
Fist 7

I Cast Fist

Chapter 7

By: BigToFu


Sebastian Wild

Whistling to myself as I checked over and logged all of the loot my shadow clones picked up over the last few days. I couldn't help but chuckle as I looked up at a wall and watched the image of Klaue freak the fuck out over a clone pulling a Booty Warrior on him. Behind the image, a few shadow clones were still at it in the laboratory and I had to admit that their idea had merit and I wasn't going to stop them. Not with all of the interesting powers they were able to get samples of and bring back. Then again, maybe I should be a little worried since a throne room sprang up over the last few days along with what they had placed in the throne room. Talk about giving off Trazyn the infinite vibes and I refused to admit that lounging on a throne while overlooking copies of everything underneath my gaze wasnt amazing.

No way in hell was I going to admit that it was so fucking cool to have a miniature Wolverine copy fighting against a Sabertooth copy for my amusement. I made sure to crush the miniature copy of Xavier and Richards though, while also making sure the Kitty copy was fully under control. Hell, I even had a to-scale copy of Wakanda including the great mound that held all of the vibranium.

Damn shadow clones creating all these issues for me, but even though that was a pretty solid idea. It was their suggestion of creating Elasta-Girl that really got my attention and seal of approval. It also helped we got plenty of genetic material to work with when that damn kleptomaniac went about looting the current red room.

Now wasn't that a shit sandwich I did not want to feed Natasha. Even if she can't kill me it doesn't mean she isn't cataloging all the possibilities she would like to at least try out. Anyway, those thoughts aside, along with my crazy busted magic, I hit the teleport button for the reception area and allowed the system to teleport me down. Looking around the bowling alley finding things exactly how they should be, I pulled out my Avengers Card and gave Tony a call.

The card vibrated twice from where it was hovering before Tony answered the call. "Hey, Magic Man!"

"Sup, Tony," I answered smoothly. "Was calling to see if everyone had gathered at your place yet?"

Tony rolled his eyes, "Ohh yea, murder thighs, and Legolas just appeared out of nowhere a while ago and Capsicle is fighting with the tv remote."

"You mind opening a portal so I can come through?" I replied with a chuckle and noticed his eyes light up.

Tony did something on the other end of the video call as he flourished his Avengers card. Then I heard him intone with a grand voice, "Open sesame!"

A portal connected to his Avenger's card opened with the video call being the connector allowing me to walk with a chuckle.

"Really Tony, Ali Baba, and the Forty Thieves?" I asked as I waited for him to close the portal. Before I could say anymore Happy showed carrying a big specialized tool case for Tony. I knew that from the red and gold all over the damn thing along with the Iron Man logo. Also, it was easy to see when Happy placed it down and the thing auto-opened to show tools.

"Hey Boss, Magic-Man," Happy greeted, then dropped the case off in a corner of the room.

"Thanks, Hap," Tony called out but then made a stopping motion at Happy, "Hey, Magic-Man, you mind if Hap comes with?"

"Sure, but ahh, why isn't he wearing one of the amps suits?" I ask, but my question brought both Happy and Tony up short, "The Amp suit Tony, like the ones I gave Fury to make his super secret boy band stronger, faster, and all around more badass."

Tony looked confused for a second before speaking up, "Jarvis, have I had any strange deliveries lately?"

"None more than usual, Sir."

I palmed my face, "Check the inventory storage on the Avenger's card Tony."

Tony pulled out his Avenger's card as Happy walked over to see what Tony was looking at.

Happy's face twisted into a cringe, "What is that spandex, no no, I don't do spandex."

I shook my head from side to side, "It's smart matter actually with a hyper-adaptive fluid system that works in conjunction with the wearer's nervous system." Then I made a hand-wavy motion at Tony. "Happy can customize it later, just flick your Avengers card at him Tony with the intent to have him wear the suit."

Happy started to back away, "No, no, no, Damnit!"

"Ohh my god, what's with the BULGE!" Tony nearly screamed as he took two steps back from Happy now in a skin-tight spandex amp suit from GANTZ.

I busted out laughing as Happy started to feel around at his junk.

"What? Did I forget my cup or something?" Happy asks as he feels around and notices that he was no longer in his suit.

Tony just wouldn't let it go, "God it's like a third leg! Happy where were you hiding that thing?"

"Behind my athletic cup Tony, a special cup that I had to spend a lot of money for." Happy replied in a rush while his face turned tomato red.

"No wonder he doesn't carry a weapon, he can club someone over the head with that thing," I commented with a full laugh.

Tony wiped a tear, "How many innocent women have you slain with that thing, Happy?"

"It's not a Lethal Weapon," Happy replied with a growl.

The door to Tony's lab was pushed open hard as the agents and Steve entered alert and ready for trouble.

"Why is there a snake in your pants man?!" Clint asked with shock and moved with a clear purpose to the other side of Natasha.

"Fix this magic man, you say it's smart something," Happy growled in that big guy way that's just too funny.

Rolling my eyes, I flicked a hand at him changing the suit to mimic that of the one he wore earlier. "In the buckle, you will find a USB hook up, rated up to JDAMS, and easily store up to one hundred outfits, sell cleaning, Tony has the manual." I finished with a minor wave of the hand. Then thought about it a little and conjured up a manual for Happy who took it with thanks and left Tony's lab.

Steve sighed along with a shake of his head, "It's good seeing you again, Sebastian."

"Hey, get your can off that," Tony called out towards Clint who was enjoying a seat on something.

I shook my head at them while keeping Natasha in the corner of my vision. "Tony, do you mind if I use that free wall?"

"Huh?" Tony asked, turning around to see where I was pointing. "Yeah sure."

With a shake of the head, I pulled out a cube and split it into four, "Dimensional anchors," I stated as I held up the glowing cubits.

"Ohh more goodies," Tony gushed as he took a step closer and I handed him two.

"Stick those in the top and bottom of the far corner, and just so you know, you're never gonna be able to knock down that wall again unless these are removed," I commented while walking over to my own corner of the wall. With a bit of telekinesis, I levitated the little cubit up and stuck it to the top corner before repeating the same thing with the lower left corner. When I turned around, Tony looked spooked but also had a fascination on his face as he looked the cubits over.

"Hey, Magic Man, how did you stabilize the event horizon?" Tony asked even as he stood on a chair and placed the first cubit in the top right corner and the second in the bottom right. "Just asking because it would suck dying by molecular shearing."

I shrugged, "Turns out you can fold it onto itself and use the material world as bracing points." I easily commented before stepping away and making a motion at Tony. "This is all you, permissions are already in place so just activate it."

A big red button appeared over Tony's Avengers card.

"Hey, Tony, have you seen every…one," Bruce questioned as he walked into Tony's lab, a tablet in his hands as he worked and walked.

Tony never hesitated as he pressed the big red button activating the dimensional anchor linking his lab to another lab in my magical bowling alley. The wall reacted as if a rock was dropped in a still lake, ripples spreading outwards from the center.

Tony pouted as he walked through and then spun around, "It's just more space."

Waving over the Avengers behind me, I patted Tony on the shoulder, "It's not just any type of space Tony, this is within my mages tower, bowling alley, and bar on the bottom floor of course." Tony still gave me a hurt look so I rolled my eyes at the man. "Fine, it also doubles as a smart matter, reality forge lab, if you can think of it you can make it all in here and test it out." Then I snapped my finger, "But I think we should maybe explore the rest of the place instead of your new playground."

"Yes!" Clint expressed with excitement as he pushed past us and through the doors leading out into the greater tower, then had to be caught by Natasha. On the other side of Tony's door were moving staircases like in Hogwarts, but mine were more like Doctor Fates.

"Sorry, I still have things set to unwanted guests," I replied with a chuckle, then brought my hand up and fired off three quick snaps of my fingers. "Alright, you can go ahead and close the door and reopen it."

Clint did just that, but with some caution on his part this time. When he opened the door again, it was a decent-sized circular room with names listed on each door and I went on to explain that I made separate labs for them with things I thought that they might like. Since Clint was in the lead we went into his lab garage-sized area. On one side were both a motorcycle and a mustang in his Hawkeye colors but he ignored all of that to look over a few of the arrows.

"Why does this have a boxing glove on the end?" Clint asked as he picked up the boxing glove arrow and spun it with his fingers testing the balance.

I shrugged, "Thought you might want to punch someone in the face far away."

Clint stopped what he was doing to look at me, "That's…. Not a bad idea actually."

"Why does Legolas get an anti-gravity arrow along with a bunch of cool toys while I get a blank room?" Tony asked while not being able to pick up an arrow through the force field divider.

My look was flat as I ushered us out of Clint's space, "Tony, your room was crafted using smart matter and a reality forge. That means if you can quantify it you can create it and build it without waiting to build the tools to build the tools to build whatever you can think up. Hell, from my own advancements, I was able to get my chipsets down to one point two nanometers." I shook my head, "You can build a bleeding edge nanosuit right now and have it fabricated by dinner time tonight in that lab."

Tony turned around to run back and play with all the toys once it got through his head how advanced the space was. Too bad for him Steve was on the quick draw.

"Tony, let's be patient and explore some more since Sébastien was nice enough to share his space with us." Steve told Tony as he brought the man back over to our group.

"Hmm," Bruce hummed and hawed. "I wouldn't mind seeing the lab you set up for me."

I clapped, "ohh, you're gonna love this, I made it for both persons in mind." I quipped then led us over to a door with a big green fist on its front. Then things kicked off from there as I showed Bruce the pink fluffy slippers for the Hulk including a bathrobe and a big plushie beanie bag that was enchanted to never break.

Bruce was also the first one to get to use the smart matter in his lab which took Tony from pouting to a kid in a candy store. They had to be broken up as I pointed out that because it was a magical space any of the labs and rooms could be mixed and matched from any walled surface. Again, Tony had to be stopped from running off into his own lab.

Then before I could forget, I had to go over the simple rules of the labs to follow. I didn't mind if they made crazy science but grey goo wasn't allowed and neither was testing within lab space. Viral creation was absolutely off the table because I didn't want any zombie virus bullshit getting out of hand. Standard morality and etc, etc apply and I would show them to the gym and combat areas after we were finished up here. Black Widow's personal space was set James Bond style with all of the gadgets, knives, and guns.

Everything from illusionary masks to custom amp-suits that would give her full camouflage for infiltration. I did have to warn her though about taking on the appearance of some six-feet-two-hundred-pound guys. Also did a quick merge of her space with Hawkeyes since they were the terrible twins.

From there we went to Steve's place but it was still a little bare bones since I took into consideration his age and how out of touch he truly is. Mahogany wood surfaces with fabric and old-style dressings and furnishings. On a far wall, I had a spot picked out with images of his Howling Commandos. A few of my shadow clones had gone out and met the families and put everything together for me. Steve stood before the pictures of everyone for a time while we all gave him the space. Now I was kinda happy that no one brought in images of Peggy and added her to the thing.

Things progressed from there into my own damn space because Tony just had to explore my labs to see the magic I was working on. Wasn't like I could just brush them off since everyone else within the group also wanted to see what my public work area looked like. The moment I opened the doors to my area and stepped away, Tony, and Clint ran over to the hovering items that floated behind force fields.

"Is this a two-handed chainsword?!"

"Why is this axe blue and frosty?"

With a sigh, I walked over and slapped Tony's hand away from the axe before he gave himself severe frostbite. "Yes, that's a chainsword, and this is called a Leviathan Axe, Thor's hammer gave me the idea."

Holding my hand out, I summoned the axe to me, pulled back, and then tossed it hard at a far target upwards and away from everyone. It rotated end over end before slamming hard into the surface of the target, sinking in and frosting over the area.

"So where can I get one?" Natasha quipped with a smirk along with Clint's own.

I snapprd my finger at them as I summoned the axe back to my hand and placed it in the stasis field. "That's the thing, you don't."

Then I had to move quickly and smack Tony's hand away from the status field that was holding the blades of chaos. The reason being that primordial flames didn't care about things like god flesh or mortal flesh, hell not even celestial flesh.

"Uhh, there isn't anyone in this is there?" Steve asked and I turned to find him pointing at my to-human scale if not more Ultra Marine armor. Beside the stasis enclosure was the two-handed chainsword, a massive bolter rifle along with its fat seventy-five caliber rounds and magazines. I also fully deny that I had the armor poised in full-action mode.

"Nope, it's just armor," I replied with a shake of my head.

"Huh, didn't know you were a Warhammer fan," Bruce muttered and nearly everyone turned to give him a look. I was surprised he actually knew about the franchise, but that was good at least. My attention was swiftly pulled away from Bruce though as I noticed Tony pulling on a pair of certain white gloves. "Tony, STOP!" I yelled with an arm out stopping the man cold.

The others around me jumped into action as they spun on the spot poised. Tony had on the pair of the most powerful damn things within this entire place, especially paired with his intellect.

"Ohh, calm down, these are just gloves," Tony commented with an off-hand gesture. "They even have a cool little symbol on the back, don't know why you had them hovering in that force field.

Clint sighed, but the man had hearts in his eyes and was right next to Tony looking over the gloves.

With a shake of my head, I made a hand motion towards where I had previously tossed the Leviathan axe, "The cool squiggles on the back are flame alchemic script," Then I brought us a shield to protect us. "Focus on the target, and snap your fingers. Just think small flame, the gloves will do the rest."

I watched as Tony pulled a classic Colonel Mustang think pose for a little bit, put on his cocky smirk, then snapped his fingers at the target.


My hands were up and casting an extinguishing spell the moment I noticed white flames flaring to life in the distance. Not only was I jealous and could admit that, but I was also stunned that the man took my suggestion to create a small flame and made it hyper-compressed and into something that could have taken out the entire room. Then I brought my hands together as bands of blue wrapped around the flames and snuffed them out of existence.

The looks moving across Tony's face were surprise, stunned, and fascination, his pupils might have changed into stars.

"Ohh, me next," Clint crowed as he nearly tackled Tony and tried to pull the gloves off.

Tony turned away from Clint to protect the gloves. "Damnit, Legolas, I only got to use it once, ask Magic-man for your own."

Natasha reappeared at their sides, both ears pinched between her fingers. "That's enough you two, Sebastian, take your gloves."

With a sigh and a shake of my head, I snapped my fingers and had the gloves remove themselves from Tony's hands and went back to hover in the force field. "The gloves don't have a ceiling of power, it's true they are locked into only fire, but the scale can rapidly change with the intellect of the user."

Tony pouted at me, "I have a board meeting coming up, mind letting me borrow those?"

Before I could answer the man in full, red alerts started to go off around my lab area along with a hologram appearing a foot and a half away from my location.

"Huh, someone is actually dumb enough to rob a bank in broad daylight, seriously…." I muttered as the image showed the Shocker going into a bank with goons. I never even knew the guy had minions to rob places with, damn.

Steve came to stand by my shoulder as he looked at the hologram. "Who's this?"

"Tech Villian by the name of Shocker in the process of robbing a bank right now." I replied to everyone as the image zoomed out and the locator pinged for a bank in Queens.

"Dibs, I call dibs," Tony called out.

"What no, you can't just call dibs on the first villain that shows up." Clint instantly replies, "I'll play you for it."

Blinking, I turned to Steve to make sure I wasn't dreaming and found he was also stunned at these two willing to play rock paper scissors for the Shocker of all people. Steve shrugged and I let them play for it and watched as Tony demolished Clint in rock, paper, scissors, then did the same with Bruce. Bruce let out a good-natured chuckle before stepping over and letting Natasha have a turn.

"Alright, Nat, we can't lose dibs on the first supervillain," Clint whispered his hands in prayer, I just shook my head and leaned next to Cap and watched as Tony demolished Black Widow with a best two out of three.

Steve declined but I decided that I wanted the smoke, but boy was I bad at math because my miscalculations were off the charts. We started the round with me promising not to use magic, then tossed down rock which I changed last minute from paper. Tony was on the same mind because he swapped from scissors to paper and got me all ready losing round one. Round two had Tony throw out scissors with a hot swap to paper before landing on scissors and I won the round with a double rock fake out. In the third round, Tony hit with the juggle rock fake out to scissors which tied us up since I did the same, then the man swept the win with a follow-up paper, rock, paper, and killed my chances of winning with rock, I wasn't mad at all.

Tony ran off for his suit excited about the prospect of facing off against a tinker villain while I turned towards the others. "Alright, since Shocker is so low on the threat rating, you guys can get acquainted with the place without me hovering over your shoulders."

"How do we?" Steve started but I cut him off.

"Check your Avengers Card, Captain, it's going to be in the index as Avengers Mansion," I replied to the Captain while doing a quick transmutation change to my clothes into wizard combat robes. Then I ushered everyone out of my work area and into the larger, more communal space. "Rooms are a floor up and the bar is open for everyone, the rest is kinda self-explanatory."

Leaving them with that, I phased-stepped into Tony's penthouse right in time to watch him jump off the balcony, his suit following right behind.

I sigh, "Jarvis, one of these days he isn't gonna have a suit when he does that."

"Please do not give him ideas, sir." Sassy Ai answered back, but I simply shook my head and flew right after Tony.

"Do you even know anything about the Shocker?" I asked as my voice was rerouted by my techno-magic phone into Tony's suit systems.

"Yeeeaaahhh, but if you want to go over things to put your mind at ease, I don't mind listening," Tony answered and it was clear he had no clue. This man was going to give me grey hairs on my head.

"The Shocker is a Tinker Villian that uses concussive force giving him a high Blaster 5 rating. A Brute 2 because of his suit along with a Mover 1 because of his capability to use the concussive force he generates into leaps." I rattled off as we flew at speed over the city.

"Ohh, this is gonna be easy," Tony answered back over the secured connection.

Bringing my hand up, I gave him a salute, "Alright Cap'n this your rodeo."

"Rescue the civilians and I'll handle the rest." Tony called out as he started to descend. He muttered something to Jarvis about structural integrity, but I stopped listening.

My attention shifted to inspect the area and found that police cars were already inbound along with a certain webhead. Before I could say anything to Tony, he was already flying through the top two windows of the bank and I was right behind him. The only difference being, I had a shield to protect myself and shared it with the civilians with their hands tied behind their backs.

"Have no fear for I am HERE!" Tony let out bombastically as he did his little hero landing underneath the gaze of the entire bank. Silence met his little display and I tried to support him as I made illusionary cheerleaders clap and shake pompoms. They went Ra!Ra! Ironman something, but I wasn't really paying them attention since I had it on musical muse.

"You think your Shocking entry can Shock the Shocker from his shocking bank robbery?" The two-bit villain called out and I tried so hard not to cringe. The man did not do that in the comics so what the hell.

"Ohh my, that's bad and you should feel bad saying it." Spider-Man called as he slid down from the ceiling on his webs.

"WEBHEAD!" Shocker calls in shock as he jumps from his location before the counter and fires off his two blasters. "I'm gonna kill you!"

While they dealt with Shocker, I dealt with the minions since I had the civilians moved out while everyone was distracted. My hands came up as one of my original spells was spoken aloud.

Original Spell: Finger Guns

Who needed a gun when I was the gun, hard-hitting but non- inflammatory fireballs flew from the fingertips on both hands as I shot the minions with my finger guns. Spiderman said something quippy as he webbed up the Shocker while flipping over him and Tony returned with a comment about liking the kid. I never got to hear any of it as Tony's repulsor blast sent the Shocker flying out the bank windows.

There was a massive crashing noise and I heard a familiar voice, "MY CAR!"

Huh, didn't I see him somewhere during the invasion? Well damn, now I felt bad, so with a sigh and twitch of my fingers, I had the man's vehicle all fixed up.

With a swagger, I walked up beside Tony and put a hand over the shoulder of his Ironman armor. "What's the word Cap'tn, I think you caught him lacking."

"Quite shocking isn't it," Tony quipped back.

Spiderman landed beside us, "Ohh that's bad and you should feel bad for saying it."

Shadow clone #63

Dr. Sébastien Frankenstein

Whistling dixie as I hovered around the lab in my evil overlord chair modeled after the one Frieza used in Dragon ball Z. I tried not to release the mad doctor laugh that I kept deep inside as I looked over rows upon rows of genetic samples. It was clear that the Shadow Clones had been busy and things were very profitable all around. With a finger, I directed the chair over to a vat of nutritional fluid to watch as my bio-sculpted human grew within its tube. In little tubes around the gene vat glowed different powers selected for my creation to add in while she grew under the acceleration of time magic.

"EGOR! Bring me the samples!" I yelled across the lab towards another shadow clone playing up his own role.

A hunched-back shadow clone came out from behind the shadows, a creepy smile plastered on his face. "Yes'th, master, Egor do."

I tried not to laugh as my shadow clone played up his role, shuffling feet and all with the hunch walk as he brought me the gene-seed of Reed Richards. With Richards's gene-seed fully saturated with his elastic powers, this would allow full viable extraction for my plans. The xy chromosome was swapped out to xx to make sure the gender of the base code was female. I double-checked that the intelligence would be there along with changing the hair a bit. I then pulled up the gene sequence of Sue Storm and tweaked the power dynamics a bit before also slotting it into place. There was no need to mess with what was already there since it was certified to work. Unfortunately, when everything had settled into the body, I had a mind to reduce those curves because there would be absolutely no way for her to fight with those proportions. Then I procrastinated at the thought of reducing such glorious mounds, then finally said fuck it and flipped a coin.

Luck won out and I guess she could use her powers to actively reduce some of that bounce. I neither hated the player or the game, but I did curse the original Sébastien because he was going to enjoy slobbering all over them. Then again, when I dispel, I would also merge with the original soooo, didn't that mean I would also be slobbering all over those mounds. Food for thought later, and a nice little brain twister for the original.

"Egor, bring me the spandex!" I yelled at my assistant, because who wouldn't want to see those big mommy milkers in some tight spandex?

With a chuckle, I wiped away the drool from my chin as I summoned Wolverine's genetic code and stripped it of both the primal nature and the bone claws. No need to give my lady secretary any sharp claws since her wit and sass were going to be sharp enough to kill. I would keep that primal nature for the second clone cooking in the oven. Shayera was going to be my badass assault force from the sky and she would need that primal kick and senses. Shayera was for later though, I would need to grow her wings from the samples I had of Angel and Namor. I wanted her as my apex predator, a hunter of both sky and oceans, so that meant I would need to take my time. Even with the creation of the mace, I would need to find a way to make that anti-metal vibranium work without killing the user. For now, though, I would need to completely focus on completing Helen. So I pulled over the genetic code of Kitty Pryde and went about mixing the powers with what I got from Susan.

Just phasing through things would give the game away and Helen would need more than just purple forcefields. So I fed into the two powers and allowed Helen to phase through things but only if she had a force field on its surface. Once I was happy with that and did a double-check to make sure that her genetic profile matched that of what was taken from the Red Room.

With a smirk and nod at the result showing green all across the displays on my hover chair, I sucked in some air, then yelled out nice and loud, "EGOR, BRING ME THE HERB!"

"Yes'th master," The Shadow clone Egor answered as he hobbled away and came back a minute later with the fattest blunt I have ever seen.

Taking the massive blunt, I turned and glared at him, "Wrong herb Egor, the other one!"

"Yes'th master," Egor replied and held a hand out to get his blunt back.

Placing the big blunt in my inner pockets, I looked at him with a raised brow, "You gave it to me so now it's mine."

The Egor shadow clone broke character with a snort before fixing his face and doing that hunch hobble walk off again. This time he came back with the heart-shaped herb, faster than he could track, I snatched the herb from his hand. With a few pinches of space, I had the herb hovering before me as I stripped it with magic to see how it enhanced a person. Halfway through my inspections, I found an astral trigger along with an anchor to a plane outside of time and space. It was tied into a neurological switch and I didn't like that at all so it was scrapped because fuck someone else trying to get into the head of my people.

With that out of the way, I went over the readings on how the herb did a weird transmutation of the muscles, some of the soft tissue, and the nervous system with vibranium. All powered by the passive radiation the plant produces from its natural absorption of vibrations. The damn herb was a mutagen and they have been taking it for centuries now, it was so damn simple. I felt so fucking cheated now that I knew how it worked. Granted it was a super serum grown in the wild but it was so fucking basic.

Stan Lee damnit, it was such a disappointment knowing that the Wakandans were basically hippies eating mushrooms to get a psychedelic trip and won the damn lottery. I was not pouting at all, no I wasn't. With a lazy wave of my hand, I administered the herb to Helen so she could benefit from the damn cheating mushroom. With things looking good, I settled in for a wait so that I would be here for her decanting out of the tube. And since I was going to wait, I might as well start on my second project, Shayera. As much as I was having fun with that, I didn't get too far into it as alarms started blaring to life distracting me.

An Alert rang out around the lab bringing my attention to new exotic genetic material appearing on the premises. I waved a hand over my hover chair and brought up the security footage of the Dino-Wrangler shadow clone dropping off a dino egg with its label being from a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

My hand came down hard on the arms of my hover chair, I couldn't help but froth at the mouth with excitement. "EGOR! BRING ME THAT EGG!"

Author Note's : Okay, tell me how you guys feel about the chapter, comments help the muse. Yeah, writing the shadow clones is fun because they really just give no fucks at times. They can be as insane or as cooky as movie villains.

Authors Notes - Removes the - for the internet links

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On there you will find all of my stories including the side ones.

pat- tron - TheToFu

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