
I Am Son Of God Slayer

Muzukashii is a god slayer and immortal. But still he is a good person who help mortal. one day, his friend named Alec and his wife Anna come for his help to make Anna bare a child. with help of Muzukashii and his DNA Anna got pregnant. the child named Shiro Kiyo. Shiro have three biological parents they are Anna, Alec and Muzukashii. let see how our protagonist face the future.

Shuvo_Sen · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs


In the peaceful sanctum of the Kiyo home, Alec and Anna anticipated the appearance of their youngster eagerly, their hearts excited with expectation and misgiving the same. Close to them stood Muzukashii, his demeanor a veil of quiet in the midst of the tempest of feelings whirling inside.

As the main light of sunrise painted the sky in tones of gold and rose, the quiet was broken by Anna's work, her cries reverberating through the corridors of the palace like an orchestra of trust and yearning.

Hours passed like transient minutes, until at last, with a last push and a cry that penetrated the air, Shiro Kiyo appeared on the scene — a kid brought into the world of affection and companionship, a demonstration of the security produced between Alec, Anna, and Muzukashii.

Alec's heart expanded with unrivaled delight as he viewed his child interestingly, his highlights an ideal mix of his folks' affection — a demonstration of their getting through bond.

Anna's eyes overflowed with tears of bliss as she supported her infant child in her arms, his little fingers getting a handle on at her shaking hand — a security produced in the fires of difficulty, yet tempered by the enduring strength of their affection.

Furthermore, as Muzukashii looked at the infant darling, his heart expanded with a feeling of miracle and wonderment — an inclination long neglected, however at this point revived by the appearance of this phenomenal youngster.

Shiro Kiyo was no standard newborn child — he bore the sign of his genealogy, his highlights Muzukashii's very own impression appearance, with striking green eyes and a shock of dark hair that discussed his Unfading legacy.

As the days transformed into weeks, and weeks into months, Shiro developed and flourished under the vigilant look of his folks and his privileged uncle, Muzukashii. His giggling reverberated through the corridors of the palace, a happy tune that made them inexpressibly pleased with warmth and light.

Furthermore, as they watched their child develop, Alec, Anna, and Muzukashii realize that regardless of what preliminaries lay ahead, they would confront them together — as a family, bound by blood, yet by the tough ties of affection and kinship.

At the young age of five, Shiro Kiyo remained before the overwhelming entryways of the congregation, his heart excited with expectation and fervor. Next to him stood his folks, Alec and Anna, their demeanors a blend of pride and fear as they arranged to uncover the reality of his legacy.

As they entered the consecrated lobbies of the congregation, the air droned with a feeling of veneration and wonder, the weak fragrance of incense waiting in the air like a murmured supplication.

Shiro's eyes enlarged in wonder as he observed the greatness of the house of God, its transcending curves coming to towards the heavens in quiet petition.

Alec and Anna drove Shiro towards the raised area, where the minister looked for them with a benevolent grin and delicate disposition.

"Welcome, youthful Shiro," the minister welcomed, his voice warm with earnestness. "Today, we will disclose the insider facts of your magical partiality and extraordinary capacity."

Shiro's heart dashed with energy as the cleric drove him to a shallow pool of completely clear water, its surface sparkling with supernatural light.

Alec bowed close to his child, his hand laying reassuringly on Shiro's shoulder. "Is it true or not that you are prepared, my child?"

Shiro gestured enthusiastically, his eyes sparkling with expectation. "Indeed, Father."

With a rehearsed motion, the cleric dunked a little gem into the water, its surface throbbing with ethereal energy as it drifted over Shiro's outstretched palm.

"Center your contemplations, Shiro," the minister educated, his voice delicate yet firm. "Allow the gem to uncover the reality of your magical partiality and extraordinary capacity."

Shiro shut his eyes and thought, his psyche flooded with a kaleidoscope of varieties and sensations. Yet again and as he woke up, the precious stone started to shine with a brilliant light, its surface sparkling with hidden images and sigils.

Alec's heart expanded proudly as he viewed the sight, his voice loaded up with wonder. "See, Anna. Our child's magical partiality is uncovered."

Anna's eyes enlarged in wonder as she noticed the shining precious stone, her look loaded up with maternal pride. "Gravity magic... How uncommon."

Shiro's forehead wrinkled in disarray. "What's the contrast among magic and exceptional capacity, Father?"

Alec grinned tenderly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Magic requires spells and mantras, my child. In any case, extraordinary capacities are one of a kind to every individual — they don't need spells or magic circles."

As Alec and Anna directed Shiro into the pool for his custom shower, the minister watched with a knowing grin, his eyes alight with old insight.

"You are honored, youthful Shiro," the minister commented, his voice touched with adoration. "Your magic partiality is intriguing and strong."

Alec's interest aroused. "Furthermore, what of his exceptional capacity? What has the gem uncovered?"

The cleric's grin enlarged, a sparkle of fervor moving in his eyes. "Ok, youthful Shiro has the gift of 'Maker's Favoring' — an uncommon gift gave by the Infinite himself. Also, with respect to his exceptional capacity... he has the force of mimicry."

Alec's eyes augmented in surprise. "Mimicry? You mean he can repeat the capacities of others?"

The cleric gestured seriously. "Without a doubt, Alec. It is an intriguing and wondrous gift — one that marks Shiro as genuinely outstanding."

As Shiro arose out of the pool, his skin aglow with the light of disclosure, Alec and Anna embraced him firmly, their hearts spilling over with adoration and pride for their unprecedented child. Also, as they abandoned the congregation, their spirits floated by the commitment of Shiro's vast potential, they realize that their process was just barely starting.

As the sun plunged underneath the skyline, projecting the sky in shades of ruby and gold, Alec, Anna, and Shiro Kiyo strolled back home through the twisting roads of their town, their brains swirling with the disclosures of the day.

The reverberations of their discussion with the minister waited in the air, the heaviness of his words balancing weighty upon their souls.

"The legend and demon king have awoken," Alec mumbled, his voice grave with concern. "The heaven-hell time draws near."

Anna's forehead wrinkled in stress. "What's the significance here for us, Alec? For Shiro?"

Alec's jaw fixed sincerely. "It implies we should stay careful, Anna. The legend might be honored by the Gods, however they are not reliable. What's more, devil king... he is a danger to all of us."

Shiro's eyes broadened with interest. "Father, Mother... what are legends and demon kings?"

Alec looked down at his child, his heart weighty with the weight of information. "The legends are five people favored by the significant Gods — lightning, fire, water, wind, and earth. They are said to have incredible power, yet they dislike you, Shiro. They are limited by their heavenly endowments, while you are honored by the Infinite himself."

Shiro's forehead wrinkled in disarray. "Be that as it may, are legends great, Father?"

Anna inclined right up front, her voice a murmur on the breeze. "It's not all that straightforward, Shiro. The legends might accept they battle for everyone's benefit, except their activities frequently lead to disarray and annihilation."

Alec gestured seriously. "For sure, Shiro. What's more, for that reason you are so significant. As the child of the two us and the God slayer Muzukashii, you have an extraordinary power — the ability to carry equilibrium to this world."

Shiro's eyes shimmered sincerely. "I get it, Father. I will take the necessary steps to safeguard our reality from the bedlam of the legend and devil king."

As they approached the doors of their home, Alec, Anna, and Shiro traded an unbreakable commitment — a vow to stand together even with difficulty, to shield their reality from the powers of darkness that took steps to consume it.

Furthermore, as they passed the boundary into the glow and wellbeing of their home, they realize that regardless of what preliminaries lay ahead, they would confront them together — as a family, limited by adoration, dedication, and the solid obligations of connection.

In the peaceful limits of the Kiyo bequest, arrangements were in progress for a happy event — the birthday festivity of Shiro Kiyo. Alec and Anna clamored about the stupendous corridor, their voices blending with the clack of flatware and the fragrant smell of newly heated treats.

"Today is an exceptional day, Shiro," Alec reported, his voice loaded up with fatherly pride. "Your cousin Max will go along with us interestingly."

Shiro's eyes shimmered with energy. "I have a cousin?"

Anna grinned affectionately at her child. "Indeed, Shiro. Max is your uncle, my sibling, and he's a Duke."

Alec's look relaxed as he talked. "He's been looking forward to meeting you, Shiro. Furthermore, you have three cousins, however just a single will go to the festival."

Shiro's heart expanded with expectation. "I'll behave as well as possible, Father, I guarantee."

Alec gave Shiro a white facial covering enhanced with the characters "最高," his temple wrinkled in puzzlement. "Muzukashii sent this for you, Shiro. It appears he will not have the option to go to the party."

Shiro analyzed the cover inquisitively, turning it over in his grasp. "What's the significance here, Father?"

Alec shrugged with a dazed grin. "I don't know, Shiro. Be that as it may, I'm certain it's something particularly amazing."

Anna contributed with a delicate update. "Shiro, in two months, you'll pass on to prepare with your new expert. Up to that point, how about we take advantage within recent memory together and make lovely recollections."

Shiro's eyes sparkled sincerely. "Indeed, Mother. I'll love each second."

As the last contacts were set up, the entryways of the terrific corridor opened up to uncover a figure remaining in the edge — a tall, forcing man with a comforting grin and gleaming eyes.

"Max!" Alec shouted, his voice loaded up with certifiable delight.

Max stepped into the room, his presence ordering consideration as he embraced Alec and Anna energetically. "It's great to see you both. Furthermore, you should be Shiro," he said, turning his look to his young nephew.

Shiro's eyes enlarged in stunningness as he viewed his uncle interestingly — a figure of solidarity and authority, yet with a glow and thoughtfulness that immediately reassured him.

"It's a delight to meet you, Uncle Max," Shiro said, his voice touched with energy.

Max unsettled Shiro's hair warmly. "The joy is mine, Shiro. I've heard such a huge amount about you."

As the birthday festivity started vigorously, chuckling and happiness consumed the atmosphere, blending with the kinds of music and the clinking of glasses.

Furthermore, as Shiro lounged in the glow of his family's affection and the delight of his freshly discovered connection, he knew that this would be a birthday he could always remember — a day loaded up with chuckling, love, and the commitment of fresh starts.

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