
Chaos' Incipiency

The infected's momentum of force by its moving motion of its run augmented to the force by Daryl's heavy bash resulted for the infected to fly in the air a bit.

Hiro rejoiced as he finally escaped the reach of the fiendish devil in which a savior was taking his terrible place. He didn't hesitate to go to the whole group of teachers and a lot of students, wanting a brief respite.

After Daryl had impacted his tenable fist to the infected, in which he stopped his right brawny leg as the leverage, he then speedily targeted his left arm to go in a trajectory of another infected, bending his knees. Pouring his deft skills into play, that resulted for another one to tumble down.

Expecting for them to halt due to his daunting and intimidating presence, they still perdured their trod, in an abrupt manner of nearing him.

Returning his arms from the kinetic motion it just swayed, he emplaced his elbows to defend from a rotting hand that came upon him at his face. He hastily shoved it right away. But that lapse of time when his vision was covered, a vehement mouth suddenly bit at his crotch.


"AHhhh!!!" The hunk person let out a piercing shriek. He was then pinned down to the ground and driven by the swarm.


The girls, some boys, screamed uncontrollably when they saw blood spouted out as if they were the one who got bitten. The ill people who had problems in their bodies couldn't help but naturally erupt.

The sick students were already hyperventilating due to the stress and confined pressure of the situation striking their feeble hearts. When they saw blood, flesh and gore, they were suddenly assailed with their illness. Some were already suffocating very hard that they couldn't breathe, their death was now laying at their door bed.

As the people were very anxious and nervous in the beginning, like a volcano holding its eruption, naturally it greatly and strongly resulted in a devastating chaos. For the first time in their entire life, their perspective and vision of their world had been turned upside down. Zombies were genuinely real and they were eating one of them in front of their eyes.

Humanity's true characteristics and their attitudes exploded within the chaos. Their reasonings were clouded too much as if the sky was covered by large clouds of the storm. No second to be wasted out from their own great anxiousness, they charged out with their congenital survival instincts and with big selfishness. Springing out all obstacles in their essential path of escape, including their fellow human, they only cared of their own selves.

This time, it was now the rule of the jungle. What mattered was only strength, the weak will be killed. No governmental laws could save them. Good moral and conscientious conducts were useless in the face of death.

The weak, commonly women and sickly people, were propelled aside. The slow witted people could hardly survive the brunt of the storm. Some of them was already bleeding from parts of their bodies. The most unlucky and very gravely were the people who were pushed down in the ground and going through the stampede of horrendous shoes and with heels. Being already frail, one of them, a sickly guy was driven down by his fellow classmates and schoolmates in the ground. A heel of something from a woman shot him in his eye and directly inside, ultimately led him to his death.

There was nothing to consider for sympathy this time as they only thought to rush outside from the dire and grave situation. The influence of chaos was like a virus, directly exploding in a matter of moments, rousing the inexplicable emotions of the people, and eventually beclouding one's own reasons which led to a havoc panic and even deaths.

* * * * *

Yuehan and Jhundy were madly fleeing. From their back, a whole lot of the infected were pursuing them. They had covered a little distance because the infected were still temporarily adapting their bodies. But they could be seen faster and faster as moments passed.

In front of them, they could see many infected packed in the ground of the center in the hallway; the central in which was a distinctly hunk person. There is no time to ponder it as they only have one thing on their mind: "opportunity".

No time to talk, both of them trotted the pack. Some of the infected from the cluster who didnt have a chance to get Daryls meat; when both and Jhundy passed to them, they were alerted and also participated to chase them. The ones who were already eating couldn't be bothered as they only adored their fill.

When both of them moved in a sprint, they saw their fellow students ravaging in chaotic havoc. Many of them ran while some of them went back to their classrooms, locking the door. There were even some who were banging the closed doors, wanting to enter it but not permitted by the people inside of it due to extreme trepidation. However, some of the rooms were still opened for them.

At this point, inside one of the unclosed rooms; both Yuehan and Jhundy could see their fellow group member, Hiro, with its now decomposing injured leg who was already twitching inside the classroom, then 'bang', the door closed again.

'I could only hope my speculation is wrong' Yuehan fearfully thought with dread.

While Yuehan and Jhundy were running for their life, inside the certain classroom Hiro resided, something was ongoing.

All kinds of frightful panic screams are all around in this room. Because of that, they could not see their situation clearly that one of them inside was acting weirdly. Only the guy teacher, Joel, who could manage to calm a bit and held the threshing person in question, realized it.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked.

Hiro could only grunt and struggle by his seemingly seizure. No answers was given.

He was now worse than the last time with his pallid face, repressing the pain within himself. Struggling very hard, his dark vessels and nerves were clearly seen in his ghastly figure, filling all over. Skin rotting, the clot of blood from the wound from his right leg had a tint of black. The red blood that was flowing through the bite was also accompanied by gray and majorly black.

"C-calm down. Calm down." Joel put his hands of the person's head. "Your name. What is your name?"

The teacher had a fierce time by putting his hands into position on Hiros head as it was also irregularly moving. At this time, the person did answer.

"I--I am H-Hir--r-r-r rrrr. A-aa--AHHHHHHHH!!" Currently feeling excruciatingly pain, he could not manage to finish saying his name. He could only shrill out aloud. He became crazy, gritted his teeth too much to the point that blood was seething out of his gums. Budging himself very hard, he finally made it free from Joels grasp. He then rolled to the ground while occasionally stop to bang his head repeatedly up and down to the floor of the room.

Due to the appalling strong high-pitched scream that was voiced out, it attracted all attention to him.

"What is happening to him?"

"Is he alright?!"

"Why is he that!!?


The blaring shrill further added the havocking disarray and led to a more great terror. Joel who was bit calmer, and somewhat knew what would happen, could only gasp of the situation that beheld. But without a moment passed, looking clearly, they all shouted alertly.


"He got bitten in the LEG!!"

"Look at his dark body all over!"

"I--Is he going to be one of them?"

"Le--let me out of here!!"

"I am gonna get outta the hell here!!"

"Who the hell did bring this person over?!"


"Move it!!!"

They were now competitively and forcibly charging out and there. There was no sense of cooperation here, only themselves. But they mainly held the door shut.

"Shut up every one of you!"

"You shut up!!"

"We cant let you come outside, there are everywhere in there!!"


'Bang' 'Bang'

The banging sounds of the door had changed. It started from still to rapid banging of the door. Clearly, all of their voices combined, attracted the aggressive entities outside.

"W-we are doomed!"



"This is all because you dont shut up!!"

At this moment; the bale person they stayed away from, Hiro, twitched and wriggled throughout. His horrid shriek vanished out in an abrupt occurrence, altered in an unforeseen change, becoming a spine-chilling growl.


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