
Thank You

I am an unpredictable person and I can give you a lot of misleading cues. I will throw these words and gestures, I will smile at you and laugh with you but you can still be clueless about me. I am pretty much of a complicated one and you might not be able to untie the knot—I am an elusive person to the point of being constricted.

If you happen to be one of the people I met and knew who can see right through me, who can read my words and actions, who can swim with me in my deepest parts, thank you. Thank you for recognising the things I wish to tell everyone but I couldn't. Thank you for acknowledging those pretty and unpleasant parts of me I didn't show to anyone. Thank you for making me feel that it's great to be me. Thank you for telling me the words I wish to utter and thank you for reading me right.