

[Mature Content] Leona is living with only one purpose in life and that is to retaliate against the organization that caused her parents' death, anything else is irrelevant to her. She's like a robot on default mode who couldn't care less about her surroundings unless it involves those she deemed important like the few friends she has. She even earned the nickname "stoic doll" from her peers for her lack of reaction about almost everything. But unbeknown to her, Leona's life is about to turn upside down when she has to act as a sweet newly-wed wife on a mission with a handsome stranger inside a cover house that is fully wiretapped by the enemies. She always ends up losing her cool with all the smooching and skinship going on inside that house, causing her to behave out of her usual you-could-drop-a-bomb-in-front-of-me-and-I-wouldn't-even-budge character. Hi everyone! this is my first novel so please bear with me because I'm pretty sure there would be some (lots of 'em) error with the grammar, I would certainly appreciate any constructive criticism as it will help me learn. I'm also hoping that you would leave some comments if the story piqued your interest. Thank you so much for checking and have a great day ahead! P.S: I wanted this to be rom-com but there might be some heavy and dark scenes because I wanted to shed some light on mental health a bit. ****the photo is not mine.**** CTTO. Please comment down below if you want me to take down the photo.

wanderingauth · Thành thị
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31 Chs

4. Gone with the Wind

A deafening silence enveloped the car, Xavier is too curious about her but doesn't know how to crack her defenses. He doesn't like how he's too interested about her that he's willing to disregard all the plans he has for the day to accompany this woman and know more about her.

"You could just drop me by that bus stop" she said pointing at a shed ahead.

"I thought you don't know where you're going?"

"I don't but they do" she said pointing at her wristwatch "I just found out I'm wearing this now, even If I remove it they'll be able to figure out my whereabouts soon"

He realized that she's not lying when she said she's being locked in somewhere as he looked at the blinking light on her watch. "I can hide you"

she beamed at him "You're so sweet honey, I really do want to keep you for myself, too bad I can't" she said hugging his arm as he continued driving, her chin on his shoulder and staring intently at his handsome face.

"Whoa, your eyes are pretty. Daaamn I really wanna keep you even just for today, how can someone be this handsome?"

His adams apple bobbed as her scent wafted on his personal space to his nose, He didn't wait until they could reach the bus stop and parked on the side. he turned his head to her and held her by the small of her back before she could lean back.

"If you can't, then I'll keep you instead."

And right after he said that he witnessed the sweetest smile he'd ever seen, as well as the first genuine smile he'd seen on her face. Even though she's been smiling this whole time, he knew they weren't sincere all along.

"Ugh, what should I do you flirt! I'm tempted." she jested "But I'm too complicated, I'm afraid it will be too much for you to handle" she said as she caressed his cheek with the back of her fingers. Not breaking eye contact with him. "Look I'm one of those strangers you'll encounter once in your life and I just so happened to pass you by today. I swear you won't even remember me tomorrow."

He felt it that instant that he's doomed, he's captivated by her to the point of no return, Xavier held his breathe when he felt her soft lips on the side of his mouth.

"Thank you Handsome" she softly whispered before she quickly leaned back, faced the door and opened it but just to freeze in place when she realized that it's locked. She tried to yank it several times but it still won't open.

Xavier waited for her to turn to him and when she did, before she could say anything he sealed her lips with his and pulled her closer by grabbing the back of her head, one hand slowly snaking around her waist. He nibbled her lips aggressively, venting out his frustration at the possiblity of him not seeing her again. He was dominating the kiss until the woman started to kiss back, pushing him back to his seat, hands on his shoulders and kneeling on her seat. He felt her tongue tracing the outline of his inner lips, delving into his mouth when he opened it out of surprise. he held her cheeks and stopped her before he completely lose his mind.

"Stay" He asked panting, Xavier had done a lot of firsts today because of this woman, now for the first time he begged someone to stay. He the mighty Xavier Wang asked someone to stay!

The woman just smiled at him and bowed to kiss him again, this time he didn't have the strength to protest and just kissed her back but she stopped his hands from touching her. She held them in place on his nape and the next second she was gone!

Xavier doesn't know what he should feel this instance, he is still trying to catch his breath from the steamy kiss that his mind lagged for a minute.

'Did she just kiss and run on me?'

He was too engrossed with the kiss that he didn't notice that she had already pressed one of the buttons of the car's master power door control switch on the driver's side and ran out of the car in a jiffy.

heck he didn't even hear it clicked!

'how dare you do this to me!' he screamed inside his head as he slammed his palm on the steering wheel out of anger.

'Trust me, I'll hunt you down woman!'


A certain woman let her messy bun loose and flings her hair to her back after stomping on the wristwatch with her combat boots, she raised her head to the sky and inhaled the urban air as if she's on a mountain, breathing the fresh air.

"Freeeeeeedom!" She exclaimed with her arms spread wide, not minding the people around her.

"what do you mean by freedom you bitch! Let Leona out" An angry voice interrupted her happy moment.

She turned her head to where the voice is coming from and showed the fakest smile she can muster.

"Brother Li wei, Brother Demitri! How sweet of you guys to look for me! it's been a long time brothers!"

She attempted to jump on them but Li Wei was quick to keep her at arm's length by placing his palm on her forehead.

"Let Leona go Liliana."

"Why do you like her when I'm definitely the coolest sister for you?"

"I'm sorry but you're too coldblooded for our taste." the usual quiet Demitri chimed in without even considering her feelings.

Liliana's smile faded as she countered "Tssk, so you prefer a weakling wench like her? Idiots, who wants brothers like you?"

this is gonna look confusing but trust me, there's a reason behind it? Do you have an Idea? comment down bellow.

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