
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
70 Chs


When Lynn came to the yard, Angelet, who was wearing a black cloak, was already standing outside the main gate of the yard.

  Hearing footsteps behind him, Angelet walked straight down the mountain.

  Lynn followed behind, and Lauren also put on a curtained cloak and walked at the end.

  Besides the dry dirt road, a black carriage parked quietly by the side of the road.

  The two horses in front are covered with reins, and behind is a black carriage with four wheels.

  The compartment is not very big, and there is a luggage rack on the top for luggage.

  In front of the carriage, an old man was sitting beside the carriage, smoking a cigarette and puffing.

  Lin En stepped forward, verified the voucher that Ted gave him yesterday, and took the teacher into the carriage after verifying it with the old man.

   Lynn and Angelet were fine when they approached, but when Lauren was behind, both horses made disturbing noises.

   Shaking slightly, and neighing uncomfortably.

  As Lynn and Angelet got into the carriage, Lauren wanted to follow.

   But looking at the little space left in the carriage, if Lauren also comes up, with his physique, the remaining space will be extremely crowded.

   Angelet looked at Lauren.

   "You don't need to come up, just follow us from behind," Angelet said calmly.

   Lauren was taken aback, "Good master."

   "Just follow us behind."

   Lauren parked on the side of the road obediently.

   The groom sitting in the front seat of the carriage saw all this, but he was very sensible and knew what to ask and what not to ask.

  There are too many strange things in this world, and it's not like he hasn't encountered some strange things in his travels all these years.

  But the most important thing for him to live in peace until now is to understand the rules.

   Know what to listen to and what not to listen to.

   After seeing Angelet and Lynn get into the carriage and settle down.

The groom said, "Hello, sir. My name is Kim. You can call me Old Kim. I have been running horse-drawn carriages for more than 30 years. I have also been to Bangor Port several times. Don't worry, as long as Not surprisingly, it will take at most fourteen days to reach the destination."

   "Food and water are prepared in the car, right here." Old Kim leaned forward and pulled at a hidden place next to the bottom of the car.

   It was pulled open like a drawer.

  It is filled with soft white bread, some truffle juice, and fresh milk.

   "These are the food prepared for you, sir. If you are hungry or thirsty, sir, just call me."

   "Yeah." Lynn nodded, with a smile on his face.

   "Alright let's go."

  Old Kim nodded, "Sir, there are blankets and pillows prepared in the carriage, I wish you a pleasant journey, then this journey will begin."

  Old Kim drove the reins and steered the horses away.

   I have to say that this old Kim is indeed an old driver. Although the carriage is still a little bumpy due to the road, he can always avoid uneven places on the road.

  And the speed of the carriage is quite uniform, it won't be fast or slow, and it won't be too dizzy while sitting.

   At the upper end of the carriage, there is something like a snare drum.

  Through the hollow part, you can see the gear structure inside.

  As the carriage moves forward, the gears inside will rotate slowly.

  Lin En looked at the two small hammers next to the snare drum again. Will the snare drum be struck every ten kilometers forward?

   This thing looks quite interesting.

  Sitting in the car, Lynn noticed that the teacher next to him, Angelet, had his eyes closed and seemed to be meditating.

  Can you still enter meditation in the carriage?

  Lin En tried it secretly and found that it was difficult for him to calm down, and he couldn't enter the state of meditation at all.

   Every time I finally enter with difficulty, I am about to build the earth ring.

  The next moment, the bumpy carriage knocked him out of his meditative state.

  After trying several times, Lynn had to admit that he still couldn't calm down and meditate in this environment.

  So he simply took out the book and looked at the notebook that Teacher Angelet gave him.

  Although there are no daily tasks for him to complete during the journey of the carriage, Lynn is not in a hurry now.

  In the quiet carriage, only the sound of the boy flipping through the books was left.

  The time is gradually approaching dusk.

"Sir, there is a village three or four miles away. If you don't mind, you can go to the village to stay overnight. I often take this road. I am familiar with many farmers in the village." Old Kim said.

  Lin En looked at the teacher who was still meditating.

   Angelet didn't respond.

  Lin En knew what the teacher meant to let himself decide.

   "Okay, then let's go to the village to board for one night," Lynn said.

   "Good sir!" said old Kim.

  As the carriage gradually approached, a village ahead appeared in sight.

   This is a small village, with a few small houses scattered along the main road.

  Looking into the distance from here, you can still see some houses in the distance. This is a relatively loose small village.

  Nearby is a wide plain with a wheat field on the plain.

  As the carriage approached, several dogs barked in the village.

  Old Kim stopped the carriage in front of a farmhouse on the side of the road.

  A wooden fence surrounded the house, and in the yard, a big brown curly-haired dog was barking loudly at old Kim.

  The dog barking in the yard woke up the owner.

   "Who is outside?" The voice of the host came from the room.

  Their dog is very smart. People in the village would bark, but they would never bark so loudly. Only strangers from outside would make the dog bark so violently.

   "Hey, Don Jide, it's me, Old Kim." Old Kim shouted from outside the yard.

   "Old Kim?" muttered the man of the house. "I remembered, it's you, an old smoker, stop smoking, the smell of cigarettes on your body is so strong that Sweet Potato doesn't even recognize it."

   Soon, the latch was pulled open.

  A tall, brown, curly-haired man walked out of the room. The man was a bit muscular. He glanced outside the yard, and outside the yard was the familiar old Kim.

  The relationship between him and old Kim is quite familiar. This old smoker is a groom who often travels around. Sometimes he will bring guests to his place to rest. Of course, he will also pay him an overnight fee.

   Then I will buy some supplies at his house by the way.

   This is of course the best thing for him.

  Because Old Kim is also an acquaintance, Tang Jide is also at ease.

   "Just this one guest?" Tang Jide looked at the young-looking Lynn.

   "There is one guest, a total of two."

   "Okay, I'll go clean it up, there are just two vacant rooms at home." Tang Jide said.

   After confirming, Old Kim went back and drove the carriage over, and parked the carriage in the stable behind Tang Jide's house.

   Lynn and Angelet shared a room each, while Old Kim stayed in the carriage overnight.

   Tang Jide arranged the room for Lynn and Angelet and then closed the door for them.

  He was a little curious about the identities of the two, they looked a bit like father and son, but the father was still wearing a cloak, looking mysterious, a bit like the wizards mentioned by bards.

  Thinking of this, Tang Jide couldn't help shaking his head, hell, what was he thinking?

  Recently, the situation in the north is not very good. The weather is hot this year, and the harvest of farmland is not very good.

   A few days ago, there was a refugee team from the north, and it was heard that a war broke out in the north.

   It is estimated that these two people escaped from the north.

  In the evening, Lynn sat cross-legged on the bed and meditated.

  Out of the window.

  Under the night, the grass on the side of the road is rushing.

  The dense grass is separated like a stream of water, and one can vaguely see a shape that cannot be seen clearly, and only a huge black shadow can be vaguely seen running fast in the wild.

  Behind him, a tall human figure was running hard.

   Not long after, they stopped outside a farmhouse.

  In the yard, the big dog that was barking just now clenched its tail.

  The hair on his body exploded, and a low whimper came from his throat.

   Creak, creak.

  The wooden fence groaned under the weight.

  The curly-haired dog trembled, his legs shook, and a foul smell came out.

  A yellow liquid flowed out from the middle of the hind legs.

   In front of it, a huge scaled head the size of a water tank looked down at it.

  The core swallowed and licked the dog's head.

  The big dog whimpered, and even fell to the ground and passed out.

   Lynn, who was meditating, suddenly felt restless, as if he was being watched by something dangerous.

  Lin En thought of what was mentioned in the teacher's notes, that wizards will enter a special state during meditation. During meditation, the wizard's six senses will be amplified, and he can even foresee danger.

   Among wizards, there is a genre called divination wizards. It is said that when they divine, they need to enter meditation first and then perform divination.

   Could it be that the owner of this family is planning to harm himself?

  Lyn exited meditation, placing his right hand on the wand closest to the pillow beside him.

  The next moment, Lynn, who was looking out the window, raised his wand and pointed it at the window.

  The light outside the window is almost completely blocked by the existence outside window,

  A huge gray lizard head was staring at him. In the dark environment at night, the pair of orange pupils were particularly bright.

  "Lyn?" The lizard spoke out.