
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs

Sleeping Curse

"Teacher, I've finished reading the book." Lynn returned the notebook to Angelet.

   Perhaps he was tired from meditating. Angelet did not continue to meditate at this moment, but took out a magic book with a purple cover and was reading it.

  As for why it is a magic book, it is because the cover of this book actually glows!

  Lin En secretly watched it seven times and was sure it wasn't his hallucination.

   Angelet took a sip of milk, reached out to take the notebook from Lynn's hand, and put it back in the ring.

  Then Angelet raised his right hand, a purple light glowed from his fingertips.

  The purple light turned into ripples, quickly spreading to cover the entire carriage.

   Lynn looked around as if nothing happened.

  Old Kim sitting in front was still driving the carriage on his own.

   "I originally gave you five days, but since you said you've finished reading, I'll assess you. I don't like students who are dishonest and ambitious." Angelet said lightly.

"As a wizard, even if you are just a wizard apprentice, you must learn to be down-to-earth. I have seen too many aggressive apprentices lose their lives due to various accidents. If you are as stupid as them, I think I should consider changing a student ."

   "I'll ask you one last time, are you sure you've memorized everything above?" Angelet looked at Lynn and asked slowly.

   "I remember everything."

  Lin En said sincerely that he found that since the last time, the door was opened and poured some knowledge into himself, some changes have taken place in himself.

   Possess the ability of photographic memory, and only need to read the content once to remember it thoroughly. This kind of increase is very abnormal, and it is much more exaggerated than the improvement of his memory after the improvement of his mental power.

   It is no exaggeration to say that his current memory is comparable to that of a humanoid printer.

   But this kind of change is a good thing, making it easier for him to learn.

   "Then I'll test you on a few knowledge points." Angelet closed the magic book in his hand with a solemn expression.

   asked several knowledge points in succession.

   Some are even just a very inconspicuous vocabulary in a piece of text, and some are the key points of a certain piece of knowledge.

   But all of them were answered accurately by Lynn, without even thinking too much.

   Lynn Angelet asked about the contents recorded in that notebook.

  For Lynn who has memorized all the above, these questions are not difficult to answer.

  Because Angelet asked about the knowledge points in the notebook.

   After Lynn answered all five questions correctly, Angelet nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that you are more suitable to be a wizard than I thought. Your memory is very good, which is very good."

   "I'll take another question for you. If your answer satisfies me, I'll give you an extra reward." Angelet said.

   "And this spell is a reward for your honesty." Angelet's ring flashed in his hand.

  The next moment, there was a black book in Angelet's hand.

  There are three dark white fonts written on the cover of the book.

  These three characters were not any language that Angelet knew, but the first time Lynn saw this language, Lynn understood the meaning of these words—"Sleeping Curse".

   "Thank you, teacher." Lynn took the book from Angelet with both hands. This book that records sleeping spells is heavy, and the thickness is not thin. Why is it so thick? Isn't it possible to record all of learning a spell on a parchment scroll?

  At this moment, Lynn suddenly had a vague omen that the extraordinary profession of a wizard seemed to be equated with the liver.

   And a powerful wizard = liver emperor!

  He had seen the power of this spell with his own eyes. Lauren, who had just woken up and was very irritable, fell asleep like a dead pig after being hit by a sleeping spell.

   "After reading the notes, you should know what variation is. Then tell me why many wizards choose to extract mutated monsters from monsters. Then why don't we guide people to mutate?" Angelet said.

"Because wizards need a reason? If we directly guide people to mutate, it may affect the reason of wizards?" Lin En thought for a while, and through this period of cognition, Lynn knew that wizards are a group of existences that explore the truth and strive for excellence. , naturally will not allow chaotic thinking to affect their reason.

  Lin En tentatively spoke out his answer. "Is it because inducing people to mutate will make wizards irrational?"

   "No, since it is a mutation, it is not only a malignant mutation but also a benign mutation." Angelet smiled slightly, with a somewhat grim smile on his face.

"The reason why it is prohibited is that this is the iron rule of wizards issued by the wizard council of order. It is forbidden to directly guide wizards to initiate mutation research on themselves. Wizards can transform themselves, transplant blood, and study various transformation rituals. Humans initiate mutation research."

  Order Wizard Council?

   Lynn heard of this existence for the first time.

   But since there is order, there must be opposites.

   Angelet smiled and didn't intend to continue the discussion on this topic.

   "However, your answer still satisfies me. It seems that you understand the important point of wizards, rationality." Angelet smiled.

   Then the ring flashed in his hand, and a notebook appeared in his palm the next moment.

   "Take it and see."

   This notebook is similar to the first notebook Lynn just returned to Angelet.

   No wonder, when Lin En read the notebook, he found that the content in the notebook was incomplete, and the knowledge on it was not complete.

  There is a lot of knowledge that is not complete, and he feels that there are still many things behind.

   Sure enough, there is not only one notebook in Teacher Angelet's series.

   I just don't know if there will be a third book after reading the second book, there is a high probability that there will be.

   After finishing the communication with the teacher, Lynn noticed that Old Kim, who was sitting in front of the carriage and driving the carriage, had no reaction at all to his conversation with Teacher Angelet as if he hadn't heard the voice behind him at all.

   It should be related to the spell cast by the teacher just now.

   Bangor Harbour.

  On the salty seaside, a row of low houses is located.

  With the expansion of Bangor Port in recent years, this seaside city is getting bigger and bigger.

  The houses that were originally located near the seaside are gradually less inhabited.

  The year-round sea breeze, coupled with the humidity and seawater immersion, make these houses next to the seaside become humid and cold at night.

  Even if a healthy person lives here for a long time, he will be infected with ailments.

  Locals seldom live here and have moved closer to the inland. However, the constant influx of foreigners in Bangor Port in recent years has made the housing prices in Bangor Port continue to rise.

  So these coastal houses are also used by the local people, and after simple decoration, they become living quarters for some impoverished immigrants poor.

  Although it is humid and cold, the price here is cheap. You only need 5 silver coins per month to rent a small single room for a family of three.

  In the damp and cold corner of the room, a small stove was burning, and steam was bubbling from the edge of the kettle.

The lid made a bang bang sound, and a little girl about eight or nine years old put her hands on a towel, carefully lifted the kettle, poured boiling water into the cold basin, soaked the towel in it for a while, took it out and wrung it dry water, the little hands were scalded red.

  The little girl ran to the bed and put a towel on the woman's forehead.

  The woman opened her eyes, her sickly face was full of pity. "Ava, you go and rest for a while."

  The little girl just shook her head and said seriously: "Besides, both my father and my brother have gone out to work. I will take good care of my mother at home."

  The woman listened to Ava's sensible words, her face was full of distress and self-blame.

   Not only is it distressing to be so sensible at such an innocent and romantic age, but also blames me for being bedridden and letting the little daughter take care of herself.

   "Mom. I miss my elder brother." Ava pouted suddenly. She thought that she had a cold before, and this is how her elder brother took care of her.

  Anika stretched out her arms from under the quilt to hug her daughter, her face was full of sadness.

  How could she miss her eldest son?

   But on the way to escape, the monster suddenly rushed out from the side of the road and scattered the refugee team.

   In the panic, she only had time to grab the hand of her little daughter.

   When he came back to his senses, the eldest son had disappeared.

  She and her husband searched the place all day but failed to find the eldest son.

  In the end, she had no choice but to continue to follow the refugee team southward with her husband and their second son and youngest daughter.

  On many nights, she seemed to see the figure appearing beside the bed in a trance, but every time she stretched out her hand to grab it, it was an illusion.

  How she wished the gods would hear her prayers and send her son back to her.

  Anika let go of her hand, grabbed her daughter's arm with her left hand, fixed her eyes on her daughter, and raised her arm to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

   "Ava is a big girl, be strong and don't cry."

   "Mom, you cried too," Ava said.

   "Mom is gratified, gratified that Ava can take care of her mother," Anika said.

   "Mom, the water at home is running out, I'm going outside to get some water," Ava said.

   "Don't go out." Anika's tone was suddenly severe, "You just stay at home and don't go out."

  Anika suddenly grabbed Ava's hand and held her in her arms.

  The woman puts one hand behind her daughter's hair and wraps her other arm around her waist.

  The woman's eyes are fixed in the direction of the window.

   Outside the frosted glass window, a vague figure stood outside the window.