Lex sighed as he left the increase in gravity. He was covered in a sphere of flames that protected him and Lisa so he couldn't see what was happening outside, buy judging from the change of gravity, he was sure they had entered the catacombs.
When his feet touched something weak but solid surface, it snapped in two, making him fall a moment more. Lex landed and gathered the flames surrounding him in his palm.
He clicked his tongue, looking at the bones littering all over in the cave there were in. There really was nothing aside from broken bones.
It was a graveyard.
'Maybe these bones are of the people who lived in the ruined city?' Lex speculated. He could only think of that reason for the catacombs to have so many skeletons in the catacombs.
[Well, the people who die here also gets converted into the Immortal and Endless Skelton Army. And if I'm right then this thing was made during the Dark Era. You can imagine how many people died here.]