
I asked for a normal life

Tác giả: Kumi_Fish
Fantasy Romance
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What is I asked for a normal life

Đọc tiểu thuyết I asked for a normal life của tác giả Kumi_Fish được xuất bản trên WebNovel.Anice had everything, talent, fortune, and a promising future but they are one thing she didn't have love. Her parents never really cared as they thought she didn't need them and her brother envied he...

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Anice had everything, talent, fortune, and a promising future but they are one thing she didn't have love. Her parents never really cared as they thought she didn't need them and her brother envied her for being a genius. Not only that, her friends started to ignore and abandon her because of it too. So when she died while saving a child, the god who took pity on her decided to reincarnate her.  "_Do you wish for anything? _Yes, a normal and basic life. _What? You don't want to be queen or... _No, just a normal life" And so she was reincarnated into a village girl who lives with her mother. 'Hm? What do you mean I'm your daughter, sir?  A Duke daughter at that? Well, whatever I can still live a fairly normal life right?' But for some reason, the crown prince started to notice her. And no matter how hard she tried to escape, their "relationship" grew and spread everywhere. Then one day the prince's fiance who used to bully her came to her. "I realized my wrongdoing,  so don't worry! I will not stand against your happiness and bother you two anymore!! So go live your full-blown romance where you get bullied by the villainess and then you marry as she is left to die." You're the fiance! And I don't want that stalker as a husband!  And that you, we are talking about Miss Villainess. The one who dies miserably. Then the man who she saved one day came back a tad obsessively.  "They're no escape now..." .... God, when I said normal... This wasn't what I meant. This is clearly an r-15 novel no matter how I look at it!!

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