
I become Satoru Gojo but in Black Clover

I find myself walking while I'm thinking, but then I see an old man who seems familiar to me, offers me a new way of living my life, I accept it without giving importance, but I wake up and find myself in a world of magic where everything is new for me . . . . . . . . The characters, scenery and stories are not my property, all rights to their respective authors, this story is created as a hobby, also do not expect much of grammar or sense in the story, you may find several mistakes but I apologize.

Darknight558 · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs

Vol2-Chapter2-What happened?

Hi I'm the author :D, well for starters the characters and scenarios are not my property, the right to their respective authors, this story is a fanfic that I do it for hobby, don't expect to get chapters in a row or per week, it can take me days, weeks or months for a chapter, But if you want it to come out fast, then give power stones, please vote and give a good review.



Now this story is written in Spanish and translated to English, so don't expect everything to be correct, because my English is not perfect and I can be wrong, I hope you like the story>.




Here is the new volume I hope you like it


*Previous Chapter*

Asta was happy to fulfill part of his dream and to be closer and closer to his goal, Yami was returning to his seat to then turn to Satoru's direction-'Ha this is what you meant white-haired' Yami then turns to the captains to then sit in his place, Asta returned to the crowd and was talking to his brother Yuno about being accepted into a magical knight order, while this was happening Satoru was sitting in one of the stands of the stadium with his leg crossed looking at all of this

Then he lifts his right hand to his blindfold and lifts it a little bit allowing to see that beautiful blue gem-like eye, Satoru lifted his blindfold to show his right eye, Satoru was watching all this and then he focuses on Asta's grimoire and gives it a wink and then he pulls down his blindfold again.


Today is a beautiful day, quite nice to go for a walk, our dear Satoru is walking through the streets of the kingdom with his hands in his pants bag, he was immersed in his thoughts and everywhere he went he called the attention by his black bandage, white hair and how handsome he is although only a part of his face is seen, but he did not give importance to continue walking until he reached a bench and sat down, he put his arms behind the bench and looked at the sky.

"If I'm not mistaken yesterday was the test where they throw a fireball at his face but he returns it, and then he was going to hunt animals or meet Noelle, mmhhh by the way today Asta meets Noelle I think" Satoru began to scratch his head with doubt-"I don't even remember if he knew Noelle or saved her, whatever then I'll meet with them".

He put his hand on his chin-"What to do now I want to meet the other black bulls and see Vanessa but I want to make an epic entrance, but how" Satoru again lowers his eyes and takes out his grimoire to see it-"But I also want to know about this, although I could ask for help to the magician king but I doubt it, since Lucius Zogratis is in his body and is seeing everything, now that I think about it I still doubt Lucius was always there from the beginning or then he went with this Julius to meh".

Satoru gets up from the bench and walks again in the streets, but he perceives a nice smell, he turns to where the smell comes from and smiles because they are his favorite candies, he goes straight to buy them, after a while he leaves the store with a bag of his candies and continues his walk, he was walking around the city for a while but then he stops in front of the castle of the King magic.

Satoru was looking at the castle at first glance Satoru looked like an admirer seeing the castle of the magician king, but it was not so Satoru was looking specifically at the magician king trying to see this Lucius as in the future will be a real problem, Satoru knows how will be the plot and the problems that there is but he concidera much more problematic the dark triad to be carriers of demons.

But this Lucius is the mastermind for having soul magic in addition to the magic of time and in the future will have the magic of gravity and possibly the magic of his brothers although the latter is not very sure, but still is a big problem, Satoru eats his candy he had and keeps the others then disappears from there and appears at the tip of the castle looking down and then raise his eyes, turn to the side and stares in one direction

"Since Lucius is a problem and he will be able to create clones of him by the magic of his brothers why not better eliminate that trick once and for all hehehehe" Satoru starts to laugh with emotion then he takes a few steps but stops and stands there still for a few seconds without moving or even making an expression, it doesn't last long and walks again but stops to turn to all sides confused by the feeling he had but didn't give it importance, then he puts his hands together with a big smile on his face and disappears from there.


*Kingdom of Spade*.

In a rather large room where there were several candles, a rather large table that was in the center of the room with several chairs but there stood two people the first person was a tall man with green eyes and black hair, combed back and noticeable facial hair,his most notable feature is a small black spot running across his forehead, the second person is a tall man with black messy hair. His most notable feature is a black cross-shaped mark on the left side of his forehead and extending down across his left eye.

These people are the Zogratis brothers Dante and Zenon, they were talking about their future plans after obtaining the powers of the demons of the upper floors, they are looking at how to use their powers to the fullest since they have not yet mastered them completely but they are strong enough, then they leave the room and begin to walk out of the castle while they continue talking about their plan and other things.

But Zenon stops suddenly and Dante looks at him confused but Zenon looks up and shouts quite loudly-"COME OUT FROM WHERE YOU ARE AND SHOW YOUR FACE" Dante was confused but surprised because if his brother said that means that there was someone who managed to hide his magical power and could not detect it, the silence was present Zenon was still standing where he was while Dante starts to look everywhere.

A silence was the only thing that was there but soon everything began to darken Dante and Zenon turn to the sky to see how the blue sky began to get dark it was as if they were covering while they were watching they heard some clapping so they lower their gaze to see a fairly tall person with black or purple clothes, with a black bandage on his eyes and white hair

Satoru walks out-"Well congratulations Zenon for achieving my teleportation it was clear that a user with the power of the space demon was not going to notice" Satoru who is in front of the Zogratis brothers was happy that Zenon detected him although he did not expect much from Dante but he still had his quiet mocking attitude-"Who are you?" Zenon who was looking at Satoru began to think several ideas about this person he knows he is strong plus he is good at hiding his magic power.

Dante was the same as Zenon looking at Satoru but his thoughts were different, he was excited to fight with him to see all his demonic power and also to know how he made him go dark suddenly and not feel the magic power of the other people, Satoru kept clapping towards the brothers while giving them a beautiful smile. 

Zenon started to get irritated by the clapping so he lifted his right arm and from there a bone shot towards Satoru who was standing still, the bone was going at a very fast speed ready to pierce the person but it stopped inches away from his body, Zenon raised his eyes in surprise because of how he can use the space to his advantage and avoid being pierced.

Previously he had the same idea but he could not achieve it, he could not keep the space barrier even if he had the power of the demon he could not achieve it and to see that someone achieved it was excited to know his secrets, Dante who saw his brother attack was not surprised at all but to see how he stops his attack had some surprise-"Hey blind man how about if you kneel and thus avoid the humiliation plus you could not feel so much pain" Dante offers him a deal with a lot of arrogance.

Satoru who was still only sighs at this option-"And if you better lick my boots and iron my shirt" Satoru mocks Dante while cleaning his ear, when Dante hears these words he starts to get angry then with his gravity power he lifts several things to throw them to Satoru-"Last chance" Dante says in an arrogant and angry tone.

"Meh better go to your mom and cry" Satoru started to file his nails, Dante was already angry enough so he throws several things to Satoru with enough strength and speed but everything stopped around him, besides several bones were around Satoru some from the floor others were in front of him, Satoru stops filing his nails and raises his hand to the sky to look at them in detail then smiles with satisfaction for how he was then turns to see the brothers and gives them a smile then disappears from there.

"You know you are strong because of the demons but without them you are just ants" Satoru was behind the brothers with his hands in his pockets, the brothers turn and attack again but all the attacks stop-"I don't know who you are but you have the wrong opponent from here you are not going to get out alive" Zenon was the one who spoke while activating his demonic form he began to grow horns of bone but the horn on the left side took a dark color besides putting his eye red and that in his chest began to take a dark color.

Zenon knew that his opponent was strong so he decided to fight with 55% of his strength, Dante to see his brother in his demonic form he began to do the same activated 50% of his strength and a dark horns came out on his head in addition to a dark wings on his chest came out a white circle and the dark mark on his forehead began to grow-"Hahaha well so you asked today you die here" Dante with enough confidence begins to laugh at how pitiful is this person

Satoru who is watching how he transforms was surprised of how his transformation was but after listening to Dante's words he sighs and then begins to lower the dark blindfold of his eyes to show a look of anger and disgust towards them-"I'm surprised at the garbage they have for brains if they think they will beat me like this".

Satoru raises his right arm and points to Zenon - "You the ugliest one will be the first to die" then with his hand he starts to make a sign-"What are you waiting for they are not going to come if you started it" then he starts to walk towards them and stands in front of them-"I was going to die no then what are you waiting for".

Dante wastes no time and rushes towards him to give him a punch, Satoru grabs his hand and throws him backwards, Dante goes flying by force, Zenon doesn't stay behind and throws several bones towards Satoru but he simply destroys them with a blow then he throws himself towards Zenon who moves backwards but Satoru grabs him by his clothes and gives him a strong blow with his left hand then he jumps to his left to dodge several stone spikes, then he turns up and sees Dante flying with several stone spears that shoot towards him.

Satoru smiles and raises his hand from which starts to come out a blue sphere and throws it towards the spears, when the blue sphere was close to the spears these were attracted by the blue sphere, Dante who saw that was surprised and moment later the spears were destroyed, Satoru who was watching that tilts his body back a little to let pass a bone that passed in front of him then turns to see Zenon and points with his left hand in the form of a gun which began to come out a red light and then shot Zenon form several bones to cover the impact but still shot out.

Dante who saw that decided to increase his power-"80% of power" then the atmosphere of Dante changed all his clothes were covered in black color and the mark on his forehead grew and covers almost all his face and the circle of his chest also appeared in his hands-"You are lucky enough to see all my power".

Satoru who saw the increase of power realized that he still doesn't master it completely but he still lets out a small smile and then disappears from there to appear behind Dante then he raises his arm to give him a blow, Dante reacts late and turns his head slowly to see Satoru with his clenched fist ready to hit him but from which begins to come out some black and red lightning, then Satoru gives his attack and hits Dante-"Black flash" Dante receives the blow and goes out shot, falls and hits the floor and rolls for several meters.

Satoru who was floating disappears from there to appear on one of the roofs of the houses that were around, he looks up and sees a bucket where he was before-"So you want to catch me like a mouse eh je pity" Satoru disappears again from there, Zenon who returned to the fight tried to catch Satoru to prevent him from using his magic but apparently he failed again but he always managed to dodge so he decided to use a new technique, he put together his magic power of space and bones and then the entire battle zone opened several portals from which several bones came out.

The whole place was surrounded by bones destroying some houses and doing some damage in the castle, he didn't care about anything he just wanted to finish with him, Dante returned to the fight after wiping the blood that came out of his mouth by the blow of Satoru then rises to the sky to look for him, Zenon deactivates his spell and sees all the destruction he did but does not find Satoru, then turns around to look back and only sees a face next to him with a smile.

Satoru had teleported a little far away to not be seen after seeing all the destruction he teleports near Zenon and shows him a beautiful smile, then he gives him a black flash all over his face and Zenon was about to be shot by the blow but Satoru grabs his right arm to get on top of him, Zenon who was dizzy from the blow just sees Satoru on him right arm with a crazy face-"You're ready one, two and" Satoru started to apply force while twisting him arm then pulls it quite hard-"AND THREE".


Satoru ripped off the right arm of Zenon who knelt down in pain, Dante who was flying and checking where Satoru was heard the scream of pain of his brother then he flies towards him and sees how his arm was ripped off, Dante full of hate flies towards him while he lifts several houses and throws them to him, Satoru who saw Zenon kneeling and with his arm in his hand sees Dante throw several houses to him then he grabs Zenon and disappears from there.

Dante sees how he disappears then full of anger expels a great amount of magic power destroying the whole area but he hears a voice coming from behind him-"I wonder if I can tear them off" Satoru had his hands on Zenon's horns who tried to defend with his bones but they stopped, he tried to use his power of space but it did not work, all this was because Satoru blocked them with his space, rather the infinite prevented Zenon's space from manifesting itself.

Satoru started to use magic power in his hands and with a strong pull he pulled out Zenon's horns, Dante saw with horror how his brother screamed with horror then he lifted a stone sword and tried to cut him but Satoru threw Zenon towards Dante who destroyed the sword to catch his wounded brother but in that moment he received a kick that sent him flying to his right side and crashed with several destroyed houses.

Zenon who was in pain was talking to his demon to have more power and just when he was about to achieve it his eyes are destroyed, rather they were pierced by his horns that were pulled out by Satoru, Satoru stabs the horns with great force in his eyes, Satoru sees how they are destroyed and blood comes out as well as the ugly scream of pain of Zenon, Satoru sees how he was weak and in pain then he kicks him and throws several arrows of emptiness that cross his body, Zenon was impaled by several arrows as well as not having an arm and having his eyes pierced.

Satoru sees how Zenon was then turns to look at the floor to look at his grimoire and sees how it begins to disappear, Satoru lets out a little chuckle but then he hears a cry of anger and fury, he turns to see where it came from and sees a furious Dante who was quite deformed by asking for more power to his demon, Dante was about 4 meters tall you could see his body in the form of a demon.

"So you gave your whole body for power je what a pity" Dante was at 100% of his power or even more he roared so loud full of anger and opens his mouth from where he starts to generate a dark ball of magic, Satoru saw how Dante was giving his strongest attack then he also has to do-"Let's see which one of the two is stronger" he put his hands together while looking at Dante

"Cursed technique: Reverse red"-"Cursed technique: amplifier blue".


Dante was still accumulating enough gravity magic in his mouth ready to finish Satoru off.

"Cursed technique: hollow purple"

"Magic creation: presence of the king"



Both attacks shot out Dante fired his magical attack which began to crush everything around him as he advanced, Satoru also launched his attack a large purple sphere that was flying quite fast while destroying everything in its path, each attack was approaching little by little, destroying around them the attacks came and collided, Dante was sure he won the battle but what he did not know is that his attack did not take effect.

At the moment they collided Dante thought he destroyed Satoru's technique but rather his spell was destroyed the purple sphere continued advancing Dante was confused how he could destroy his attack full of magical power of gravity, because the simple answer eliminated gravity.

Satoru knew he could destroy Dante's spell but he didn't expect it to be so simple, the purple sphere continued its path and soon reached Dante, a purple light was seen, Dante was still watching how the sphere approached him and couldn't react, he could only see a purple light before receiving his attack.




Satoru sees how Dante received the attack, the purple sphere continued for a moment to then disappear, Satoru was still where he was before in front of Dante but now there is only a shattered road and where Dante was no longer there, Satoru walks to where Dante was before and sees half of his grimoire that disintegrated when he received his attack but then begins to disappear indicating that he died.

Satoru smiles for this, he stands there for a moment and begins to stretch his whole body, then he raises his hand in the air and makes a movement, when he makes the movement with his hand the mantle that was over the castle began to disappear and soon he could see the blue sky, Satoru before fighting put a mantle to be able to fight comfortably, after deactivating it he could see several people confused and surprised.

They saw Satoru standing there and wanted to attack him immediately but then they saw Zenon's body impaled by several magic arrows, without an arm and with horns buried in his eyes, this scene caused them a lot of fear so they decided not to attack him, Satoru was not worried about this and was stretching his body, then he looked up to the sky and saw a black thing approaching.

Satoru knew who this person was the last of these three brothers, well of the four brothers Vanica Zogratis, Vanica who was far from the kingdom was making some chaos while having fun with his power and seeing how strong it was, but then he felt that the magic of his brothers disappeared but reappeared, he did not give much importance because they are probably experimenting with something but after a while the magical power of Zenon disappear quickly this alerted Vanica so he decided to go to see what was happening

When she was about to arrive Dante's magic also disappeared this caused Vanica to become alert and speed up the pace, when she arrived to the kingdom she saw a black dome she didn't know what it was, but then it disappeared and she saw a battlefield quite destroyed she saw a young man with white hair looking at her but what attracted her attention was her brother Zenon who was behind dead and quite wounded this made her get angry and use 75% of her power which is the maximum she can for the moment.

She launches several blood spears, summons several blood monsters that go straight to attack Satoru, she wanted revenge for her brothers so she also uses her curse magic, Satoru who was still watching everything suddenly opens his eyes with surprise and disappears from there, Satoru appears on the roof of the castle looking where he was before, all the spears and monsters were there, Satoru did not escape because of that but because of the curse he saw Vanica cast, he reacted in time and managed to avoid it but he was surprised at how fast he was going.

But this also made him curious so he deactivated the infinite for a moment, Vanica saw that he managed to dodge her attack and launched another curse, this time Satoru didn't dodge it and raised his left arm to receive the curse, while in his right hand he began to reinforce it with magical power.

At the moment he receives the curse on his hand it was starting to deteriorate quite fast but Satoru with his right hand grabs his left arm, he breaks it, twists it and pulls it with enough strength to throw it a few meters away from him, Vanica who saw how his curse took effect was happy for that but he sees how his arm is torn off, that makes him feel happy because Satoru was weaker, but it is not like that.

Satoru wanted to see what the curse was like so he sacrificed his arm and turns to see his arm that he ripped off where he sees the flesh rotting, the bones break and disintegrate, Satoru turns to see Vanica who has a crazy smile for that but he just shakes his head, Vanica was ready to torture Satoru and take revenge on her brothers but before she could attack she sees that Satoru's left arm starts to release smoke and then it starts to regenerate, she sees how a bone, nerve, muscle, flesh, Satoru's left arm is completely regenerated.

Satoru starts to move his arm checking how it is and smiles to see that his arm is 100%, then he turns to see Vanica and disappears, Vanica panic when she saw how his arm regenerated but also when he disappeared-'Is it a demon user, healing magic and space magic' Vanica was surprised to see two types of magics, but while she was thinking about this Satoru appeared behind her.

Vanica felt that something was wrong and turned around, then she saw Satoru standing behind her with his right hand near him mouth with his fingers crossed, she was preparing her attack to kill him but it was too late.


Domain extension: Unlimited Void".

Everything was over Vanica couldn't react and he was frozen, Satoru activate his domain to kill him quickly because if he does it slowly he will have to ski several curses, so he uses again the purple to kill her in one hit and so it was Vanica was disintegrated and dead, Satoru deactivate his domain and check the area.

He nods his head with satisfaction for killing the three brothers, Satoru starts to go down and lands on the ground, he sees all the people with fear not only for being a foreigner but also for killing the three brothers, Satoru knew that he had eliminated a problem of the future so he decides to go to rest.

But he only takes a few small steps and stops-"Something is wrong" Satoru feels that something is not right, his senses tell him danger, the six eyes tell him that something is not right, Satoru turns to all sides to see what is going to happen, but then he turns to the castle and sees how a white light coming from behind the castle began to cover everything in its path, the people who were there were scared and began to run.

Satoru saw how that light approached him, he didn't know what it was but the six eyes told him what it was-"Son of a bitch can you really do that???" he cursed out loud as he stood still since he knew he couldn't do anything now, then the light covered him.









































After that intense light Satoru was standing still and did not move, his eyes were lost as if he was gawking at something, but then he reacts and shakes his head, looks around and sees the kingdom of the clover then sees his clothes, then turns to look at his left arm and starts to move it, raises his head and sees the horizon.

"What happened" Satoru was confused, a moment ago he was at the top of the magician king's castle and he had a great idea so he was going to realize it but after a few steps he stopped suddenly and the idea he had disappeared-"What was I going to do" Satoru was confused because he forgot the great idea, in that moment he touches his face and he sees that he didn't have the blindfold on his eyes.

This made him more confused, because according to him he never put the blindfold on, he stayed like that for a while all confused, he tried to remember what he was going to do but he couldn't remember, then he sighed for forgetting his idea and decided to go back to eat something, then he walked backwards and made a big jump to land on the floor with style, he put the blindfold back on and walked towards the food stalls.

But he stops again and turns towards the castle, specifically at the window where the wizard king was, at his desk doing a lot of work, Satoru doesn't know what happened but he feels a sensation that something is out of order, then he turns around and walks away from there.

As Satoru walked away the wizard king who was doing his job leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes for a moment to rest, but his hair started to change color, the tattoo on his forehead changed shape and position a little, then he turned around in his chair and stood up, he walked to the window and watched as Satoru walked away.

"You may interrupt my plans every time, but I have all the time in the world, I can wait to accomplish the great change in the world" he shows a smile of victory and turns around to look at his desk then he opens a drawer and takes out a sheet where there was a list of people then with his left hand he injects mana and the list that was there changes to an image of a box

"But soon you won't be able to interfere anymore, thanks for everything Satoru Gojo" the image changes again and now there is the list of people, he puts it in his drawer and closes the drawer, he sits on his desk and then closes his eyes, his hair and the tattoo on his forehead change place and color, then he opens his eyes again and the magician king carves his eyes with tiredness and returns to his work.


<Author: 5 finally after attempts to create this chapter came out, I liked how it was but well support the story please with power stones or your reviews and then continue working may not haiga later because there is work do :D>




<another thing if you are liking the chapters or meh> .