
I am The Villain! [AU - MARVEL/DC UNIVERSE)

Starting within the hellish walls of Hells Kitchen, New York. Adrian Starhart was a victim to black market mutant-trafficking, finding himself imprisoned to be tortured for hours on end, and treated less than a beast ever would. However, at the take-over of another soul, the X-gene in his body had undergone another awakening, proving that his life truly wasn't over, and that there was something else out there in the world he was meant to be... It all depended solely on his view of human nature... Something he detested as the new soul peered through the small life time of horrific things his previous self had to deal with before he arrived. '...Fine. I get it... All my past life's skills and experience were meant for this moment right here. All that time I spent wondering if my line of work was even worth anything in the end- It seems I was wrong. There is something I can use those skills for... Correcting this dastardly world by my own hands!' This world is mix of MCU and the Comic universe. With a bit of DC mixed in here and there as well. The story isn't about structure or realistically anything to do with the Marvel timeline or DC's. Whatever I choose to happen will happen, it will be an action pact more straight forward story.

Kustomari · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

It's Okay, Papa Will Take Care of It

"Woah, calm down. What happened?" Adrian questioned, his posture still lax as he did so. Matt paced around the room, his blood pressure so high he himself was sure he would stroke out.

"H-He, I was at the firm and he didn't show up. Normally he leaves a message at least, a phone call or something! He doesn't just disappear." He stated, pausing as he collected his breath.

Adrian hummed, the left side of his lip dropping as he shrugged. "Maybe he's sick? Skipped town and decided to ghost everyone. Who knows?" But all the while listening, Daredevil kept frantically shaking his head.

"No, that wouldn't be possible- Foggy doesn't work like that." The way he spoke, Adrian had no choice but to drop that line of thought. 'Well, he's certain… I don't know much about this character, so… Better to believe his best friend.'

Pulling the young mutant out of his musings, Matt Murdock continued. His words became more of an indescribable form of muttering that Adrian was lucky enough to understand due to his highly active mind constantly peering into the vigilantes mind.

"T-This… Mm, Fisk… Has to be." 

Finally, another name that wrung bells like no other in his mind, Adrian rejoiced silently. 'These things just keep lining up perfectly!' He thinks to himself with a cruel grin hidden beneath his hands as he leaned forward, resting his head on them as he watched his subordinate pace the room.

"Fisk?" Adrian peeks up, leaning back and tilting his dramatically with a sigh. "Who's Fisk and why would he have your friend kidnapped?" Matt let out the most exasperated sigh Adrian thought he'd ever heard.

"Oh, wow…" The boy mutters, trailing off watching his stressed friend rock back and forth in his seat. "Who's Fisk, huh? A great telepath like you can't figure out who the hell Fisk is?" Daredevil snapped, glaring at his leader.

Adrian sucked his teeth, shrugging. "This great telepath knows a lot. I'm just fooling." Rolling his eyes, he was a little salty that Matt called him out.

"Anyways, what's the plan then, Matt? I know not where he is but I know where I could find places to draw him out." Raising an amused eyebrow, Adrian eyed the devil before him. Reading his mind of every possible plan and theory he thought of.

Lifting his head, the pacing anxious heart belonging to Hells Kitchens' very own vigilante had calmed down. His eyes held a mysterious, spiteful glint as he spoke.

"Mark the locations, I'll do the rest." But that wouldn't do.

"Nope." Adrian instantly denied. "What makes you think you deserve all the fun?" Standing to his full height, the boy stretched, groaning obnoxiously as he did so.

Matt looked skeptical, "Uh, you've never been out in the field. You don't know what it's like to be out in that environment." Shaking his head exaggeratingly, he stood up as well.

"Plus, you're just a kid. Telepathic abilities or not, I can't let you come with me." 

The devil's words sat heavy in the air, the person in question not even knowing what sort of reaction his words had brought forth. There were some truths to what he said, however, Adrian did not see it that way.

'This little-' He was irritated to say the least. From his life before this current one and even from his new life- he faced countless troubles already. Things he's overcome and learned from and grew from. 

There was no kid in the room. There was a Vigilante, and a Mutant.

Pushing past the young teen, Matt looked back, his position already halfway up the stairs, hand reaching for the knob. "Thank you though… You wanting to help means a lot." 

Turning to continue his way out the apartment, his mood got even better; Matt was met with the cold grip of immobility as his face instantly reached the floor. His body seizing as a familiar- malevolent vibration invaded his mind.

"G-Guh! W-Wuh aurh ywoo duing!?" Through minced, violently slurred words, Adrians slow footsteps ascended behind him. The strange power that gripped his mind slowly vanquished as the man suddenly found himself upright once again.

Eyes wide, his focus on his leader as the mutant in question raised him from the ground with a simple finger. A telekinetic force took hold of him and manipulated his body to fit Adrians liking.

'Great… Telekinesis too…'

Patting the man on the shoulder, Adrian spoke. "Now, I would've liked to have you accompany me on this excursion…" He stepped past, not even sparing the man the time of day as he stepped through the door.

"But it seems like the bad dog needs to sit this one out and watch what his master's capable of."

Daredevil's jaw clenched, "...You don't even know where to look." He combated, his hopeful desperation locked in a cage far from the outside world. But his raw self was always fully revealed in front of the telepath.

Just before he closed the door, Adrian scoffed. "Like hell I don't. Whatever you know, I know… Same for the rest of these mites that run around here." 

. . .

That very same day, standing upon a rather tall building in the midst of the night located somewhere in downtown Manhattan. From here, a young boy dressed in nothing but simple black items of clothing- For example, his shirt was a simple, muscle tight tee that hugged his body perfectly. 

Though, Adrian has yet to put on any substantial muscle since his time in captivity. He's eaten his fill so his discoloration is no more and his continuous fatigue was buried.

Simple baggy black pants followed to match, his shoes doing much the same. 

From his perch, Adrian squatted, utilizing his eyes to peer two-city blocks away at his supposed targeted location.

'Mm, there's about thirty men. All armed heavily… Quite a bit of cocaine and other narcotics stashed down at the cellar.' He hummed, mentally noting his discoveries.

'Damn. An uncompleted construction building doesn't sound like too bad of a place for a secret hideout after all, huh Fisk.' Smirking, Adrian gazed upon the moon, then shifted his gaze amongst the crowded streets below.

'Well, let's put on a show!' In all honesty, Adrian was more excited for the beat down part than what came with after taking this place down. But, it wasn't like he hadn't thought about it.

Leaping off the edge of the building, Adrian telekinetically created a platform in which he used to blast himself off into the air like a gun shooting a bullet. With sleek finesse and perfect accuracy and execution, the young mutant was soaring through the sky, his destination closing in rapidly.

A malicious snarl plastered to his devilish face all the while.


He landed directly in the middle of the top floor, the pressure from his jump being rescinded forcefully by the usage of his telekinetic abilities. However, the enormous amounts of dust that was kicked up due to his actions, startled, stunned and put everybody on edge.

"W-What the hell!?" One gang member shouted confusedly, his head on a swivel as his senses were on high alert. "Aye, Marcos, go see what the hell that was." Another stepped up and instantly dished an order.

The one named Marcos gulped, glancing at his boss with a face full of struggle and hesitation. "...I-I suppose…" The seven men that plagued and sat watchfully on the top floor watched the superfluous hesitant Marco.

The dust settled and standing in the middle of it all, the group could barely make out the outline of a human due to the darkness of the midnight sky. Yet, they were all very privy to the fact that someone was in fact, intruding upon their sacred grounds.

Marcos froze, his eyes wide as he stumbled to speak- "I-What? Shit! We've been compromi-!" Poor man couldn't even finish his sentence before he found himself flying at high speeds off the side of the building.

"G-Guh! GAAAAAAH!" His helpless shouts as he scaled the side of the construction zone… His fellow members stood frozen, their brains not quite processing what just happened until a foreign voice broke through the silence.

"...So, who's gonna put a bullet in my skull first?" Tilting his head with a grin, Adrian's question sounded more akin to a threat than a genuine question that would cause concern.


No hesitation was needed after the previous example of his power. Bullets rained hell on the frozen form of Adrian. His deep, pupiless eyes held not a single bit of fear, confidence oozed from his very core as the bullets came to a complete halt just a couple inches from his body.

In a complete 360 degree radius, every single bullet that threatened his life, quickly found itself frozen, suspended in space.


"A- A damn supe?! Who tipped those bastards off!?" 

"Fuck! Blow his ass up!" 

'Come on, let's not.' Adrian nearly groaned, his head snapping to the position of the man who said that. With a flick of his wrist, a powerful force swept the man off his feet, carrying both him and his grenade to the far depths below…


Doesn't seem like he made it all the way down though…

The group stood at a stand still as the shockwave from their companions' own grenade shook the stability of the building from the outside. No doubt, half their men died in an instant.

The members who held guns trembled, their very minds filled with nothing but thoughts of fleeing- They couldn't stand amongst the apex predator before them- Their souls knew that.

Sifting through the constant stream of minds he had access to, Adrian poured his sole focus into the rest of the men around him, ripping pieces of intel from each and everyone one of the men still alive.

'Eh, this isn't that fun… Or that efficient.' Adrian grumbled absentmindedly as he eyed the system screen before him.


NAME: Adrian Starhart


ABILITIES: Telekinesis I (156/250) Telepathy II (75/700) Warlock Eyes II

PASSIVES: Warlock Eyes II, True Magic Affinity (0)]

'Eh, I just have to be patient. I'm more than halfway there now.' Sighing begrudgingly, Adrian turned his attention back to the elephant in the room.

The bullets dropped, hitting the floor like loose change.

He stepped forward, his intention of gathering information had already been completed. He no longer needed to be here any more… 'It's a shame, but Foggy wasn't here either. I almost forgot about him too.' 

'That makes things easier though…' As he connected to each and every one of the remaining men's minds, he felt joyful watching them all go limp as he plagued their minds with nothing but his influence.

Planting a seed that would only continue to grow the more they thought about him. 'Leaving this here will get me in the door later. Now, let's head to the next site.' 

He approached the edge of the tower, looking down amongst the civilians below. He then shifted to the greater horizon, frowning as he saw the chaos that New York was constantly in.

Criminals from all calibers were running havoc, government proxies chased them down, putting them all back in the same cage they escaped from in the first place.

That very same cage is the very same incubator for the criminals that this government doesn't want. That it despises.

As long as there was a human government- 'There can be no peace.'

A moment of silence ensued, the men around him at a stand still as he did so. Turning around, spinning on his heel. He clapped loudly, awakening everyone from their suspended animation.

The men blinked confusedly, their eyes on a look out for any answer to their confusion. One held his head, frowning as he groaned. "Fuck! I'm way outta my league… Kingpin- You crazy fuck." The man grew irritated at the simple mention or thought of that man's name.

"Can't believe he has us here all night. What about my kids, dawg." Another one shook his head, dropping his ammunition and simply sitting down. Like a dog being told to wait for his owner.

"Hmm? What happened here? Did we have a shootout or somethin'?" Another question flew, bringing the others up to speed as well.

By now, Adrian had fled to the lower levels of the building. Whistling as he walked unhindered throughout the building. 'Christmas came early~ I love this little life of mine!' 

Strolling with a smile, he came to a stop in front of a single little safe. Grinning, he utilized his telekinetic abilities and simply peeled back the metal, revealing the shiny, mesmerizing gold hidden within it.

'Heh, 20 kilograms of gold- Just right here… What a mad man!' Seems that even a man as sophisticated and paranoid as Fisk has his moments of stupidity. Simply uprooting the entirety of the safe- Adrian removed any and all bits that could possibly be used to track the gold's whereabouts. 

'Damn, I should've brought a bag.' The thought bummed him as he didn't really feel like carrying it all. 'Shit, not a good-look, go-getter.' Adrian scoffed to himself, lifting the safe.

'Whatever, assets acquired! On to the next!' 

Man, how y'all been

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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