
Event After Event

'Bam' He knocked the floor hard and a zombie's leg hit him in his head as which it lost its body's balance. As it slid, it's perched head hit its kind and then they all fell down. Even as the kinetic forces affected them, they still moved in a bizarre fashion to take a grabbing reach to Yuehan.

As they came upon in all directions; in his perspective, the places they gripped upon of their tinted hands and nails was random. Some of them managed to bite it immediately, tenebrous asperity blossomed out.

"Ahhh!!!" Yuehan's predictable scream went out and Jhundy could only blankly stare at him as the force of being pushed still lingered and dragged him a little bit towards to the front. As he stopped, the zombies had already had Yuehan in their horrible mouths.

He was hesitating at his decision which could decide a moment's life. He didn't know what to do.

'Splash' "AHHHHHHH!!" Yuehan's blood splattered all over and his bloodcurdling screeches were unceasing. The gruesome scene depicted out as all kinds of innards were bouncing off from him.

In the end, Jhundy continued on his way and forced himself to run unremittingly in the crowd, never looking back as Yuehan could no longer be saved. Tears were pouring of his fat face.

What Yuehan now experiencing was the greatest pain he had ever felt. Since he was a child, he couldn't even bear when he got stinged by only a mini bee or hit his feeble leg into a small chair. But now, he was fully conscious of his body ripping apart from all the ghastly mouths. It couldn't even hold a candle to a situation of many dogs ferociously biting at you.

And then his throat was gnashed by black teeth and got been terribly shredded. His mouth was not even spared, resulting for him to cant babble out anymore voices. His visage was fiercely eaten upon.

However, his brain remained intact and his consciousness was miraculously still awake. He kept feeling the insuppressible pain, including when his heart and limbs were even torn apart and a great amount of lost blood.

Eyes fully red, his veins was very apparent, creeping on his face. He somehow could even still muster the strength to subdue the non-ever numbing pain. Even his blood was no longer in a bobbling pump, the distinct vessels in his body still squirmed in a savage fidget.

"Crunch" His bones was grated by the infected in a harsh pull, parting from his connecting body. They energetically competed with each other of this succulent meat.

'AHHH!' No human parts operative for voice unleash, he could only sharply scream in his thoughts, ringing in a sharp echo. The horrendous pain resulted for his mind in a Cimmerian wander, isolating cogitation that he could not even think of words or phrases to say in his mind aside from his ceaseless loud shrills.

During his pain-filled and helpless struggle; the building uncannily shook, then in a corollary manner of windows crumbling as the glasses fell down on the shaking floor. The walls naturally cracked, pokily being crushed by the strong filled force of the circumstances.

However, the infected didnt put a bother to it. Bits of pieces were haphazardly thrown out of the enfeebled bloody meat of Yuehans supple body. Mind fully awake, his feelings was plastered in extreme pain.

Then at this time; blazing flame came out of him, seemingly a diminutive inferno, engulfing his whole body in a harmless manner. Whereas the blaze violently harmed everything aside from its host, the infected only flinched a little, still succumbed of their own gorging eat. The whiff of burning rot meat seethed in the atmosphere on the air. Even the oxygen mask could not hold from the point blank heat whereas the paper mask had already been obliterated.

As the infected kept in tearing apart his body, the incandescent fire also keep on heating up. The temperature rapidly rose up as the building started to catch on fire alongside with the quake in constant due.

As of this moment, Yuehan could now sense everyone's thoughts.

"What's going on? What is the hell going on?"

"Is the world going to end?!"

"I'm going to die!"

"These damn people!"

"Yuehan, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. So sorry!!!"

He could even hear what Jhundy's inner mind spoke but he was not in a thought of expressing any of it. His mind was on just his constant suffer, bearing the insuppressible. He was in the oblivion of pain, concerning nothing except for his amplifying struggle.

While the floors were in slapdash cracking, the infected melted distinctly from the fire pouring out ceaselessly from Yuehan. In his field of radius, there were full of clear cracks, in an apparent manner of where the quake sourced out from.

"Bang" At this instance; seemingly, a hidden force generated unknowingly from his being, slammed away all of the infected. They rose in the air, smashing in a mighty impact on the walls. Their already burnt bodies broke out apart and destroyed in torn pieces. The mask was also carried away by the force, ending up to be in break.

Everyones thoughts were in a shock.

"What the.."


"What did happen?"



After a second when they turned their heads back, their countenance became pallid in bane fear from the strange sights.

"Jesus Christ!"

"A demon??!"

"This.. "


"Yuehan!?" Jhundy said to himself as he saw Yuehan in that wretched and burning state.

At this time, the area where Yuehan was at, could no longer suppress the strong vibrations from the recent force, directly crumbling as he fell down into it.

As he dropped, his head was the first to meet the lower ground.

'Bang' His head blasted out as his consciousness flowed out in a place of oblivion. At the same time, the fire that consumed his whole being vanished alongside the tormenting quake.

* * * * *

Pitch-black darkness all around, he was dreaming of a memory, portraying the things happening in his last inconceivable dream.


"What is it that you want?"

"Tell me one thing my child."

"I want to be a traveler."

"Power comes with sacrifice. Are you willing?"


"Good child"

As he woke up, his eyes was blurry at the moment. The first thing he subconsciously remembered was the bloody experiences. He was engulfed in that horrible agony of memories.

Without giving him a clear view to his surroundings, he had envisioned a scene, spying the lands of the world in an eye birds view and as if looking at it from the soaring skies.

All kinds of refuge shelters; humungous governmental, company, and environmental buildings; were rusted, dilapidated and obsolete. The vast earth and the span of ocean was void of life aside from insects and mini types of fast reproducing animals, either aquatic or terrestrial. In the continents, there were apparent signs of nuclear bombs with its massive destruction smothering the surface of destroyed lands. Countless houses were in dire straits of past erratic collapse with messy miscellaneous things in disorder, as if depicting of battle struggles to some kinds of aggressive entities inside. The overall place was abundant with old tall trees and long grasses covering everywhere, making the ground aphotic and unseen. Time was different from the known era.

'What is this?! He asked himself in thought. However, another scene flashed again to him in vision.

It portrayed out humans in their demise of their final stand against the countless infected people. They stood atop the erecting walls that centralized a piece of land of Earth that was negligible in contrast to its whole size. Armed with equipment and gears, their will was strong for the sake of protecting their remaining paradise land.

"Hold out until the final moment. Either we die or blow some shit holes in their stinking faces." A middle-aged person blared out aloud, his face wrapped up with an oxygen mask, carrying a heavy artillery. The mask unleashed out radio waves in connect to the other, enabling mass communication.

"Blast the big guy!"

"Just fire!!"

"F***ing zombies. Die!!!"

"My shitty revenge to you! Haaaaaah!"

Blasts and fire shots resounded out as the madden zombies charged haphazardly into the circular base, caring without oneself. These zombies were mutated and with their new transmutations, they had strange and disastrous perks that resulted for the once dominative humanity in the losing end.

'Is this the future?

The scene changed again. This time, he saw the place he highly knew. The skyscrapers held in mighty size, covering the diminutive ones in the ground. The rundown houses of the slums under the wrap of the bridge. The mall stores in deploy of their weighty goods. The pavement roads in full of smoky vehicles. The city was just it was deemed to be. However, it was vastly different from its bustling state for it was in a ravaging chaos. Smoke poured out from the conflagrant shelters and buildings, lingering and darkening the skies. It was a devastating emergency as all kinds of grim and onerous sounds played out from the areas: gunshots, crashes, sirens, screams, shouts, blaze, explosions, steps, crumble, and vehicles trots.

Then scene changed de novo. At this point of time, he saw his mother and his younger brother. Under the present circumstances, they were screeching in extreme pain as multiple heinous mouths were all over on both of their external bodies, lacerating their mellow fleshes. Blood spattering everywhere in a horrible way, tainting them and the infected on it as if of a paint, making them more dreadful and terrifying than ever. Their teeth gnashed the tender meat, ripping it out of the skin, letting the mother and child feel the inconceivable suffering.

After seeing that, his mind immediately bolted out of extreme distress as his forehead strongly shone out brightly. Unknowingly, his mother and his brother appeared out of the blue in front of him, wearing the space of grisly wounds from the recent bites. Divulging of the reasons why it happened, he didnt even thought of it as he instantly went to his family straightaway.

"Mom! Jad!" He was in extreme panic as blood was incessantly spurring out the bite holes especially his mom who took all the brunt for the sake of her child.

"Ahhh!!" Their screeches were deafening, effusive in pain filled emotions. The torn muscles and tissues and the clear sight of the white bones let out a gruesome view especially for a witness of a family member.

Yuehan's heart was throbbing in otherworldly pace. The sense of pain they currently felt also assailed him. The pain of watching his family suffering gruesomely with their naked wounds, in front of his opened eyes.

"M-mom!, Jad!!" As Yuehan kept in a horrendous state of panic, black lines started to spread all over their bodies. Their hands wanted to touch something to ease the pain and their legs in erratic motion of flipping out. His family was now in a more wretched pain due their bodies unconditionally transforming.

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