
I wanted a friend

"You... you are Kai?"

[Didn't expect that the Kai in question would be... a small boy that looks like 15 years old?]

"Yes, I am! Kai-the-extraordinaire-best-mage at your service! Who are you mister? Oh my, thanks mom. I apologize for my manners. Come in! I have to serve the best tea to my esteem customer!"



Feeling awkward and unsure on how to deal with someone below his age, Peng Hu followed Kai into the house.

The house was very simple and had a comfortable feeling for those who enjoy the small things in life. The living room has a comfy sofa with piles of books stacked laying around. It was probably the favorite spot Kai hanged out. Looking at the other room in the first floor, Peng Hu could see that the kitchen was very messy and that there were many dirty plates laying around.

[I guess this lad lives alone.]

"Hm? Aren't we going to the kitchen or living room to have a conversation?"

"No, no. I apologize in advance. Those two places are a bit messy and would not be a proper welcome to a guest. Let's go to the second floor."

Kai led the way and both of them arrived at the second floor. When both of them arrived at the second floor, Peng Hu was surprised that there were no bedroom. There was one magic word Peng Hu could use to describe the scene he saw before him: books. There was a ridiculous amount of books. If someone were to watch this place from afar, they would have seen a city of books.

[Isn't this more messy than downstairs? Or am I seeing what normal consider as a chaotic orderly phenomenon?]

"Please sit mister... um... Pardon me esteem customer. Could you grace me with your name?"

"Peng Hu."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Pen Who! Please take a seat!"

[Sigh... I'm even too tired from everything that has happened today to argue about my name. If I meet someone that can pronounce correctly my name, I will buy them dinner.]

Kai scanned the room and realized that there were no chairs. Flustered, he started to make preparations. The boy lifted both his hands and started chanting what seemed to be a magic spell in the open space left in the room.

"Terra est ci ichar segundo!"

Two wooden chairs sprouted from the wood palettes on the floor. It was as if magic violated all the physics law known to Peng Hu. Peng Hu felt a sense of mind blown and excitement by the prospects this new world brought him. Both of them then proceeded to take their seat.

Peng told everything that has happened so far to him during his stay at the village. From his meeting with Chief Salis, up to the ruckus caused by his status as intruder. Listening attentively, Kai started jotting down furiously unto what seemed to be an old journal.

"Hmmm... so Aunty Salis told you my name?"

['Aunty'? More like 'Grandma' no?]

"Do you know why she would say your name?"


"So... what is the reason?"

"To be your companion during your stay in the village!"

[Companion? More like a watcher then? I don't mind if that's what it takes to remove my status as intruder.]

"I see..."

"Mr. Pen... I want to ask you a serious question and please be frank with me."

"If it's within my power, why not?"

"Can we be... friends?"

The question was like a ram slamming against Peng Hu. It was a long time ago since he had ever heard these magical words. If it weren't because he was already 18 years old, Peng Hu would have already shed a tear or two from this emotional moment. Additionally, Peng Hu considered that it wasn't a bad idea to have a proper friend in this new world and guide him around.

"I would be glad to!"

"Thank you so much Mr. Who! I also need to thank Aunty Alis! I always wanted a friend."

Kai looked down on the floor, with tears on his eyes because he has fulfilled one of his lifelong wish. Using his hands, he tried to wipe out the tears... the tears of happiness.

*sniff* *sniff*

Peng Hu almost felt like crying. It was a beautiful moment what happened just now. He just remembered how precious his memories were when he made his first few friends in the old world.

Looking like he was regaining his composure, Kai took a deep breath, and exhaled everything out until he became stable enough to keep the conversation going.

"Can-can I call you Pen?"

"Sure. By the way... does that mean that I'm no longer an intruder?"

"Only if you are with me Pen! Say, do you love magic? I noticed that you felt very excited when I the two chairs."

"I find it very exciting! I would love to learn magic..."


Suddenly, Kai sprang out of the chair and stared firmly at Peng.

"uh... do I have something... on my eyebrows?" - asked weirdly Peng Hu.

With hand in fist position, he bumped the fist into his chest, smug clear and wide on his face, as he said proudly:

"Since we are friends now... let me teach you magic!"

Magic Library Entry No. 1:

Terra ist ci ichar segundo > Make two chairs from earth element.

Whew x 9!

SuperHottie_Wizardcreators' thoughts
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