
I Have Infinite Gacha

Read the tags before you read this fic, please. I will post when I have chapters, this is just a side project. MC will be very, very OP from the start so if you don't like that then I would suggest not reading this, but thank you if you do.

FallenEclipse · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Death and ROB

In a New York apartment, you could see a boy with dirty blond hair and brown eyes. His name was Nick, he was your everyday broke college student. His parents died when he was 17 and he didn't have any other family that he knew of. After his parents died when he was 16 and he had depression but not to the point of suicide.

After the death of his parents, he worked many jobs. Lucky he was a good student and got a scholarship. If he wanted to get his dream job of working with an editor for a movie company going to college was the best choice to get it. College was as you would expect, expensive as all fuck.

He was regretting it but dropping out now would be a bad choice. He put too much effort and money into his if he dropped out it would all be for none. He didn't have any friends, what a sad boy. But he was fine with it, friends are over-rated. It's funny how people with no friends always saw this.

Nick got up and said, "It's the weekend, I need to pay my rent." fell out of bed. "Ah!!" he shouted. He just woke up, this was a bad habit of his. One day he'll die from it but until that day, it will keep happening. He got up took a shower and left for the bank.

After Nick left his apartment, he walked to the bank. It was snowing but not that much, plus he had a high resistance to cold. After a few minutes of walking, he arrived at the bank. He walked in and got in the line. He was mostly thinking about all the fucking work he had to do.

When it was his turn just before he spot he heard, "Everyone get the fuck down!!" 7 men with masks walk in with guns. Nick thought, 'What type of fucking luck is this, the one day I woke up early and wanted to be productive. This is fuckery I swear to God.'

Nick got on the ground as did everyone else. One of the men went to a reception and said, "Fill this bag with everything you got, every minute you take I kill one person." the woman nodded with tears in her eyes.

Nick thought, 'Well this is obviously not well planned, response time should be 6 minutes I think.' Nero looked at 3 of the men arguing and sighed, this wasn't professional at all. If you're going to rob a bank to it fucking right. One of the men walked to Nick and took him by the collar, "What ya sighing for kid, wanna fucking die!"

Nick was amazed, this guy clearly had anger issues and wasn't very smart. Nick thought, 'Oh fuck it, I had nothing to live for. Looks like my depression was worse than I thought. I didn't even get to finish watching Demon Slayer.'

The man pointed his gun at Nick's chest but he wasn't even holding it right. Nick never learned to shoot a gun but he could see the man was holding it wrong. Just then they heard sirens, Nick took the gun off the man who said, "H..." Nick shoot him in the stomach and everyone screamed.

The others shoot their guns but everyone was running out, they gritted their teeth and ran to the back. Nick dropped the gun and held his chest which was shot, he smiled and fell down. As the life was draining from his eyes he said, "At least I didn't go out like a little bitch. Just wished I could have killed the other fuckers." he closed his eyes blacking out all the noise trying to at least have a peaceful


When Nick woke up he was in a dark void, "At least it's peaceful." he said as he laid down on the floor. He would at least try and get over his depression since he had nothing to do.

A year passed, he mostly slept. He had no problem with being alone and it was quiet so he was fine, one day he heard, "Oh, I was just about to go one break but I will deal with this child first."

"Huh." Nick looked around and saw a man with black hair and green eyes. The man said, "Hello child, I'm ROB (Random Omipoint Being) and I'm here to reincarnate you."

"Took ya long enough, it's been 5 years," said Nick.

"Sorry sorry. It's good that you are calm and collected, he can go through this quick." a white ball flew out of Nick's body, and floated in front of ROB turning in files. ROB went through them and said, "Okay, since you spent 1 year here, which is above average for most people by the way. You get the 1 Year Pack, which gives you the option to keep your memories and a system but it is just to keep track of your stats.

You can choose what would you want to go to. You can spin a wheel to determine your race and 1 wish." Nick was stunned.



What was he going to do with one, then, he had an idea. If this work it would a big brain moment, he said, "I wish for an infinite number of god-level gacha." ROB spat out blood and looked at Nick who was smiling.

ROB took out a set of files, he wondered if this was even allowed! He spends a few seconds then said, "Okay kid, your wish will be granted. And since your hella op already I'll give you multiverse travel and make you an empty primordial. You will see what that means later, what world do you want to go to first."

Nick said, "Make it Random." ROB nodded and Nick vanished from the void.

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