
I am a protagonist?

Ye Fan reincarnated in a parallel world but He awakened his memory 11 years later . And awakening his memory unexpectedly he found himself got kidnapped and foced to participate in killing game . so what will happen to him? . . After some years looking at the situation in front Ye Fan, He couldn't help ask " System come out i wont beat you just tell me am i protagonist of a novel ?" "_"

Mobo_Droid · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs


After 1 hour of intense killing there last five Survivors .

Ye Fan in just one hour he just felt like he lived for a life time. his spirit is almost exhausted.

when they were resting K' s voice sounded.

" Congratulation for complete the first game "

"From now on you will forget your old name batch no will be your only name "

" next time you will wake up that will be your next destination"

As voice finished speaking gas slowly spread throughout the room .

At time a voice of system sounded Ye Fan

[Congratulation host for completing hidden mission survive first game  .

  you will 50 exp points ]

[ 10x exp Talent triggers you get 500 exp]

Before Ye Fan could research his system rewards he felt unconscious.

[Warning! tampering in memory detected]

[-300 exp against mental attack defended]

[Use 300 exp points for hide the fact that host memory is not tampered]





Dont know how long Ye Fan finds himself in a dormitory like room. After waking up there is also other 4 who survied with him. Then closing his eyes started  communicate with system.


[ Name: Ye Fan

Strength : 5 (average adult is 10)

Agility     : 4 (average adult is 10)

Constitution:5 (average adult is 10)

Mind : 7 ( average adult is 8)

Cultivation : none 0/1000

Breathing technique : level 1 (0/1000)

EXP :  170            ]

'system tell me the conversion of exp to atribute? '

[Upto first limit 10 exp =1 atribute]

'system what is first limit ?'

[ 10 atribute is the first limit ]

'then after ? '

[Upto second limit 100 exp =1 atribute , 99 atribute are second limit ]

'System show me my notifications log'

[Breathing technique 10 exp ... 10x talent triggered =100exp]

[Congratulation host for completing hidden mission survive first game  .

  you will 50 exp points ]

[ 10x exp Talent triggers you get 500 exp]

[Warning! tampering in memory detected]

[-300 exp against mental attack defended]

[Use 300 exp points for hide the fact that host memory is not tampered]

[Breathing technique 10exp]




[Breathing technique 10 exp trigger 10x tallent exp = 100exp ]

'System next dont show the Breathing technique log '

[okay host]

' And what does mean by memory tampering?'

[Host because of system except for you all survivors memory is altered  , some of there memory is  erased ]

[Now all of them is there batch no ]

' System they will not find fault in me '

[As long as host doesn't reveal they won't find any fault]

'Then system assigne 5 points in strength,  4 points const and 3 in Agility'

'show the status '

[ Name: Ye Fan

Strength : 10

Agility     : 7


Mind : 7

Cultivation : none 0/10000

Breathing technique : level 1 (0/10000)

EXP :  0            ]

At time door of room opened  a person come with food and said

" eat the food 15 minutes after your training will start "

"and  each of you find a combat suit in your bed after eating put on it "

Ye Fan and the others started  to eat their own food as fast as they could.

Within 15 minutes all them ready with combat suit put on their body.

In there uniform there is no. written on it . Ye Fan no is zero so his name .

Among the survivors girl no is 02 other three boys are 01 , 03 and 04 .

Ye Fan thought of asking there old name if they remember but thinking there might be servillence cameras in this room .

so he abandoned his idiotic thought.

At the same decided if he have to survive here from now he must stay calm and avoid talking ,just focus on surviving.

Just after 15 minutes  a dark skined well built man come , he is wearing same combat uniform as us and but instead only number like them there is K -2 written on it . Ye Fan thought his name might be K-2.

He asked us to follow him . After following him we came to spacious room . there  is lots of door inside this room .

K-2  came infront a door written in english COMBAT.

After the door open Ye Fan and the others followed him into the combat room.

The combat training room is a spacious area with padded walls and floors, designed to minimize the risk of injury during training. It contains various equipment such as punching bags, weighted vests, and exercise equipment, and obstacles.

K-2 look at them said

" From now i will train all of you until next game that just after 7 days "

"If you want survive the next game then train as much you can other wise you all will die a horrible death "

"ok first will start with hand to hand combat "

"come on fight with me "

Ye Fan and his teams looked at each other with a tactic understanding 5 rush twords K-2 for a fight.