
the perfect gift.

during the reign of the Qu Empire the emperor was rulingThe Kingdom with peace and were very prosperous but with greed the wealthy always showed off their riches and soon they were to pay the price.

on a fine day the emperor summoned the 6 princes to his court "ah... my beloved sons you are here at last. the princes cupped their hands and showed respect to their father."the emperor said with a gentle and slow voice "today you all are old enough to be married. I have insisted the king of Xi Kingdom to send his daughter to convert our friendship into relationship as at the moment our Kingdom is at financial crisis and whosoever wins the princesses hand will become the Crown Prince and my successor.

at that moment every person in the court was stunned thinking that maybe the emperor was not thinking straight. the emperor continued "but that is not it, you must also convince that you are suitable for the princess." "convince who?"the youngest Prince asked. the emperor replied "you must convince the person who comes with the princess for this visit it may be a maid, an advisor or a Minister you must be ready as that person will inform the king of Xi about your character.

the emperor stood up and as he was taking his leave, he turned and said "you have till tomorrow to prepare your skills this may be your chance."

the Crown Prince at first was not interested in the marriage proposal as he was the eldest Prince and already had three wives but now knowing that his position is at steak he prepared himself. the youngest Prince was excited yet nervous as he doesn't know anything about women unlike his fifth brother. the 4th and 3rd princes were quite confident but the second Prince Looked clam. he began walking away right after the emperor took his leave. a voice from behind called him out "Qu Chau, where are you going brother?"the youngest Prince asked.Qu Chau turned his head give a polite smile and said "I am leaving for my mansion." the youngest Prince rushed to him and asked making puppy dog Eyes "may I come along?" Qu Chau asked "aren't you supposed to go for your special training."the youngest Prince turn with disappointment. As The Other princes also took their leave.

At the 2nd prince's mansion The Prince was in his study with his Bodyguard.Wu Sinn what do you know about women he asked Wu Sinn was surprised by the question he was asked. he took a step forward, lightly bowed and said "I am sorry your highness but I have no knowledge about women." The Prince slightly nodded his head and continued reading.

at dawn, The Prince wore simple clothes, a veil and headed to the market to get the princess a gift. at the market as he was wondering to look for a suitable gift. someone tapped on his shoulder he turned to see a beautiful young woman wearing a dress that he never saw before it was different yet very much of a woman's liking he thought. the woman looking in a hurry asked him if there are any hotels or places to stay for the night.Qu Chau pointing to a building about three shops away and said "you may find a room to rest there.the woman thanking him began to walk away but Qu Chau stopped her to ask about her dress. "where did you get this dress miss? it is so beautiful I wish to have a dress such as this for my lady."

the woman smiled generously and replied "this sort of dresses can only be seen in foreign Kingdoms as for the one I am wearing is from a new collection from the Royal wardrobe of the Xi kingdom." the women quickly closed her mouth relising she had given too much information to Qu Chau.Qu Chau noticed her panic and said "so, can I not find any here?"the woman nodded saying "no"and continued, "if you help me carry my luggage to my room I may give you a few dresses that I am sure your lady would like."Qu Chau was happy to negotiate with the lady and taking her heavy luggage they entered the hotel.

the woman went to the resistor and asked for a room for two people. the man looked at Qu Chau and smiled. then, looking back at his book he asked "two beds or one bed?"at the moment both the women and Qu Chau felt awkward. the woman awkwardly smiled "two beds one for me and my older sister"she stated. the man once again looked at Qu Chau and pitied him.Qu Chau tried to avoid eye contact from the man. the veil hid his eyes yet the man stared at him. the woman observing the situation immediately asked "how much for one night?"the man looked at her saying "1 silver"the woman took out her pouch full of silver and handed out one silver to the man. the man gave her the room keys and they left before the guy by the resistor made it even more awkward.

as they reached the room the women opened the door as Qu Chau brought the luggage inside. the woman opened one of the bags and showed him a beautiful gold and yellow coloured dress "this dress is my sister's but she wore it once only for a few minutes so it can be taken as a brand new dress from Xi kingdom." Qu Chau was sure that the princess would love the dress and knowing that it was from her Kingdom maybe she will favour him.Qu Chau smiled and said "I need 2 dresses"thinking of The Princess and the person who will accompany her.Qu Chau knew that the person was a woman as the emperor said so himself. the woman looked at Qu Chau with a disappointing expression "I do have another one but it is highly rated and expensive can you afford it?"she asked. the prince chuckled and said "price is not a worry to me can you show me the dress now?"the woman took out a dress that left his mouth wide open its fabric was so smooth and sure to impress anyone. he took both the dress and handed out a pouch full of gold coins and another pouch of silver for the Golden dress. the woman refused the Silver pouch "the gold is enough for both the dresses. you may leave now my sister will arrive any minute."

the second Prince was more than satisfied with the dresses. he ordered the servants to clean and properly arrange them with the other gifts.

yet he was a little worried that the princess may not like it or the person who will accompany her maybe a man. but with positiveness in his mind Qu Chau went inside his room. then, Wu Sinn entered with an envelope in his hand. the envelope had a Royal Stamp on it Qu Chua opened the envelope and read out loud. "the royal prince. the princess of Xi asks for your presence at 8 a. m. tomorrow. do not be late if you are you will be rejected instantly, remember to be on time. once the time runs out it will not come back again and so will your chance.

the Royal Princess of Xi.

Qu Chau was not a bit worried about the envelope or the time and went to sleep.