
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. Schedule is 3 chapters per week. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, GMT +8. But I will keep at minimum 10 advance chapters in Patreon. If I have 10 or less advanced chapters, I will not post any until next one are posted there. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Tranh châm biếm
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139 Chs

Chapter 89 - Fulfilling Promise

(Bonus Chapter)

Since the Chat Group mission in the Elder Tale world. The members of Ray's household had returned to their usual routine.

"Sirin?" Someone called and Sirin ignored it because she was too focused on her game.

"Sirin!" The voice called again with a shout.

"Huh?" She finally noticed and realized it's Ray calling for her. "Daddy?" She took off her headphones and opened the door.

But the moment she opened the door, the shadow of a figure loomed over her doorway before her face became visible. "Mmmph! Mmhn!" The ball gagged and tied up BDSM style, fell into her room while continuing to resist and struggle in the binding that progressively got tighter the more she struggled.

"Tada! It's your dragon as promised!" Ray suddenly appeared and presented the promised gift to Sirin but her eyes looked at the tied up figure with a confused stare before looking back at Ray with a questioning gaze.

"Wait! Sirin. I know this looks weird and kinky. But believe me, she is a dragon. Well, your dragon if you went down that path… but anyway, it's your pet now." Ray said and five Sirin the leash connected to the collar on the tied up figure before he opened a portal to run away.

"Oh, no you don't." Sirin rolled her eyes and blocked the portal Adam created. Before she locks the space to restrain him.

"First. Explain how she is a dragon. And. Secondly, aren't you spending a little too much time and attention on Abby, daddy?" Sirin asked with both hands on her waist and her head moved closer to Ray and looked at his eyes guiltily trying to avoid Sirin.

"Well… I thought girls your age usually dislike spending time with their parents and like to be left alone." Ray shrugs and blames the media as his source of knowledge.

"I don't." Sirin retorted and sighed. "Next week. You better make it mine and Sakura's turn or I'll complain to mom about your favoritism." She said with an ultimatum and Ray nodded hastily to agree before she complained to Kuroka.

The problem about being too strong is the others didn't need to hold back when beating him up and an angry Kuroka is a scary Kuroka because she is good at keeping grudges as ammunition for future blackmails.

In some way, like mother, like daughter. Both are good at blackmailing him.

"Anyway, with that aside. What do you mean she is my dragon? Explain." Sirin asked while she crouched down and flipped the girl so she could look at her face.

The girl had stopped struggling apparently and looked at Sirin confusedly.

When Sirin looked at the girl, she felt an inexplicable familiarity. As if she is looking at a long lost friend, as she rubs and pokes the girl's cheek.

"Well, it's easier if you look at it yourself." Ray said and sent the fragment of memory on how Bella was created, a pet or perhaps, companions of the Herrscher of Void.

The memories ended with the first death of Bella during the height of the battle in Siberia.

"Bella." Sirin recognised. "That's the name of my best friend." She said as she recalled her death. But it seems her possible future self wanted to immortalize that name and named her dragon companion with that name.

She undo the ball gag and released Bella's mouth before she quickly called. "My Queen! You are alive!" Bella sounded so relieved to see Sirin but left confused when Sirin gave Bella a pitied look.

Aside from the information about Bella's background, Ray also included the information about how he obtained Bella and she was captured by Ray from a timeline where her other self, K-423 met an untimely death which resulted in the world being recycled and he picked Bella, basically the abandoned pet from there so she wouldn't have difficulty accepting the current Sirin as her new master.

Bella soon noticed too, the lack of Herrscher Core in Sirin and was left confused by the situation because Sirin looked like her Queen. The exact same one from appearance to presence minus the defining Honkai radiation of a Herrscher.

Ray wanted to offer to modify Bella's memory but Sirin quickly stopped him. "It's alright, dad. Let me handle this. You can leave already." She pointed at the door.

"Ah, I see how it is. Throwing me away once you are done with me, Sirin. You wound my heart." Ray squeezed his fake tear out before he quickly left and used a Shadow tentacle to close the door behind him ro escape the Shadow Lance thrown at him while Sirin simply rolled her eyes and huffed before looking back at the confused and also terrified? looking Bella.

"Well, like it or not. You are mine now, Bella and we have a lot of things to talk about. But we have plenty of time for that. But first, let's start with me." Sirin said while manipulating a Shadow Lance to cut off the bindings to free Bella.

"While I do look and be named the same as your Sirin. We are not the same. I am the Sirin that was saved by dad. While your Sirin is the one that becomes the Herrscher. But her or myself, both of us are Sirin. Do you understand?" Sirin asked while inviting Bella to sit next to her on her bedside to talk.

"Queen is not my Queen?" Bella tilted her head confusedly but also looked cute at the same time which made Sirin chuckles a little and pat Bella on the head while nodding.

"That's the gist of it." Sirin nods.

"But… Queen is still my Queen!" Bella insists after all. It didn't matter if Sirin is still Herrscher or not. Her loyalty is no longer to the Honkai. But Her Queen that granted her, her consciousness to be more than just a Honkai Beast.

"Well, I am flattered you would accept me readily. I will also answer your loyalty in kind too, Bella." Sirin said and stood up before standing before the sitting Bella and held her palm before Bella's face.

"While I am not a Herrscher. I am still capable of making you my servant and companion. So, would you accept?" Sirin asked as her magic flared up which caused magic circles filled with various glyphs and pentagrams to appear to create a spell.

"Yes!" Bella replied excited and eagerly.

Sirin nods and binds Bella to her using Familiar Contract magic that Ray once taught her and Sakura in case they wanted to bind a familiar they encountered.

Bella could feel the wondrous sensation coursing through her body as the Familiar Contract did its magic. Which is beneficial as it not only creates a special bond between the contractor and the familiar but also allows both to share their power. In this case, Bella can sense the near bottomless power from Sirin which made her old Sirin look much weaker and the same power is slowly pouring into her body.

"Well, first things, first. Take off your clothes." Sirin said with a serious expression which made Bella instantly blushed and stammered.

"M-My Q-Queen?!" Bella immediately hugs her body defensively but her resistance is paper thin. "I-If that's wh-what you wish, My Queen. This is my fir— ouch!" Bella cried out in pain when Sirin suddenly chopped her head.

"Drag your head out of the gutter. While I didn't mind it before since we are doing an emotional scene. But you look absolutely filthy, caked in dirt which is staining my bed sheet and your clothes are basically just rags right now." Sirin said and threw her a towel she grabbed a moment ago and then snapped her finger to open a portal straight to the shared bathroom before she added, "Besides, my body is for daddy only." She said with a light flush on her cheeks as no doubt dirty fantasies had taken hold of her mind again.

Bella looked ashamed at her own dirty mind and apologized to Siren before she quickly headed to the bathroom via the portal.

After Bella left, someone immediately knocked on the door. "Come in." Sirin said as the door opened by Sakuya with all maids assembled and carrying heavy duty cleaning tools and machines while wearing a gas mask which is an overkill. Sirin sees herself out to let the maids do their work.

Sakuya put on her industrial grade rubber glove before she turned back and looked at the Fallen Trio and said, "Remember, leave not even a speck of dirt behind." Kalawarna and Mittelt immediately made a military salute and got a hold of their weapon against the unclean.

Only Raynare with a semblance of sanity said, "Can't we just use magic to clean this place up? Like all it needs is just a simple basic spell." However, she was ignored as usual and yet again, she is subjected to yet another of these trivial manual labors.


(AN: To those what wonder why Sakura isn't featured much;

While I already had idea for Sirin which is daddy complex girl, Idk what to do for Sakura.

Sakura is a little complex since she do like MC romantically. But to simply categories her as another daddy complex girl is difficult as she, while younger than Sirin, is mentally more mature. Her obsession for MC is more than just obsession for his Black Dragon and her yandere rage. It's like he is her only purpose to keep living just like OG Sakura on Shirou.

So, I honestly didn't know which direction to develop her personality and ended up procrastinating and having none shown so far.)

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