
I Have Vampires In My Basement

There were two things that the dark lord of abomination wanted: a worthy battle and a honourable death. But he never got any of these till the end of his life. Shutting his eyes to one world, he gets transmigrated all of a sudden , alongside his servant, from a world where magic flourishes to one where the supernatural is kept hidden from the natural eyes. Acquainting himself with a female exorcist, he plans to lead a normal life while trying to attain supremacy again. But for how long can he keep this facade up?. How long before the dark lord reverts to his previous nature? How can an evil lord and a vampire blend in with the normal world?. ************************** ( Hello, it's me, the author......... I've been kidnapped by some random dude and I'm being forced to write this story. He says he wants his ransom in power stones and golden ticket......... So please help set me free by voting with your treasures ).

Lovely_Time · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

The dark lord transmigrates

The first thing that welcomed him as soon as he opened his eyes was a terrible pain in the head.

' What is this feeling? Why do I feel so weak and vulnerable?', he asked himself as soon as he came to.

The pain increased, spreading from his head till his entire body was numb. His stomach region was the worst, it was as though a hundred crabs were clawing with their pincers at him.

" What is th....spluuuuuuuurk", he couldn't finish his statement before he coughed out sizeable amount of blood.

Spluuurrt. Another cough. The pain in his bowels worsened. It has been a long time he felt such amount of immense pain.

' What is happening to me?', he bent to observe his lower region. But as soon as he did that, he was greeted with a horrific sight.

A lady had half her left hand pierced through his stomach!!!!!.

As soon as their eyes met, she immediately withdrew it and leapt backwards. He couldn't fail to notice her looks in the few minutes she remained in the air.

She was a tall woman with a dull pale skin and dark blonde hair that stopped at her back. Her eyes were a perfect crimson in colour and her lips were the colour of a newly blossoming cherry.

Her lustrous body was covered by a blue dress that stopped right above her knees. There were different stains of blood plastered here and there all over her body and especially on her face.

" Who are you? What have you done with my master?", These were the first words that parted her mouth as soon as her feet touched the ground again.

But he was dumbfounded. Who the hell was her master?. And where was he?.

The last thing he remembered were his eyes closing after casting the spell 'Ascensio'. When he opened them again, he was here. Wherever here was.

Wasn't he supposed to be dead? That was the whole point of Ascensio. Or wait! Was this the spirit world?.

" Where.....am...I?",he asked the woman amidst painfully muffled breaths.

Instead of replying, she dashed towards him, lifting him by the neck and flung him away in a terrifying manner. He crashed painfully with his back against a wall. They were in an alleyway.

Spluuurrt!. He coughed out more blood and cursed underneath his breath.

This woman. How dare she?. Did she not know who he was?.

" Explosion", he muttered expecting his assailant to be immediately charred by his almighty flames. But instead, nothing happened.

The pale skinned lady stopped in his front again and pulled him up by the collar of his blood stained white shirt.

" I do not know what games you and the Chaos Saviour are playing but I promise that I, Zelophad, shall bring honour to my Master's name", she said, raising a fist to punch him.

Zelophad!!!!!. What was going on here?.

" Zelophad, do you not recognize your master?", He uttered weakly. Her clenched first stopped inches before his face. The look on her face was a confused and get angry one.

" How dare you", She barked, " compare your miserable self to the dark lord of abomination?".

What was this? A case of misguided identity? How did she not recognize him? And why was she a she?.

" Zelophad ,' Dominus tuus imperat tibi'", he commanded.

Realizing those sacred commandments, she immediately put him down, then fell to her knees bowing.

" Rise ", he told her still clutching his badly wounded stomach.

Cluuuurrrk. He weakly coughed out again, blood trailing down both ends of his lips. He staggered struggling to keep himself standing. Zelophad rushed to his aid quickly catching him. The pain below increased even as his sight began to blur.

" Master, are you alright?", Zelophad asked concerned.

" Heal ", he pressed the wound tightly but nothing happened, " heal...... damnit", he yelled in frustration.

He had never felt this stable before. How was he so powerless.

Suddenly a small crimson screen appeared in front of his face. The sudden appearance of the screen startled him making him stagger backwards.

[ Unable to use magic ].

[ You have lost Essentia and have been disconnected from previous essences].

[ Connect to an available essence to regain Essentia ].

[ Do you wish to connect with the nearest source of essence? ] [ Yes/No].

Reading the words written on the screen left his mouth open. There was only one explanation.

He had lost his magic.

He didn't understand. Why was everything happening so fast and all of a sudden?. How did he get here?. Why didn't he have powers any more?. How was the dark lord supposed to remain the dark lord without magic?.

But all these thoughts were just a flash in a second as the pain from his wound was gradually draining the life out of him. He quickly agreed to the Yes option as the only way to regain his magic back was to regain his eyes of essence; Essentia.

[ Scanning nearby essence.....]

[ Scanning......]

[ Congratulations: Blood essence found successfully ].

[ Connecting.......]

[ Connected successfully ].

[ Congratulations: you have unlocked the first evil eye: Essentia ].

A lot of messages kept pouring in the form of a system window interface.

As soon as the last notification popped up, a crimson like hue surrounded, a small magic circle, red in colour, with a wierd symbol was temporarily engraved in his left eye.

Almost immediately, the pale skinned woman by his side felt a strange feeling surge through her body. A feeling of over familiarity. As though this person's relationship with her was more than just normal. She immediately wanted to give herself away to him freely.

[ A connection has been re-established with the servant: Zelophad ].

The dark lord too weak to even notice any differnces simply pressed his stomach tightly as he muttered the word ' heal'. This time though, a red magic appeared on the spot where the wound was. It stayed for a few seconds before finally disappearing. And as it did, so did the wound along with it.

The pain he had been feeling so badly quickly ceased as though nothing had happened to him in the first place. The only proof that remained of the injury were the bloodstains on his shirt. He let out a heavy sigh.

He let himself fall with his bottom to the ground in a sitting position even as he stared at the last notification.

' So this is really Zelophad... but what happened after the explosion?', he not only asked himself these questions, he also directed them to his servant.

Zelophad replied by telling him that as soon as she rushed to his aid after the spell , Ascensio,she had opened her eyes here ,her hands pierced through this body's stomach.

The dark lord rubbed his chin thoughtfully .

Ascensio,the spell believed to be the beginning of chaos itself. It was a spell that was meant to be used by only the great spirits and not by a mortals.

...... When the great spirit Brenn had visited him and relayed the prophecy about the Chaos Saviour, he had simply laughed-- but deep down his mind was at a crossroad.

If the prophecy was true and he had to die in the hands of the Hero, then he wanted something more. A worthy battle and honourable death.

First of all, he had lived a very long, bored and unfulfilled life in the quest for a man who could take him down. At the very beginning, he had created an army of the undead and waged war with his fellow mankind for a hundred years but no one seemed to be his match.

So after another boring century, he withdrew into the cave known as the dungeon of abomination. From within it, he would send creatures and monsters to torment mankind. But he himself was never part of the actual fun. He began to lose interest in the world.

Until the prophecy came. With a smile of anxiousness, he asked the great spirit to at least let him die with pride. And so,he was given the spell 'Ascensio'. Even though he didn't know it's use, he knew it was the spell of the gods and if he died, he would die not as a human but as a god.

He was supposed to be dead. But it appeared that Ascensio hadn't killed him, instead, it had sent him and his servant to another world.

They had transmigrated into different bodies in a new world.