
I am a legend

What awaits in the road ahead, I do not know, but surely something that has nothing to do with peace, goodness, or justice -- John Farrell Sitting in a large chair covered with a leopard-skin blanket, I drank red wine slowly, letting the hot liquor warm my chest and relax my tired body. Shoulder gentle press, can relax my tight muscles, I looked behind the moon sakura, after many years, this from childhood to take care of my sister's wife, massage technology or as good as I was a child, but also to me back with a gentle smile. Not only the moon cherry...... I glanced at the many women in the room, they are doing their own things, peaceful and carefree appearance of happiness, it is hard to believe that we have gone through so much ups and downs. Fox ears long tail half beast beauty, sitting on a rattan chair to take a nap, open half of the book, placed on her full chest, people can not be attracted by the towering sexy curve. The fairy girl with pointed ears and blue eyes, holding a fine needle in her hand, made embroideries one by one, and occasionally rubbed her tired eyes. The horn-haired dragon lady, polishing her sword with cotton cloth, would occasionally cast her eyes on the cradle opposite her, and on the old enemy beside it. Next to the cradle, a young girl with huge breasts, holding a short blade, is always guarding the name of me and her most beloved person in the cradle. On the luxurious carpet embroidered with the pattern of a hundred phoenixes, a pair of angels with folded wings whisper, their looks and bodies are identical, but their reactions when they are indulged in happiness are completely different. ... I looked around the room again, at them, at the others, and quickly glanced at some of the names already inscribed on the memorials. When I met my wives, they gave me a nod, a smile, a glance, and a little red lips, an undisguised hint of flirtation. My stories with them are enough to fill dozens of thick books. There are childhood sweethearts, mutual support in adversity, bitter resentment and deep love. The love story between my wives and me, like my martial arts, covers most parts of the earth and is still talked about by people there today.

bing_bai · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
70 Chs

Chapter 42

Umu, Babuba, and I had been in the brothel together, and I knew of course that this fellow was as lustful as I was, for the sake of friendship... Well, perhaps he gave me the slaves for free on my badge, but seeing such a beautiful elven beauty, it was not just a movement of fingers, it was a movement of ten fingers, and there was no reason to not want to touch it, which frightened Gladys to retreat, only to be stopped by the guard behind him.

Therefore, I coldly warned, A Wu is very aware of my strong possessiveness, but I declared as a property, others want to be stained, you have to face my revenge, as the saying goes: a gentleman revenge, three years is not too late; The villain takes revenge from morning till night. A Wu, who has been crazy with me, knows the seriousness of the matter.

"Forget it, just ask, why so serious?" Wu rubbed his hands together and ordered his men to fetch the slave contract of Gladys and her daughter and give it to me.

When I tore the slave deed into pieces in front of Gladys, a smile without joy appeared on Gladys and me amid the sound of Umu's cry of pity. The destruction of this thin piece of paper that had manipulated her life since she was born did not mean liberation, it was only the beginning of another prison, and this time the period of prostitution was a long life...

If Gladys and I had known each other a little longer and understood her character a little more, I would have believed her promise. However, at this time, we have not known each other for a long time, and I dare not trust her so frankly. For the sake of the future, I used the way that hurt her the most, which is something that I think about and often regret later on...

"Ah Wu, your name is so hard to pronounce! That's why I couldn't find you because I forgot your name."

'No way! You boy, I am so strong and unconquerable of the mighty name, you will forget, too dishonorable!"

The reunion of old friends, especially the reunion of a pair of fair-weather friends, of course, there is no elegant way to celebrate, as Gladys is very tired, and I have to do something with her tomorrow, so I asked a Wu to send someone to escort her to the nearby hotel to stay.

"You and Babuba are not interesting. It is very impolite of you not to come to see me for so long!" A Wu sighed: "Think of the three yellow stars we swore to live and die together, every time prostitution is a brilliant victory, only a few years apart, Ba Ba is already gone, alas, old friends! How did Baobao die?"

How did he die? I can't honestly say I killed him with a single sword! After a chat with A Wu, I learned that this boy had been transferred to Narivia as a junior officer at his own cost. He had collected bribes and built good relationships with local gangsters and wealthy businessmen. Coupled with his excellent ability to curry favor and spread rumors, he rose through the ranks in the official circles within a few years and became a senior official of the deputy commander of the Navy.

"To put it this way, in fact, the deputy commander of the Navy is not a big deal. There is no war in Narivia, and we soldiers have no chance to be promoted. There are both marines and soldiers in this port city, and I, the deputy commander of the Navy, have no place to show authority at all... That's a lot of money indeed! But there is nothing like the wind when you are the captain of the King."

Nalivia is one of the two prosperous cities on the mainland, and, among other things, the large gold nest on Kowloon Hill alone does not know how much oil and water goes into the pockets of government officials, which is a big fat shortage in the eyes of officials from other places. We are now in this "exquisite resentment" nightclub, Wu is the majority shareholder in it, when it was established, he did not have to pay a dime, as long as he was responsible for one thing, that is, security.

"Ah Wu, one thing I'm curious about is that the large number of people who just followed you around are all the escorts you selected from the army, right?"

"Yes, they did! Random strong a bar, is I carefully selected, all are first-class good hands, I..."

"Why do you want so many guards when you are a deputy lieutenant of a water division playing with women in a nightclub?"

"This... There are so many enemies, of course, we need to take extra precautions."

Sure enough, looking at his embarrassed face, I knew it was wrong. I could climb so high in just a few years. I wouldn't believe it if I didn't offend anyone. And without waiting for me to ask again, he has taken the initiative to deviate from the topic.

'Well, John, you know what? What an inhuman animal Babutaka is! ' A Wu seemed very angry and pounded the table, "Doesn't Baobao have an older sister? Probably a few months ago, that old bastard pretended to be crazy by drinking wine, and actually fucked his own daughter!"

'Is that true? It is vile! ' The last time I saw Baba's father, I was in charge of giving him a pension. At that time, I only remembered that he was a drunk old man with alcohol poisoning. I did not expect such shameless and obscene behavior.

"This is not enough, what is more hateful is that after he woke up, he continued to do more than a dozen nights, you say, he is not a beast?"

"It is worse than animals, even his own daughter did not let go, too hateful!"

'That's right! So the other day his sister sent me a letter, saying that she wanted to join me. I agreed without a word, since I have a lot of spare rooms here!"

"Of course, Baobao is our good brother anyway! If you get a chance in the future, you must introduce him to me."

'Well... Of course... Hm... HMPF!" Umu snorted twice and ejaculated semen from the woman's vagina.

This is his evil idea, in order to celebrate our brother's reunion, so the two of us have a conversation across the horse. In short, it is to talk while making love to women. In order to avoid being taped by thieves, the girls sent by "Linglong Grudge" were blindfolded, put ear plugs, and tied their hands behind their backs. A Wu and I directly drew guns and mounted the horse, and finally this guy couldn't do it, so we shot first.

"I'm not willing to lose you like this. It was just an appetizer. Now it's dinner." Wu picked up the bell on the table and shook it twice. Immediately, two beautiful women dressed in hot clothes, blindfolded and earplugs were wheeled in. Seeing their cheeks flushed and their legs wiggled, they must have been fed aphrodisiac.

"Old friend, it's cheaper for you, you pick first!"

Both of these prostitutes are fine, not as good as Gladys, but they are fine, and I glanced at them and was more interested in the long-haired beauty on the left. She wore very little, with a two-tone girdle with a translucent green border at the front, a pink areola more evident under the tulle, and a sexy green embroidered trouser at the bottom. Her slender thighs, plump white roundness, swung and swayed in a way that made her heart ache.

"Decided, I'll take the big white leg on the left."

"Oh, and the little white ass on the right is mine."

Without much more, A Wu and I pulled the delicious meat we liked respectively, and immediately drew our guns and mounted our horses. I held the girl with legs under me, grasped her plump white buttocks, and inserted the meat stick into her petals, making repeated piston motions.

"Hey! John, I've got something to trouble you with! ' Wu played with the girl's asshole, the meat stems quickly in and out, and soon the woman got a lot of screaming.

"I and my head of the water supervisor can not come, this old man recently under the pretext of corruption, face unselfish, has been looking for my loopholes, in fact, who does not know that he is more greedy than me, you always have more ideas, there is no way to help me get him."

Stroking the white legs like green Onions and the curved, round and tall hips, I tried to plug, while listening to the question of a Wu in my ears.

"What are you going to do? I'm not going to kill anyone. '

'No, didn't you used to have many strange aphrodisiacs? Get some. I'll just have to scandalize the old man and bring him down."

"That's all right, but there's a way to go, so do me a favor."

Prodded by aphrodisiacs and hard pumps, I dangled, straightened and contracted the white-legged beauty between my legs, finally lying on my back, allowing me to lift her round buttocks and rub her fat breasts as I continued pumping.

"My girl is going to enter your technician competition and needs the recommendation of aristocrats. You are the boss here, and I need you to be her reference and help her win."

Full breasts and jade legs pressed on me, the great white legs of the beauty up and down the small waist, towering breasts also follow the vigorous shaking, dripping sweat, youthful body, constantly swaying in the frequency of sexual intercourse.

"Being a referrer is fine, as far as winning... It's not easy. There's never been a woman in that thing, and your chick... Hey! Good!"

"Don't bluff me, this big game, where there may not be a hidden agenda, anyway, you do your best."

A charming fat white leg, sandwiched between my waist and buttocks, willow waist and pink buttocks keep twisting up to move, the female is not able to clamp the meat stem, in my hard pumping and inserting, the climax has gradually come.

"Well... Ok... I'll do my best... Hey! This bitch has a tight asshole." The blue chastened whore on Umu's crotch, with her butt raised like a white peach, kept swallowing his stem, while on my side, the white-legged beauty's female clutched the stem, curled up her annoying jade butt, and the wall of flesh wrapped around her hot stick, made me almost happy.

Finally, in a moment of mutual agreement, as if in a show of friendship, we ejaculate in unison, then give each other a thumbs up and the same humble smile.