
_to the rescue?


Nami was preparing to leave the school when a sudden downpour stopped her in her tracks.

(Ouff~ it's raining hard... )

Nami was puzzling over how to get back home when, out of the blue, the assistant teacher showed up in his fancy Porsche and offered to drive her home, "Miss Nami, how much longer will you wait here? If you don't mind I can drive you home"

Unimpressed Nami brushed him off by saying "thank you for the offer, but I have some other plans"

walk's away*

(What does he think he is! A Prince? And what? He wants to drop me home?! Seriously, I really hate his kind, those who try to show off every second they get!)

Honk* Honk*

"Miss Nami, did you see the weather forecast? They're saying it's going to rain cats and dogs all day today!

Taxis and ride-sharing services might be impossible to find. Maybe hitch-hikeing

a ride with the assistant teacher wouldn't be such a bad idea after all, what do you think?"

"...I" Just then, before Nami could respond, a sharp yet sweet voice cut through the air. "Nami~ wait for me!" It sounded loud and familiar.

Huff* Huff*

"How could you leave me behind!!" It was Nami's college friend and her colleague 'Hana'

"Han! I thought you were taking remedial classes today?" (You came at the right time my dear friend!!) (^^) Nami was quite delighted to see her friend, she thought now she could get out of this sticky situation.

"Yea, I was planning to take some extra classes but because of the sudden downpour the children left and I thought I would join you on the way back, btw..., glanced towards the Man* who might this gentleman be?"

"Yes, let me introduce, this person here will be a new assistant teacher, he will be working as assistant for a month"

"Wait so... He will be an assistant only for a month? And who will be the supervisor?"


"Miss Nami is my supervisor!" (^-^) "And I was just about to offer her a ride home, would you like to tag along?"

"...really...now... glanced at Nami*

Nami shakes her head* a silent plea to decline the offer.

"Sure~ I will gladly accept the offer! Come on Nami"

(What? This girl she is at it again!! Always trying to play match maker... Now I can't decline anymore...)

A short and quit Sigh*

"Yes, let's go" Nami replied with a straight face.

Reluctantly Nami got on the Car.

[In the Car]

"So, Miss..."

"Hana, If you want you can also call me Han!"

"Yes, Miss Hana can you tell me how dis you and Miss Nami came to know eachother? You see, I will be working with Miss Nami for a short time but even so I would like to get to know her better"

"Oh please a month is not short! We are college friends and after graduation we decided to work as teachers so that one day we can open our own school..."

The both of them continued their conversation.

Nami was not Interested in the conversation and simply stared out the window, watching the rain and enjoying the scenery.

"Miss Nami?"

"Hmm?" Nami replied instinctively and looked him in the eyes, his gaze felt as though he saw through Nami's facade personality in that movement Nami felt a chill down her Spine.

"Miss Nami as much as I wish to keep you here, you have yet to tell me your destination"

"Eh? What do you mean? What were you discussing then? Wait... Where is Hana?...."

"Sigh~ Miss Nami I think you should pay a bit more attention to your surroundings, She left a few movements ago saying she urgently need to be somewhere "

Perplexed by the sudden situation Nami hesitantly asked "Well then can you please tell me where we are I don't think I have been here before? "

"I don't know either?" Shrugs Shoulders*

"What do you mean you don't know?" Nami replied with a baffled expression

"Miss Nami I have been trying to ask you where you would like to go but... you have been ignoring me for approximately 30 minutes now...

so I just decided to drove around and since I found this place likable I stopped here for some fresh air" (^^)


"So you mean you have been just driving around the area aimlessly for 30 minutes? I... I am so sorry!"

"I don't mind Miss Nami in return put in good words for me to the Principal.

And it seems the rain stopped would you like to step out for a breather?"

"...yes..." Nami embarrassed by her absent mindedness simply agreed in short silence.

As Nami stepped out a gust of wind rushed through, leaving her hair dancing with the wind, her eyes twinkled at the scenery, absorbed by the beautiful landscape. Nami's gaze wandered across the rolling hills, the misty rain veil lifting to reveal a tapestry of emerald green trees, their leaves rustling softly in the breeze. The air was filled with the sweet scent of wet earth and blooming wildflowers, and the sound of birdsong echoed through the valley. As she breathed in the beauty of the moment, for a movement she forgot that she is not alone.

After some time their eyes met,

a movement of silence followed by the rustling of the leaves. Nami felt his deep gaze. Bdump*

"The scenery here sure is beautiful" Nami tried to break the silence by striking a conversation

"Should we... Leave now?" Replied Kuro

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea"

Kuro drove Nami home, the silence between them thick with unspoken thoughts. The only words uttered were her cryptic directions, leading towards her way home...

As Nami got off the car "Sir Kuro... Thank you for today..." She uttered with a straight face.

"Sure any time Miss Nami" (^^) Kuro replied with a professional smile.

"I guess I will see you on Monday?"

Nami gently nodded her head and replied with a straight face again "Please don't be late, since you will be working with me from now on I hope you will be able to handle whatever comes at you" (•-•)

Smirk* "Sure, Miss Nami I hope as a supervisor you too will be on time"

Kuro waved her goodbye and drove away.

[Nami's House]

(What should I do... After what happened today how should I meet him on Monday?!...

Alright let's not think about it anymore I will simply be giving instructions, there's no need to get personal)

Many thoughts came and left her mind keeping her awake the whole night.

[The next day - at the Assembly hall]

(I couldn't sleep a wink, I wanna go home~( >×< )

If only I can rest for a few days at home life would be much better maybe I should have listened to my mother, then I would be a doctor by now instead of slaving away at school!!) Sigh~ Her sigh was heavy and deep got overheard by the man standing beside her.

Ahem* "Miss Nami I think you should get it together before the Principal noticed your expression"

Nami looking for the person who commented on her facial expression got surprised at the sight of the new assistant teacher "Sir Kuro?! But... Why are you here? You should be in the office and reporting to the Vice Headmistress" Nami whispered.