
I Got isekai In a Fantasy World with 10 wishes

Our main mc is a normal student and like every isekai or almost were they died or summon but for him he died by truck-kun instead of meeting a deity he was now standing in a grassland with the gamer system and ten mythic wishes alright please have mercy on me and my story and all of the items and powers are not mine they belonged to their original creator i own only the plot and the characters in this story and altered some few things to the abilities https://discord.gg/yuv9c38f if anyone is interested to join

Supreme_Commamder · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Going back and meeting the king and becoming the princess guard

Jack was woken up by the sound of the trumpet as he saw eva sleeping on his chest which he sigh.

Jack used one skill book which he got

[instant transmission] which he used to outside as he was now wearing his moonlord armor which he stretches as he walked which their was a table and breakfast on the table which is pancakes,eggs,bacon,hash brown,and few others

as He was eating Eva just woken up and jack was not on the bed as she yawned and walked out he saw jack eating breakfast

{Time skip brought to you by Chibi jack and chibi Charlotte sitting on a bench eating ice cream}

Jack was still wearing his moonlord armor as he sigh, he was walking back with his base being camouflage by the surrounding forest with that he was walking on the main road as you used a companion wishes and you got is the [KING]

The [KING] is a three headed dragon has a white scale,gold outline with a crown on its middle head can fly, able to fire firecharges,Has a bliazzard attack that make any creature freeze to death and the last can cast powerful thunderstrike with ease and its very tanky and can be damage by the royal guardian weapon

Jack just hop onto the king as the girls were visibly nervous and scared at the king size and power as jack just hop on

"his harmless if you provoke him, he will attack"Jack said as he waited them to hop on which they did as the [KING] started to fly as jack relaxes about it

After the long flight the [KING] landed as the group hop out of the Three headed dragon as he disappear

"alright we are back in Qrapolis"Jack muttered as he started to walked ehich the group followed jack

Third pov

while they were walking, they were almost at the entrance as they were now in line

After that they were next

"card pleas-"before the guard said it he saw the princess

"Yo-Your ma-majesty!"the other guard said as they people bowed down to charlotte

"Your majesty, your father is looking for you after visiting your brother and lost, we thought you were died:The guard explain

"well then, please inform my father that i am alive"Charlotte said in full authority since the guards salute as they let them in the capital city of eroning empire

{time skip brougth to you by a chibi king flying to the sky woth jack riding with royal guardian armor as his chibi army march}

Jack was done finishing his first question as he was relaxing, looking at his sword zenith with eva looking at it so did Valkalyn

While looking at his sword a royal guard walked in and was looking for jack as he yelled a bit

"i am looking for jack west!"he said which all of the adventurer points at jack with his armor "you there in the armor are you jack west?"the guard asked which jack nodded

"well then follow me"he siad as jack stood up and put his sword on his back as they begin to walked as Eva and Valkalyn followed jack to the other district which has a giant ass gate with goldenish color as they were in the richer area

"what does the king want me?""Jack asked the royal guards which replied

"the kings wants to meet the one who save the princess"The guard said as jack just shrugged and just followed as theu reach a another gaint ass gate but its even bigger

The gate slowly opens as they walked in with that the castle and huge kinda like the buckingham palace but bigger and there were alot of royal guards and servant walking

As they reach a giant door as the two guards open it with that they were now walking into the castle which us very beautiful like every castle in anime their were servants cleaning or walking,alot of unique items,Painting of their castle, the royal family and few others as Eva and Valkalyn were amaze as jack was not

there is a a big but not too big door decorated with small gems as they open it with they walked in as there was an old man sitting on a throne fit for a king it has golden design,few gems amd has wearing a golden crown as the king was around in his 40s and next to him is another throne along with the same design but has few more jewel.

There was a women around in her 40s aswell she was wearing the clothes around the victoria era as she was wearing her crown next was there were three children the oldest was not to be seen but Charlotte was standing next to her mother and the other is kinda looked like Charlotte but has purple eyes instead of blue eyes.

They were the same age around jack age as the royal guard kneel, so did jackk,eva and Valkalyn

"your majesty, here is Jack West"The guards said respectfully

"thank you,you can leave now"The king said as the guards nodded and walked out

"now thank you for saving my sweet littke angel"the king said as Charlotte blushes at what her father

"F-Father Pl-Please stop and i told you stop calling me that"Charlotte said to her father which she is very embarrass about it and was blushing hard.

"but your my little angel and your still a child"the king said as she was blushing even more as the queen cough as the king just cough and stopped

"now sir jack what is your rewards for saving my daughter"the king asked to jack

"nothing your majesty"Jack replied quickly which shock all of the Royals about that and so did eva and valkalyn

"but master,you can get anything you want"Eva whisper to jack ear which replied "i cant not right now"

"well then please tell what you want later on, but for now do you want to become charlotte personal guard?"the king asked which shock Jack and charlotte so does her sister or Victoria

"i accept your majesty"Jack replied quickly which the king was happy about that, so did charlotte and she was blushing really hard about it as victoria was jealous about it and eva and valkalyn

"but your majesty can these two be her guards aswell?"jack asked as he gesture to eva and valkalyn

"yes, yes they can"tge king replied

"before that, i have a request Sir jack"the queen asked

"what is it your majesty?"jack replied quickly

"can you remove your helmet?"the queen asked

"yes, i can your majesty"Jack replied as he removes his helmet which his long sliver hair, blue ish eyes but has a sliver looked to it as his face was handsome even the most beautiful man will be jealous about jack

Victoria just use her fan to cover her blush as she lick her lips as charlotte was lost for word on his face so did the king and queen with charlotte blushing really, really hard on her face and was releasing steam as eva was blushing really hard on her master face as valkalyn was the same thing looking at his handsome face which jack put his helmet back on

"well that is interesting too see"the queen said to her husband which he nodded

"Mother?"Victoria asked

"what is it dear?"the queen or Else replied

"can he be my guard aswell and husband?"Victoria said as jack,eva,valkalyn and Charlotte were shock as the Franz or the king was shock aswell

"yes,yes you can victoria"else said

"wh-what?! Are you saying sister?!"charlotte asked her sister which she replied

"because his handsome and i want him"Victoria said to her sister

"well you cant have him!"charlotte exclaimed to her

"oh?~ so your jealous that i will marry him?~"she asked

"Y-Yes! because i want to marry him! aswell and father asked him to become my guard and not you"charlotte yelled as Jack,eva and valkalyn were in state of shock

"but mother said yes "Victoria said which shut her up a bit

"alright i will be your guard aswell"he said quickly

after that argument between the sisters they both argee that jack is there guard as they did not know many girls will try to win his heart

'why is this happening'jack though about it as he mentally sigh as he did not know more girls will try to win his heart in the future.