
I am Spider-man, I am, The Gamer

Warning I guess for those who it might bother, I do use Chat gpt to help me convey some ideas when I struggle to put them into words, but overall it is my idea, hell, I even got a really good idea from one of the readers and not opposed to others assisting with ideas. If you don't like that, don't read it. A young man, who has suffered a lot, finally takes his last breath due to an incurable disease. But this isn't the end, he finds himself on a journey to another world, A world he once thought was pure fiction. Not only that, he awakens as one of his favorite comic book characters, Spider-Man, the morning after poor nerdy Peter Parker gets bitten by a radioactive spider will be the start of this new Peter's journey, but he doesn't come alone, a great power followed and merged with him, how will he use his newfound powers. I've decided to do a little something different when it comes to Uncle Ben as this Peter Parker doesn't need a reason to become Spider-Man. Don't be picky about stuff like this, this is a fan fiction in an alternate universe, I will try and keep up with research when it comes to certain stuff, if you just don't like what I am doing with this, nothing is stopping you from not reading it. Can't exactly say this is my first time writing a fanfic, because that would be a lie, but it might as well be my first since I wrote the last one in early high school. Once again I am trying my hand at something I probably shouldn't because, once again, I am bored af with too much time on my hands. I am mostly writing this for myself so that I can read it myself, but also to give me a little challenge when the days are long and I need a distraction, while also seeing how far I can go. Don't expect anything great, and don't expect super uploads, I will write when I feel like it. I hope it doesn't happen, but if I do get to the point where I either want to take a break from writing or want to drop this, I will try and inform you all instead of ghosting for months on end with not a peep. Ok, enough rambling, if you do decide to give this a try, I hope it's not another trash fic on this site, all constructive criticism will be appreciated, and pure haters will be ignored as I don't find replying to stuff like that worth my time. Welp, have fun a guess if that is even a possibility with this fic.

ThatDudeGoku · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Ripples of Oscorp

<Heya, guess who is kinda back from a Sekiro binge, this guy (not finished btw). Ngl, I got really distracted and procrastinated the hell out of this, but you can't exactly blame me, did say would write post when felt like it. Also if any images for what anyone looks like, that doesn't have to be concrete. Imagine them however hell, are more than free leave paragraph comment showing how imagine them. Welp, chapter.>

The soft light of dawn filtered through Peter's window, gently waking him from a restful sleep. He stretched, feeling a sense of determination for the day ahead. The weekend's training had left him more aware of the extent of his newfound abilities but also more aware of his weaknesses, giving him the drive to continue to strengthen himself. The day started quietly, but the calm was deceptive, hinting at the storm that would follow.

As Peter prepared for the day, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to disrupt the tranquility.

Dressed in his everyday clothes, Peter slung his backpack over one shoulder, ready for another day of boring classes. The rhythmic tapping of his shoes echoed in the hallways as he navigated the familiar path to school. The routine masked the events about to unfold. Peter, unaware, went about his day. Engaging in casual conversations with classmates, Peter's mind briefly shifted from the recent challenges to the more mundane aspects of teenage life. 

The school day ended as usual, The hum of chatter surrounded Peter as he moved through the bustling corridors. Students exchanged notes and discussed what they did on the weekend, some even planning what they should do the next weekend. Life seemed ordinary until the news broke, and the ripple from Oscorp reached Peter's world. Amidst the mundane conversations, the news of an explosion at Oscorp started to spread like wildfire. Whispers reached Peter's ears, and a sudden tension gripped the air, catching his attention. Images of smoke rising from Oscorp flickered on students' phones, creating a hushed urgency. Peter's heightened senses detected the shift in the atmosphere, and a knot formed in his stomach, a premonition of the challenges that lay ahead. Curiosity overcoming him, Peter subtly altered his course to eavesdrop on discussions while also looking it up himself on his cellphone. Oscorp's name resonated with an air of mystery and danger, sparking an intuitive sense that his dual life as Spider-Man might be required.

The city, now on edge, awaited answers and explanations for the catastrophic event that had unfolded within Oscorp's walls. The explosion at Oscorp reverberated through the city, capturing the attention of news channels. Images of destruction and emergency services filled screens, leaving the public in a state of shock and confusion.

The snippets of conversation in combination with the news he was watching on his phone painted a picture of what had occurred – an explosion, chaos, and an air of uncertainty. Peter, now fully aware of the unfolding events, felt a nudge from responsibility, not because of the explosion itself but because of a bad feeling he had. The news spreads like wildfire, and Peter's senses tingle with an underlying danger. Then it was finally revealed why. The reason for Peter's senses flaring up, a large shadow of a lizard flies out of the smoke, jumping out of the hole and attaching itself to the closest building. The form of a giant humanoid lizard is revealed on the news, causing panic and fear, especially to those who were physically close to Oscorp. As soon as The Lizard's form was revealed to the public Peter carefully disengaged himself from the ground of students to find himself a discreet place to enter an instant dungeon so that he would be able to leave school and change into his super suit without revealing himself to anyone. The city needed its protector, and Peter couldn't ignore the call to action.

<Little authors note, I know in the last chapter it was implied that Curt did this on Saturday night, unfortunately, didn't take into account would delay till Monday morning. Just as a plot hole due to an incompetent author and ignore it. Peter spent whole weekend practicing his skills using same four taskmaster challenges>

*Flashback to this morning* 

Dr. Curt Connors had just injected himself with the regeneration serum. At first, nothing happened, and this frustrated Curt, but then suddenly he got hit with a wave of dizziness and fatigue, passing out in his chair just as he had done many times before. The silence that followed hinted at the impending storm within his laboratory. Hours passed, with Curt passed out at his desk. Later in the afternoon, Curt Connors began to regain consciousness, disoriented and unaware of the metamorphosis that he had undergone. The room's broken silence signified the start of a long day. Curt's eyes flickered open, revealing a mix of confusion and disorientation. The blurred lines between consciousness and dreams obscured the reality of the transformation his body was undergoing. As he attempted to collect his bearings, Curt's gaze fell upon the one thing that had haunted his waking hours – his regenerated hand, now covered in layers resembling reptilian shedding.

The shock and amazement painted across Curt's face were overshadowed by the excitement of having his hand back. Ignorant of the consequences of what he had just done, he marveled at the layers of shedding that covered his once-missing limb. The shocking discovery hits him, and Curt excitedly peels back the layers of shedded skin like a child opening their Christmas present. With an almost childlike enthusiasm, Curt peeled back the layers of shedded skin, revealing the regenerated hand beneath. The sense of accomplishment flooded his brain. "I did it, I finally did it, after all these years I finally did it."

Flexing his fingers and moving his wrist, Curt marveled at the newfound functionality of his regenerated arm. The initial joy overshadowed any caution, and he reveled in the success of his experiment. The room, despite its messy state, became a haven for Curt's sense of accomplishment. However, the uncharted territory of genetic regeneration held surprises yet to unfold. Driven by scientific curiosity, Curt reached for a sterilized scalpel. Intent on studying the regenerated tissue, he made an incision into his newly grown hand, oblivious to the potential consequences. The sterile environment of the lab bore witness to a mistake that will forever haunt Curt for the rest of his life, a venture into the unknown driven by the pursuit of scientific understanding and excitement from regaining his long-lost appendage.

As the scalpel cut through the regenerated tissue Curt witnessed the power of his newfound regeneration, the wound quickly stitched itself back up forming a scab where the wound used to be. The regeneration process was initiated, but the implications of this experiment were far from the controlled environment Curt had envisioned.

Curt is met with a wave of surprise and awe as the wound very quickly regenerates. The rapid regeneration defied the laws of nature, leaving Curt in awe of the scientific marvel unfolding before his eyes. But then a gradual transformation began, as the skin around the scab mutated, taking on lizard-like features. Unbeknownst to Curt, the experiment he had conducted on himself was pushing the boundaries of genetics. The fascination turned to unease then full-blown concern as Curt watched the unexpected evolution of his physiology, the line between scientific achievement and personal peril becoming increasingly blurred. The initial fascination gave way to panic as Curt stumbled backward. The mutation, accelerated by the stress of the situation, took on a life of its own, spiraling into an unpredictable and uncontrollable transformation.

Fear and panic grip Curt as the mutation accelerates, the reptilian features spreading rapidly. In the chaos of his lab, Curt grappled with his hand that now started growing claws, the once-controlled process now evolving into a force beyond his comprehension. Curt's sense of reason starts to waver, slowly being replaced with the mind of a beast. The form that was once human mutated and evolved more and more. The creature grew to 6'6", and as it was adjusting its bearings it placed its hand on a metal canister to help it gain balance, little did it know that it now had basically no control of its now massive strength, its claw easily punctured the tank, creating sparks. That's all it took for the room to be engulfed in flames as it was a pressurized tank of propane. There was an upside to the explosion, due to the secrecy of the experiment all research was written down on paper and was all filed in this room, turning to dust in the explosion. After the explosion the Lizard stood in the room covered in burns that were healing at the rate visible to the naked eye, the smoke irritating the beast's eyes caused it to want to quickly flee, and seeing an easy way out, it jumped.

Outside the building, the chaos was not lost on the public nor Spider-Man. Spider-Man, responding to the urgency of the situation, swung towards Oscorp with determined speed. He arrived just in time to witness the Lizard landing before a group of civilians who weren't fast enough to escape. Acting fast Spider-Man covered the bipedal lizard in a web to restrain it. The Lizard, momentarily restrained, struggled against the webbing. However, the success lay in the delay it provided, allowing Spider-Man to swiftly guide civilians closest to the lizard out of harm's way. Angered by being interrupted, the lizard breaks out of the web and an intense battle starts between Spider-Man and the Lizard, showcasing the creature's strength and unpredictability. Shooting webs from his wrist in an attempt to ensnare the Lizard's limbs. However, the creature's strength proved formidable, tearing through the webs with ease. Spider-Man had never faced any form of formidable foe before, the Lizard's raw power and unpredictability presented a unique challenge. The battle unfolded with a dance of agility and strength, Spider-Man seeking to outsmart the Lizard while the creature, fueled by instinct, fought back with primal force. Dodging the Lizard's powerful swipes, Spider-Man swung between buildings, utilizing his acrobatic prowess to stay one step ahead. The city's skyline became a battleground, with the clash resonating through the concrete canyons. The Lizard's tail lashed out, forcing Spider-Man to somersault mid-air to avoid being struck. The impact sent waves of air across the web-slinger's body, a reminder of the creature's overwhelming strength.

As the battle raged on, Spider-Man's analytical mind assessed the situation. He needed to incapacitate the Lizard without causing harm, both to the creature and the city it rampaged through. Drawing on his knowledge, Spider-Man aimed to tire out the Lizard, exploiting its brute strength against itself. The Lizard, however, seemed impervious to exhaustion. Its primal instincts drove it forward, crashing through obstacles in its path. Spider-Man's webbing, though resilient, couldn't fully restrain the creature's frenzied movements.

In a moment of inspiration, Spider-Man altered his strategy. As fast as he could Spider-Man dodged, dipped, and dived from the creature's attacks, each time covering it with more and more web slowly but surely cocooning it. Then creating a thick rope of web, he attached it to the cocooned Lizard and yanked the creature off its feet. With increasing momentum, he started swinging the Lizard around. The first swing started slow, barely keeping the Lizard off the ground, but Spider-Man quickly built up momentum. Each rotation created more force, the wind whistling past the Lizard's scaled form. Spider-Man's strength and agility came into play as he maintained control over the swinging motion.

Before Spider-Man couldn't hold on anymore, he threw the Lizard in the direction of the nearest forest. The calculated throw aimed to lead the creature away from populated areas, minimizing collateral damage. The Lizard, now airborne, crashed through the treetops, disappearing into the wilderness. Spider-Man follows.

If you happened to be a bird you would have had the fright of your life as a cocooned projectile crashing through a couple of trees until it comes to a stop. The Lizard collided with the trees, causing a cacophony of splintering wood and rustling leaves. colliding with a particularly sturdy tree and coming to a stop. Regretfully colliding with the trees didn't just damage the lizard, but also its restraints. Standing up groggily from being swung around at high speeds the lizard gains its bearing then proceeds to rip through its bindings, just as Spider-Man lands before it

The Lizard, fueled by primal instincts, saw Spider-Man and voiced its fury with a roar. Mid-roar, the Lizard's massive jaws opened wide, revealing razor-sharp teeth. In a split-second response, Spider-Man shot a web at the creature's mouth with the intent to temporarily stun the creature. The webbing adhered to the Lizard's maw, momentarily restricting its ability to bite or vocalize its rage.

Taking advantage of the Lizard's confusion, Spider-Man dove headlong into an intense battle. Raw strength and animalistic instincts clashed with the hero's flexibility and calculated strength. The forest floor became a stage for this nocturnal confrontation.

The Lizard, now temporarily restrained, thrashed violently, its tail sweeping through the air in an attempt to catch Spider-Man off guard. Dodging with acrobatic finesse, Spider-Man utilized his spider sense to anticipate the creature's movements.

With the Lizard momentarily hindered, Spider-Man seized the opportunity to deliver a series of rapid, calculated strikes. Each blow aimed at weak points in the creature's anatomy such as the joints, seeking to weaken the creature more. As the web-slinger danced around the enraged beast, he landed a heavy hit to the Lizard's head, a powerful blow intended to shake the creature's brain.

The creature finally ripped off the web on its face and let off another roar, Mid-roar, the Lizard's eyes fixated on Spider-Man. The hero's spider sense tingled, warning him of the impending attack. In a swift maneuver, Spider-Man dodged the Lizard's lunging strike, the creature's claws slicing through the air where the hero had stood. The forest echoed with the sounds of clashing, the Lizard's enraged roars harmonizing with Spider-Man's acrobatic dodges. Each movement became a dance of agility and strength, as Spider-Man sought to evade the powerful strikes while seeking an opening to subdue the Lizard. The hero met the oncoming onslaught with a blend of evasive maneuvers and swift counterattacks. The dance between man and monster continued, the forest shadows concealing the intricate choreography of their nocturnal clash.

The intense battle continued, and Spider-Man found himself in moments of peril. In fits of rage, the Lizard's claws slashed through the air with ferocious speed. There were instances where Spider-Man's agile dodges came just a fraction too late, and the creature's razor-sharp claws left superficial but stinging cuts on the hero's costume.

The forest echoed with the sounds of clashing, the rhythmic exchange of blows forming a primal symphony. Spider-Man's spider-sense remained a crucial ally, alerting him to the Lizard's attacks and allowing him to evade with split-second precision. The hero's costume bore the scars of the confrontation, evidence of the relentless onslaught.

As the battle reached its peak, the Lizard, battered and fatigued, finally succumbed to the accumulated damage. The repeated hits to its head had taken their toll, overwhelming the creature's formidable resilience and regeneration. With a final, thunderous blow, Spider-Man knocked out the Lizard.

The night's silence settled over the battleground, interrupted only by the rustling of leaves and the distant sounds of a helicopter overhead. Spider-Man, breathing heavily, surveyed the unconscious creature before him. The victory came at a cost, evident in Spider-Man's worn costume and the exhaustion etched across his masked face.

Exhausted from the fight Peter leans forward and rests his hands on his knees, he hears a couple of pings from the system but is too tired and sore to pay attention to them, temporarily swiping them away for later. Peter's enhanced hearing picked up something other than the news helicopter above, a swarm of vehicles was rushing towards his direction. Not wanting to stay long due to the black unmarked vehicles racing towards his direction and the news helicopter that was hovering above recording the whole fight for everyone to see, Peter discretely takes samples of the lizard into his inventory and then proceeds to enter an instant dimension just before the unmarked cars arrive intending to head home and rest off his first real fight against a villain.

The news helicopter hovered above started to fly away as it got orders to finish up recording from the government.

Peter's thoughts echoed in the solitude of his mask while clumsily swinging his way to his home. The interweaving of his roles as a student and a superhero became more intricate with each passing challenge. The uncertainties of Oscorp's experiments and the looming presence of unmarked vehicles hinted at a deeper conspiracy.

"I need to make a lab so that I can analyze the samples I collected and make a cure in case I need to fight Curt again."

As he swung across the city once more, Spider-Man's thoughts delved into the enigma that was Oscorp. The explosion, the unintended consequences, and now the emergence of the Lizard – all connected, forming a tapestry of intrigue and danger.

The city lights flickered below as Spider-Man pondered his next move. Oscorp had always been a nexus of scientific advancements, but its darker experiments were now casting a long shadow over New York. The unanswered questions loomed like shadows in the alleyways – What other experiments were conducted in the depths of Oscorp? What other creatures might be lurking in the darkness?

Deciding to do some patrolling before heading home since he rested a little on a roof allowing his wounds to close and his suit to auto repair Peter went back to the real world leaving his dimension.

A series of pings on his interrupted Spider-Man's musings. Emergency calls, incidents, and cries for help echoed on the radio channels that he had tapped into in his spare time in between training. The night was far from over, and the city still needed its guardian. With a sense of purpose, Spider-Man swung toward the next crisis. The Lizard was contained by what he assumed to be S.H.I.E.L.D., at least for now, but the ripples of Oscorp had left scars on the city. Fires blazed, accidents unfolded, and criminals sought to exploit the chaos.

As Spider-Man arrived at the scene, his mere presence had a calming effect. The red and blue figure swinging through the night sky signaled hope for those in despair. With swift movements, he diffused a warehouse fire, rescued civilians trapped in the wreckage, and apprehended criminals attempting to take advantage of the mayhem.

The night wore on, each swing through the city bringing new challenges. In the quiet moments between crises, Spider-Man perched atop a skyscraper, surveying the city. The skyline, usually a comforting sight, now bore the scars of the night's events. Oscorp's experiments had left an indelible mark on New York, and Spider-Man knew that the repercussions would continue to unfold.

The news channels buzzed with updates on the Oscorp incident. Experts speculated on the nature of the explosion, the emergence of the Lizard, and the masked hero who swung through the chaos. Oscorp's reputation, once synonymous with innovation, now faced scrutiny and fear.

Amidst the chaos, a figure in a shadowy boardroom observed the events unfold. A silhouette hidden in the darkness, orchestrating the chessboard where science and power collided. Oscorp was a pawn in a much larger game, and Spider-Man was merely a player in the shadows.

The night drew to a close, the first light of dawn breaking over the city. Spider-Man, weary but resolute, swung toward his house after entering back into an ID. The echoes of Oscorp's experiments lingered, but so did the determination to unravel the mysteries that threatened to consume the city.

As Peter Parker stepped into his room, the battle against Curt rippled in his mind, his fight with the world that is Marvel was far from over, but for now, Spider-Man could rest. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new mysteries, and the unending dance between the ordinary and the extraordinary.

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