
I Can Evolve My Skills

Finding himself inexplicably in a world where everyone can awaken their profession at the age of eighteen, Eldric awoke a mediocre profession. Failing to get into university, life seemed bleak until he realized he could evolve his skills. [Leap] Became [Meteroic strike] [Punch] Became [Eart Shattering Strike] A few years later, Eldric saw the so-called geniuses who were still in university and suddenly laughed till the world trembled.

Erenor · Kỳ huyễn
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53 Chs


"Luna..." Eldric muttered the name slowly while recalling the scene he saw during the trial when she took over his body. He was wondering whether to tell her about it or not. And in the end, he decided against it.

Perhaps one day when their relationship is further improved, he might talk about it... but not right now.


The old man Magnus saw Eldric lost in his train of thought and coughed lightly.

"Since you don't want to join any university, then so be it. I will respect your decision."

Knowing his views on this topic and how useless it would be to talk to him about universities, Magnus chose to take a different approach.

"If I recall correctly, then you accepted a mission in the Zone after dinner, right?"

"Uh, huh." There was nothing to hide about it, so Eldric just nodded in response.

"Great." With a smile, Magnus spoke further. "Then how about I suggest some teammates to you? This way you will be able to earn tokens at a much faster pace."

Eldric was now beginning to suspect whether this old man had a hidden motive or not. Or why else would he offer him admission into a top University and then even after rejection, would offer him teammates? The more he thought about it, the more it seemed suspicious. Even if the old man wanted to help him because of Aria's condition, it still doesn't make sense for him to go this far.

Thinking for a while, under the expectant gaze of the old man Magnus, Eldric shook his head in refusal. Teaming up with others will only decrease the effectiveness of his hunting as well as increase the risk of his exposure. Even if his skills weren't all that powerful, he still didn't want others to know more about him.

"Really?" Even though he acknowledged the wisdom of the boy in front of him, he couldn't help but feel disappointed with his lack of ambition. The boy could surely achieve a lot of things if only he doesn't stay passive.

"I already have friends, so I will be staying with them.

But if you are so content on helping me, then how about you give me some answers." Thinking about the scrolls, Eldric couldn't help but take a deep breath. He still had no idea about what those things were. He was going to look for the so-called scrolls in the auction house, but since there was already someone experienced in front of him, why not ask him?

"Yesterday while hunting the Green Bulls with my friends, I came across a group of people wearing pitch-black clothes and different masks.

They seemed to be in conflict with some people. First, they tore a scroll which turned into green lights and white lights. Then when the guy ran away, they used another scroll and disappeared together with the other guy.

I was wondering whether you know anything about those people or the scrolls they were using."

Before he could even finish his question, Magnus gave him a reply.

"Can't say I am surprised to hear that you came across these people?"

As soon as Magnus replied, Eldric had a sense of foreboding. From the old man's expression, it didn't seem like a good thing.

"So, you know about them. Who are these people?"

"Hmm..." Magnus nodded in reply "I have come across people like them. As for whether these were the same people or not... I don't know."

With a short pause, he looked into the distance as if thinking about a long-forgotten memory.

"You know how the Zones are basically small clusters of cities, right?"

Seeing Eldric nodding in reply, he spoke further.

"Saying that only cities are a part of these Zones would be wrong.

A Zone could be described as a large circular area, and anything inside that area is eligible to enter the Zone. That includes cities and small settlements as well as groups of people who decided not to be part of any city."

"And amidst all these are small factions who instead of hunting the monsters, likes to hunt other humans."

"The people you saw, belong to these groups. And are often referred to as Outlaws."

The more Eldric listened, the more he found himself at a loss. Till now, the only thing they were taught in school was that, the world was divided into numerous small cities all interconnected by teleportation gates. After he arrived in this new world, he tried to find information about the world outside the walls of the city, but the only reply he got was... The world outside was crawling with monsters and not suitable for living.

But listening to the old man... Not only there were people living outside, but they were living quite well.

"And those scrolls?" Eldric couldn't help but ask.

"Just like the name says, those are scrolls that could be used for many purposes. The first scroll that you mentioned turned into specks of light... That would be a Scanning Scroll.

When used, it will display the grades of professions in a certain radius. White is for the Ordinary, Yellow is for Rare and Black is for Epic or above."

"And the second scroll should be the Scroll Of Duel. Once used, will lock the target and its party members and then teleport them all to a duel area where the loser can lose everything. Even their lives."

With these words, Magnus finally went silent, leaving behind a speechless Eldric who was still trying to digest this new information.

"How do you get one?"

Eldric wanted to know where these scrolls came from other than the auction house.

"Well, the first and easiest way is to just buy it from auction.

And the second way is to have a scholar craft it for you."

"Scholar.. ? Craft...?" This was the first time he heard these words. He could only look at Magnus to explain it to him.

"Sigh... This is why I said you should join a university. You would learn this basic knowledge as well as many other important things."

The more he thought about it the angrier he got. Grasping his goatee with his fingers, he could only explain it to Eldric.

"You already know that going through an awakening, one can get two types of professions. The first one is the Combat Profession, and the second one is the Life Profession.

All the potions, weapons, armor, scrolls, and consumables that you see on auction are actually crafted by those with the Life profession.

Take potions for example... Those things can only be made by Potion Master.

The weapons and armor can only be made by Blacksmiths and similarly, the scrolls can only be made by those with Scholar Profession."

"I see..." Eldric had a rough idea about the Life Profession, but his knowledge was limited to the common professions and items, like potions or weapons. He didn't know what the other professions were capable of doing and never bothered to find out. But listening to Magnus, his interest was piqued.

When in school, the teacher told them that those who awakened in the combat profession during the awakening ceremony could get one life profession at every evolution. And right now he had reached the limit of his first evolution and still hadn't awakened a life profession.

Thinking about the 'Gardener Stone' in the nightmare shop, it would be a lie to say that he wasn't tempted.

"Did you awaken your life profession?" Looking at Eldric who seemed particularly interested in the Life Professions, Magnus finally felt like he had made a breakthrough. Since this little bastard wasn't interested in increasing his strength, it would be better to work up his life profession skills.

"I was thinking about it... Do you have any suggestions?" Even though he was tempted, Eldric wanted to know everything about it first before making any decision.

"There are actually a lot of things to talk about. Let's see..."

With this, the old man slowly began to tell him about the various life professions and how they functioned.

"Unlike the combat professions, Life Professions are not divided into a rarity. How far can a person go depends on their understanding and hard work.

Take a Potion Master for example. When they awaken the profession, they get the skill <Potion Crafting>.

It is a long process with high chances of failure."

"Only by producing the potions and getting perfect at them, can a Potion Master hope to advance further."

"The same thing happens with other life professions too. Every Life Profession is blessed with its unique skills. And to advance further, one needs to master their skill first.

It is too time-consuming and expensive. Hence, there aren't that many people who have advanced in these life professions."

By now, Eldric had a rather clear understanding of the Life profession and how it worked. He thought for a while and ultimately decided to buy the 'Gardener Blessing Stone' from the nightmare shop. As for how far he could take it... He never thought about it.

"I shall head out now." After such a long conversation, Magnus stood up, stretched his body, and slowly walked out of the door. But before exiting the shop, he turned around and made one final attempt.

"Do tell me if you change your mind about the university."

"..." Looking at his departing figure, Eldric was silent for a long time. It wasn't until the old man completely vanished from his sight that the voice of Luna echoed, seemingly a bit annoyed.

"That old fart talks too much." It was clear from her tone that she wasn't a fan of Magnus. As for why she hated him... Eldric had no idea and no intention of knowing.

"You are here." There was a gentle smile on his face as Eldric looked at her. "Were you perhaps injured during the final trial?"

He still had no clue what happened there, other than the fact that half of the arena was destroyed in a seemingly single strike.

"Something like that." It was clear from her expression that she didn't want to talk about it.

Eldric just shook his head and nodded in understanding. It was because of her that he was able to complete the trial which opened the nightmare shop for him, letting him get stronger at an incredible speed. He wasn't going to question her on anything. Instead, he would just wait silently till she was confident enough to tell him.

"Did you see anything when I took over your body?"

As soon as she asked this question, Eldric's face stiffened. He had thought about asking her earlier but in the end, decided against it. Who would have thought that she would bring up this question first?

Looking at his expression, Luna didn't need any answer. She just snorted in displeasure and floated there quietly.

Occasionally, her eyes would look towards him for a few moments before she would snort again in displeasure.

Seeing how she was acting a few times, Eldric scratched his head in confusion. But soon patted his head in embarrassment.

She wanted to know what he saw, but obviously, she wasn't going to ask him. Hence all this tantrum.

With a forced laugh, Eldric could only slowly explain to her what he saw when she possessed his body...