
People who have a deep yearning for comfort. (3)

"Lastly, the underlying factor that fuels my doubts and leads me to believe that you defeated Reinhardt alone is..."

Olivia paused momentarily, a gust of wind causing her gray hair to cascade, and her sharp gray eyes bore into mine.

"The fact that you possess the capability to do so."

Olivia uttered those words while maintaining direct eye contact with me as if she had already made up her mind about something.

'No, hold on. Where does her trust in me stem from?'

I couldn't help but be taken aback by Olivia's demeanor. In the original story, she was portrayed as a calculated individual, so she wouldn't casually place her trust in someone.

"You overestimate me."

"No, I can see that. Mr. Fawwaz, this may sound arrogant, but I am quite proud of my ability to judge people."

Olivia maintained her composed demeanor as she spoke, which was characteristic of her.

Her innate cold, stubborn, and determined nature was well concealed behind the mask she wore every day.

'But what was the purpose of her saying that to me?'

Judging from Olivia's nature, she wouldn't simply come to make a statement like 'You have the capability' and then leave.

'She must have some other motive.'

"So, I have a request. Please explain how you defeated Reinhardt."

I wasn't sure of the purpose behind her request, but upon consideration, there seemed to be no harm in complying.

"Alright... So..."

I began narrating the events leading to my victory over Reinhardt. I described how I initiated a surprise attack, strategically waited for him to unleash his Berserk power, and then capitalized on his subsequent mental exhaustion.

I elaborated on the mechanics of my Mana zone, detailing how it delivered vast amounts of mana directly to Reinhardt's brain, resulting in temporary paralysis. Finally, I recounted how I severed his hand bearing the stigma symbol.

As I spoke, I noticed Olivia's expression shifting, growing increasingly surprised with each revelation.

'At times like this, her expression resembles that of a cat.'

"...So, that's the story. I must say, I'm impressed by how you handled Reinhardt using that method."

"Yeah, and now that you've grasped the situation, correct?"

"Yes, and as I suspected, you were the one who defeated Reinhardt single-handedly."

I could see the slight upward curve of Olivia's lips as she spoke as if she were proud that her assumption about me had been correct.

'Upon closer observation, she truly is stunning. It's no wonder she was one of the main heroines in the original story.'

Seemingly asserting her role as the main heroine with her appearance, Olivia, who had been smiling faintly, now adopted a serious expression.

"I'm certain you're aware of my predicament, but let me elucidate further. I need your assistance in securing the inheritance rights of my younger brother."


Hearing Olivia's words, which were supposed to be directed at Ivan in the main story, left me stunned.

'But really, how much did I disrupt the original plot?'

When I decided to confront Reinhardt and rescue Kadita, I was fully aware that I might be altering the course of the main storyline.

Yet, it appears that my actions have indeed impacted the primary narrative. Is this what they mean by 'You reap what you sow'?

"...So, what do you say? Will you assist me? And naturally, you'll stand to benefit as well."

Olivia noticing my silence, seemed to express concern that I might reject her proposal.

'Hmm... well, I should at least hear her out.'

"Alright, go ahead and explain what benefits I would receive."

"Of course, as a prince of the Everglen family, you lack for little, and I'm not certain I can offer anything that would truly satisfy you. However, I can offer you one thing: the Astralia family's Veto Vote."

"Wait, are you serious?"


It was shocking to hear her casually utter those words. The Veto, the absolute power held by the Astralia family, was capable of weaving a political thread within the heart of the Empire, becoming the force that governed the flow of political life between the two formidable pillars: the Astralia and Everglen families.

Throughout their extensive history of service to the empire, both families had been steadfast guardians for generations, earning them indisputable entitlement to such high authority.

For instance, if the Empire sought to enact a new law, the approval of all three parties—the Empire, the Everglen Family, and the Astralia Family—was required. This was known as the Veto Vote. Each vote held immense sway in shaping the direction of the decision.

To be granted access to the veto vote of the Astralia Family, as a member of the Everglen Family, was a privilege of unparalleled significance. It was akin to wielding complete control over the legislative landscape of the empire.

Olivia's serious intent to bestow upon the Everglen Family the right of veto vote underscored her resolute determination to ascend to the position of the family head.

'I wasn't keen on getting entangled with one of the main characters, but the potential benefits are too significant to ignore.'

"But, how precisely do you expect me to assist you?"

Unlike in the original story, where the incident of transferring the position of the family head was still distant, there would naturally be considerable differences in the form of assistance between Ivan and me.

"Oh, that's simple. Just involve the Everglen family as support for my side during the leadership transition."


"You... Are you certain about what you're proposing?"

"Absolutely. I don't make jokes when it comes to discussions like this."

I couldn't believe she was making such a proposition. As was known, both the Astralia Family and the Everglen Family led their respective factions. While their relationship had improved recently, any interference from one family in the affairs of the other could provoke resistance from both sides, potentially escalating into factional warfare.

However, considering the impending invasion of the Outer beings in the future, merging the two factions could create a formidable force against them.

'I'm inclined to refuse, but the potential benefits of success outweigh the consequences of failure.'

Ultimately, Olivia would inevitably inherit the Astralia family, whether due to my assistance or Ivan's in the future.

"Alright, it's a deal. I will assist you."

"Very well."

Upon hearing my agreement, Olivia's demeanor softened, and she smiled warmly as she extended her hand for a handshake, dispelling the serious atmosphere that had lingered moments before.

Grasping her hand firmly, we shook hands, solidifying our agreement in the quiet of the night.


A few kilometers from Olivia and Fawwaz's location, nestled deep within the forest, stood an abandoned building.

Covered by the dense foliage and shrouded in the darkness of the night, the two-story structure appeared almost hidden from view.

Within the depths of the building, in a room on the second floor, several shadowy figures sat gathered around a large round table.

The only illumination came from the sporadic moonlight filtering through the clouds, casting the room into an eerie darkness that hardly seemed fitting for a meeting place.

As the opportunity arose, the moonlight made a valiant effort to penetrate the cracks, eventually revealing the four silhouettes.

Clad in robes of faded red, green, blue, and yellow, they sat in a row, casting an air of mystery over the scene.

"When do we proceed with the plan?" questioned the figure in the green robe, their voice resonating throughout the room.

"There's no need to rush; we must patiently await the opportune moment," responded one of the figures in the red robe, their voice resolute.

"Very well, I trust in your strategy. After all, you're the one who insisted on taking responsibility for your incompetent subordinate, Reinhardt," remarked the figure in the green robe, their words hinting at a connection with Reinhardt.

"Very well, then we shall await the outcome," remarked the figure in the green robe.

"I comprehend the plan, but how do you intend to handle the emergence of the Variable in your strategy?" inquired the figure clad in yellow, joining the conversation after observing the exchange between the other two.

"Ahh, which variable, precisely?" queried the figure in the yellow robe.

"Damian Nor Everglen," promptly responded the one in the yellow robe to the inquiry posed by the individual in the red robe.

"Fret not, I am already aware," assured the figure in the red robe.

As if to validate his response, the figure in the red robe snapped his fingers, prompting a set of footsteps to resonate through the room. Approaching them was a figure garbed in a black robe, emanating a palpable aura of intimidation. Upon reaching them, the individual bowed with deference, acknowledging the group.

"I offer my respects to the Four Pillars."

"This is Robert, my second subordinate after Reinhardt. With him, this mission will proceed smoothly," declared the figure in the red robe, introducing Robert to the others.

"Understood," affirmed the three, nodding in agreement to the red-robed figure's statement.

Redirecting his attention from the others to Robert, the individual in the red robe issued an order.

"Robert, ensure you handle her with care," Red commanded, tossing a piece of paper containing an individual's information.

Taking hold of the paper, Robert's lips curled at the corners, forming a smirk.

"Of course, my lord. I will 'take good care' of her," he replied, his tone laced with sinister undertones.

In the heart of the room, the moonlight filtering through the cracks managed to illuminate the paper clutched in Robert's hand, revealing the Stigma etched on the back of his hand.

In the glow, the face of the person depicted on the paper became apparent—a woman with gray eyes and hair. It was Olivia.