When he wakes up, Natsukawa finds that he has traveled through time and become a high school student. The high school is an amalgamation of Sobu and Toyogasaki High Schools, as well as Shuchi'in and Totsuki Academy. At first I thought this was an everyday anime world, but until I met Yotsuya Miko from the next class, things started to go wrong. Monsters, Ghosts, Cursed Spirits, etc. There are more and more strange things that are not part of everyday life! Luckily Natsukawa has the Sharingan, and any negative energy can be used as additional material for the evolution of his eyes. All the strange things helped Natsukawa become the strongest, and he is also on a journey to become stronger while getting rid of the spirits. But apart from becoming stronger, there are definitely more and more amazingly beautiful girls around him..... Yotsuya Miko: "Please help me, Natsukawa-san." Mai Sakurajima: "Only you can see me." Kasumigaoka Utaha: "They are all beautiful girls. Is this how you want to revive the family?