
I am Jack

[Opening her eyes, she turns bact 20 years ago, now she's still 18 years old again! "if this was just a dream I hope I will never woke up..."] Jack who survived through life and death in apocalypse, giving her life in order to take revenge to those who harm her family. She who was ready to face her death, unexpectedly awaken like she was just sleeping after having a tiresome work. Everything was like a dream, her family was still alive and healthy but she can see that everything was being repeated like she's having a dejavu'. Concluding having a rebirth, she who has no opportunity to grasp the chance for being strong in the past has it now. She who loss her family and letting them suffer for a long time will not make the same mistake twice. The only fucos she have now was to have a safe place for her family, she doesn't care about revenge nor being the Strongest or being a ruler, her weakness and her strength was her family. It seems to protect them was her life goal after rebirthed back. Does coming back to the past will change everything? or will she have more surprises to be taken care of? Will Jack can continue to protect her family without caring for others? or she will protects more people that ask for her strength? How will jack choose to live her second chance if strenght was the rule to survive... -Original Story -English was not my language so expect a lot of errors. -this story was written out by me because I lack this kind of novels to read so I make my own. -read at your own risk. I don't update regularly. Thank you for reading and don't forget to leave a comment for critics.

IamCreeps · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter I

District C, an abandon city. Malls, supermarket, hospitals and other establishments are already emptied, cities like this can be said as an empty city.

Only mercenaries or hunters can be seen in here, but even this people don't want to be in this place once the sky turns dark.

"oh, your living here... Didn't expect you to stay here."

In an open road, a team of mercenaries which was riding in their cars stop and went down to see an embarrassed woman.

She has a lot of deep wounds in her limbs. Her scattered hair was covering most of her face. She wear a heavy pants but it had a lot of cuts from scratches. Her upper clothes was a bulging jacket but was full of blood and cuts. Her tall nose can be seen in her face, her dried lips that was she already bitten a lot to indure all of this was pale.

"Yes, I'm here." said by the tattered woman, her voice are small but it so prickly like it was being scratch by a sand paper.

"Did you already change your mind?  Hahahaha.. Come on! Although your too ugly your still have a price!" said by a muscular man with a sunny looking face. He seems talking about a charity if you only look on his face.

"Right! You'll have a place to live and food to eat if you agree girl..." a fat man said to persuade the woman.

"Where is my brother " This was supposed to be a question but that woman seems to know it but just only stating it.

"Your brother?" said by the muscular man as if he forgot about it "Oh, that little fierce guy? Hahaha... You don't have to care abou it." he added

The woman's eye which was covered by her hair was full of maliciousness the corners of it was so red. The veins in her forhead was bulging. She was actually holding something in her hand. A pin bomb.

"Yes" she simply answer it and walked on them. Until she was nearer, she look ahead and sneered. She throw the pin bomb inside the car. She didn't avoid the blast because she already plan to die and bury this scums with her here.

The 12 people inside and outside of their cars are being thrown up by the explosion. Some of them are dead and the others are injured.

The woman was coughing hard, she was hit by the car's door and got thrown into a small shop's wall. She was coughing blood. And her skin was burnt, her left leg was stab by a metal debris. Everything was a bit blurry because she was so dizzy her ears was full of blood. She can only hear the buzzing sound. She pulled the metal debris on her leg. As if pain was left on her body that she don't feel hurt at all.

Not far from her a lot of cursing was been said. Unfortunately the muscular man was a higher level evolved human he has ability and his body was strengthened and the impact only injured him. Also the other members was also injured but 5 other members was dead because they are nearer in the explosion and some has only lower level evolution.

"Bastard! I will skin you alive"

"Jack! Hahaha well done! You really have done it good! "

"You will regret this you stupid woman!"

The woman named Jack know that this was her only chance and it's actually failed. Her eyes was dull and her breathing was so small that if you don't look closely, you will not know she was still breathing.

A sudden trembling as if a small earthquake occurred. Sensing this, Jack smile as if letting go of everything, she inhale deeply and her eyes like a deep pole slowly got thier brilliance like a shinny pearl. She slowly stand up pulling her injured left leg. Walking near from the explotion.

The muscular man saw her and starting to curse again and going in her direction, but suddenly he stop. He feels that something was wrong.

He doesn't know that all the direction was full of beast and zombies surging towards them.

He started to instruct his members to go and speed up not forgetting to take Jack with him. Grabing her hair without any consideration.

Jack's eyes became sharp and full of determination, her hair was being grab as if skinning her scalp. She only has a lively hood skills and her physics are weak compare to those evolve human with abilities.

As if thinking of something, She smiled wickedly and abruptly raise her head and hold the claw like hand grabbing her head with both hands and bit it like those wild beast!

"Aaaaarrrrrhg!!!!!" screamed by the mascular man. "You beast!" and kicking Jack like a sandbag.

Jack slump like dead wood. Her mouth still has a bitten flesh on it.




The surrounding suddenly was full of howling from beast and zombies. The face of other mercenaries are in panic! They don't want to be dead here.

Jack suddenly laughed , she was happy. Happy that she can bury this evils with her. With her bloody body, she look for some high place to put her self and look how the beast and zombie besieged this people. Although she know she will not be better than them and she will also get killed, she doesn't care... She don't want to live anyway, all of her love ones are dead.

This are the people who make her and her love ones suffer, she want to atleast feel how they feel the sufferings and the desperation. How was the feeling of clinging for a single hope to survive.

She saw a big truck that was turn over at the side. She crawl to went at the top. Inhaling deeply, she look toward those panic people.

They went back, it's look like there is no exit, every corner and places was surrounded.

Jack doesn't know why... The whole place was like an incirclement to inclose whoever was inside the incirclement.

Looking down. The mascular man has an energy gun facing her. It looks like he wanted to kill her first. She doesn't care, she was satisfied seeing them like this and she know they will not be better. Looking at the back, the beast and zombie are already jumping near her. She just smile and jump into it, bracing her self. This will be the last time she will suffer.

The scream and gunshot could be heared in the background. After half an hour everything was cleaned, only the blood stains remain as proof of this living being eatin.

At the top of an abandoned building, not far from the disturb place. A young man in his early 30s was looking intently in that place.

"Umm... Its wierd, whats with that energy, so mysterious"

Murmuring this to his self, he walk and everything got blurr because of flying dust and he was gone.


Jack wake up suddenly and look around with vigilant. She look around but why is it familiar? This kind of room can only be have by those rich people in this apocalyptic era, No... this place was too clean, it's like just before the apocalypse!

she jump from the bed and walk, suddenly she look in the mirror in the closet. She was stunned! She look at herself in the mirror, isn't this her when she was only 18 years old? Is she dreaming?

Moving around in front of the mirror to prove that this was her. She can't believe it! She suddenly slap her face hard!


A big sound of slap sounded in the whole room. A sound of chocking can be heard from the door.

"umm... I didn't see anything... You continue" saying this, Jean her younger brother... Stiffen his face and walked away.

"You can try the other side to balance! pfft—" without her knowing Jean turns back to add this sentence and ran out.

Normally she will screamed and rush out to chase him, but now... She want to cry! She really want to cry! She missed them so much! so much...

"If this was a dream I hope I wouldn't wake up..."