
I Became a Godly Cameraman in my Hero's World

In a fantastical twist, an avid One Punch Man fan finds himself mysteriously transmigrated into the world of their beloved manga. Now trapped in the world of heroes and monsters, they take on the role of a cameraman, capturing the epic battles and hilarious encounters that unfold. Inspired by the presence of their favorite hero, Saitama, the transmigrated fan decides to create a documentary series chronicling the life of the Saitama and all-powerful hero. As he navigates this chaotic world, he aims to uncover the true story behind the Caped Baldy and share it with fans across the multiverse. With humor, action, and a dash of mystery, this fan's journey as a cameraman in the One Punch Man universe promises to be an unforgettable adventure.

iGodof · Tranh châm biếm
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Powers Unveiled

Haruto had discovered a newfound array of powers within him, and the urge to test their limits coursed through his veins like a potent elixir. It was a moment of revelation, a moment when he realized that the extraordinary abilities he possessed were far beyond his understanding. The possibilities were staggering, and he yearned to explore each one.

"Alpha," he began, his voice quivering with excitement and apprehension, "I need to know the extent of my powers. Please, collect all of their names and show them to me."

Alpha, the AI entity that seemed to reside within him, complied. The list of powers scrolled through Haruto's eyes and he took a moment to absorb each one:

[ Manipulate objects,

Barrier Creation,

Teleportation [New],

Freeze time,

Reverse time,


Power to capture Gods,


Cameralink [New],

Povision [New],

Time warp [New],

Cosmic jump [New],

Speed beyond even God's reach [New] ]

Haruto couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was as if he had stumbled upon godlike abilities that could reshape reality itself. He pondered his origins, wondering if he had been created by a God.

Deciding to put his powers to the test, Haruto began with Manipulate objects.

[Manipulate Objects: The host have the power to alter the shape of objects, manipulate them, and effortlessly pick them up.]

[Number of objects can be picked: ???]

He concentrated on a pile of rocks nearby, and with a mere thought, they lifted into the air, hovering before him. With each subsequent attempt, he found it easier, as if he was learning to control the powers within him. He moved from rocks to a small plot of land, flipping it with a flick of his mind -Too easy and stunned. But he wanted to push his limits, to truly understand the extent of his abilities.

With determination, Haruto set his sights on the moon. He reached out with his mind, causing the celestial body to shift in the night sky. However, the consequences were immediate. The Earth's gravity wavered, and the planet began tearing itself apart. Panic set in, and Haruto quickly reversed time to return the moon to its rightful place, averting catastrophe.

Exhaling with relief, he turned to Jeeves, who stood there in shock, barely able to maintain his balance. Haruto shook him awake, a dramatic gesture meant to snap him out of his stupor.

The next power Haruto decided to explore was barriers Creation.

[Barrier Creation: Host can instantly conjure impenetrable shields with his thoughts. Power grants control over protective barriers of varying sizes, making him a formidable guardian.]

[Number of barrier created at once: ???]

With a thought, he formed an impenetrable shield around Jeeves. To test its limits, he hurled a massive rock at his friend, only to watch it bounce harmlessly off the barrier. Encouraged, Haruto expanded the barrier, encapsulating an entire city. Tried deploying his barrier in different shapes.

" *Sigh*, Its just way to easy, a single thought and it's done, I am not even breaking a sweat."

He considered sharing his perspective with Jeeves, who he suspected was growing bored (nope, He wasn't. Jeeves was way to Stunned to show his emotions) while Haruto reveled in his powers. Laying Jeeves down, Haruto focused on the power of Povision.

[Povision: Enables host to share his vision with others or See through other race vision.]

[Conditon: Host should have seen the person with their own eyes once.]

[Limitations to POV connected: None]

He connected his vision to Jeeves, allowing his Butler/friend to experience the world through Haruto's eyes. It was an act of empathy, a way to bridge the gap between their experiences.

Feeling satisfied with the test, Haruto moved on to Invincibility.

[Invincibility: Bestows unparalleled resilience. Host can defies harm, surviving leaps from great heights and even venturing into space, immune to the perils of cosmic void and airless abyss.]

He climbed to a nearby hill, then, without hesitation, hurled himself off it. To his astonishment, he remained unscathed, even when smashing his head against the ground at high speed. He pushed the limits further, teleporting into the vastness of space, feeling the emptiness and the lack of air. Still, nothing harmed him.

Stealth, freezing time, and time reverse, teleportation were powers he had already dabbled with, so he skipped them for now.

[Stealth {Cameraman}: This power allows the Host to capture images or video discreetly, making it nearly invisible during recording, perfect for covert surveillance]

[Freezing Time {Cameraman}: Host can momentarily freeze time, resulting in incredibly detailed, crisp shots even in fast-paced environments, delivering captivating, paused moments.]

[Time Reverse: This power allows the host to rewind past events, potentially undoing mistakes or altering outcomes, making them a time-manipulating force to be reckoned with.]

[Teleportation: Gives host Instant movement from one location to another, bypassing physical space.]

[Attachment: Host can travel with Multiple Beings]

Next on the list was Cameralink,

[Cameralink {Cameraman}: Connect a camera to an individual, documenting their life events until host decides to detach it. This ability offers a fascinating and intimate glimpse into someone's experiences, allowing for a comprehensive record of their journey and memories, all at Haruto's discretion.]

[Conditon: The host should have seen the person with their own eyes.]

A unique ability that allowed Haruto to attach a camera to a person, capturing their life until he chose to detach it. Curious about its capabilities, he affixed a camera to Jeeves, recording his surroundings. After testing it out, he soon removed it, respecting Jeeves' privacy.

Haruto had Time Warp and Cosmic Jump, and Power to capture Gods. But he deemed them too tiring to consider now. He decided to save them for when they were truly needed.

[Time Warp: Enables host to manipulate time itself. They can bend and distort the flow of time, allowing them to travel to the past, glimpse the future, or create temporal anomalies. This power grants them unprecedented control over the very fabric of reality, with the potential to rewrite history or glimpse what lies ahead.]

[Cosmic Jump: Allows the host to navigate between multiple parallel universes. By tapping into the fabric of reality, they can shift their presence across different dimensions, each with its own unique set of circumstances and possibilities. This power offers unparalleled exploration of alternate realities, granting access to diverse worlds and the chance to influence outcomes across the multiverse.]

[Power to Capture Gods {Cameraman}: Allows host to photograph or record the presence of divine or celestial beings. This unique skill transcends the limits of conventional photography, enabling the documentation of encounters with gods and otherworldly entities.]

Now left with one final, overwhelming power – Speed not even God can reach.

[Speed not even God can reach: This power endows Host with the ability to move at such incredible speeds that it transcends conventional limitations, redefining the boundaries of what's achievable.]

Haruto turned to Alpha asking it, " Alpha can you tell me whats the maximum speed I can reach."

Alpha, after deep calculations, replied,

[I'm sorry, I cannot measure your speed.]

Not one to be deterred, Haruto decided to test the limits himself. With unwavering determination, he closed his eyes, and launched himself into space at an unimaginable velocity, as he counted to ten.


As he opened his eyes, the sight that greeted him was beyond human comprehension. Haruto found himself surrounded by an infinite expanse of white space, a void that seemed to stretch on forever. Within this space, countless black bubbles filled with stars expanded, contracting, and merging. These were universes, and Haruto had inadvertently stumbled upon after crossing boundaries of his own universe.

A shiver ran down his spine, and his body trembled uncontrollably. He muttered to himself, "I shouldn't be here."

With a blink, he teleported back to Earth, reeling from the cosmic revelations he had witnessed. He realized that these powers were far more than he had ever anticipated, and the responsibility that came with them was staggering. Meanwhile, Jeeves, still linked with Povision, tried to gather his thoughts, a mixture of astonishment and trepidation filling his mind.

Haruto lying there, his entire being trembling with the weight of the powers he had at his command, wondering about the mysteries of existence, and the consequences of his actions.

To Be continued...

Thank you


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