one last look before going inside his carriage and leaves for Corhall.

Finally, alone at last. The prince rushes to the dungeon where Catori was "Young prince, where are you going?" Zen follows "To Catori!" he replied, Zen suddenly runs faster than Prince Aiden and stopped him "Don't go" he pleaded. The young prince looks at Zen "Why are you stopping me Zen?" he asked.

Both of them just stared at each other for quite some time until Zen decided to gave in. "I don't want you to be friends with her" he answered


"Because she killed the marquis of Luwan" Zen kneels so he could face the prince and holds both his shoulders "She's a murderer, she will be repenting her sins soon."

Prince Aiden did not reply, to be honest, this is the first time he hears about why Catori was imprisoned but despite hearing this from Zen, he is still determined to set her free. "Okay, but can I at least see her one last time?" he pleaded "Sigh, I don't have a choice but this time I'm coming with you.". They continued to move forward to the dungeon but this time with Zen around they entered the dungeon through the main gate.

"Prince Aiden! Why are you here?" the guards were all shocked to see him.

"Were here for the prisoner, orders from the King" Zen answered

No more questions were asked, the guards open the doors and guided them to Catori.

"Hmmm, how weird" the young prince utters

"What is it, my prince?"

"Shouldn't the dungeon be near mother's garden?"

Zen looks confused "I think you have mistaken my prince, there is no garden near here, beside this dungeon is another dungeon"

"What!? Then how did I end up meeting Catori?"

"That's what I wanted to ask your highness, I tried following you one time but you suddenly disappeared"

The princes' eyes widen so much that his face started to flush, he couldn't believe what he is hearing right now. Thinking back to the time he first met Catori, he did go to the garden where he usually hides from Zen and everyone and ended up meeting her. Could it be someone created a warp for them to meet? If someone did, who? There was only one person he could think of, judging by the presence and his powerful aura, it could be him -- the shadow.

"Prince Aiden? Why are you here?" Catori asked, surprised to see the prince outside her cell.

"I came here to visit you Catori! How are you?" The prince finally cried himself as he hugs Catori despite the barrier between them.

"I-I am fine" she wanted to pat the young prince's head but decided not to due to Zen's presence. She looks at him and smiled "You must be Zen, I presume?" She asks but only to receive a cold shoulder from him and directly changes her attention to the young prince hugging her.

"You really are just a child your highness, this is my first time seeing you this small" she smiled "Can I ask what is the reason your crying?"

"I don't want you to die..."

Catori touches the prince's hand and he lets her go, "Thank you for thinking of me but I have to face the consequences of my sins someday" she finally pats the prince's head, making him a bit shy "Really, thank you..."

"You can go back to the palace now" she talks to Zen.

Zen on the other hand still giving the cold shoulder grabs the young prince and starts to exit "Let's go prince, time is up, I don't care about what the King said, to allow you to visit her is absurd" he looks at Catori "A murderer will always be a murderer."

"Catori!!!" The young prince hugs her again but this time he left something in her pocket. "You don't deserve any of this..." he whispered, he looks behind Catori and looks at her again "...both of you" and they finally left.

Catori can't help but smile at this young boy. If only she had met him earlier, she thought. She takes out the piece of paper the prince left for her and read it.

"Let's escape tomorrow night..." It said, she sighed and can't help but laughs it out "How can he be five years old?"
