
I Always Knew That I Would Become A Great Hero!

This story follows the adventure of shut-in, Saiba Okumura, as he gets transported to a different world and he is assigned a task to complete so that he can return to his old life. Follow him as he discovers new wonders in a video game-like world and join him on his journey to become a Great Hero!

chicken24_ · Kỳ huyễn
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115 Chs

Chapter 4: Just Slimes? No Problem!

Saiba sets out with his new gear, 1000G and below average stats. He thinks to himself,

"I'm only Level 1?! I guess I'm gonna need to level up to raise my stats, right?"

Saiba walks a little and enter the hills. Some text appears above his head saying, [Slime Hills] Saiba thinks,

"Slime Hills? That probably means there's slimes here. All right! Time to level up!"

Saiba climbs one of the hills where a small green slime is waiting there for him. He pulls out his sword, takes a deep breath, and dashes at the green monster. He gets close and delivers swift downward slash. The slime gets cut in half and it turns into dust. At the same time, a pop-up appears in front of Saiba. It reads,

[Level Up! ATK +1. DEF +1. SPD +1]

Saiba shouts,

"Yes! I'm finally getting somewhere!"

Saiba looks down at the grass terrain from on top of the hill and spots a horde of about five slimes slowly approaching. He excitedly exclaims,

"Just slimes? No problem!"

He runs over, hacking away at all the slimes and cutting them cleanly in half. He does this for a while, getting rid of around 100 slimes. He lays on the ground panting as he checks his stats again. He is now Level 11 and his stats read,

[ATK: 20. DEF: 17. SPD: 14]

He assumes that ATK stands for Attack, DEF stands for Defense, and SPD stands for Speed. Saiba thinks to himself,

"They're still pretty bad, but at least it's something."

Saiba starts to feel the ground shake as a loud thumping noise approaches. It is getting louder and louder by the second.

He sits up and sees an enormous slime approaching him. It is a darker shade of green than the other slimes and it looks like it is wearing a small crown.

In the distance, he can barely see some text above the slime. The text reads,

[Coroner the King Slime. Level 15: Boss]

Under the text, there is also a green bar which he assumes is an HP bar.

Saiba gets pumped up as he quickly stands and gets in a battle stance while mumbling to himself,

"So this is a boss huh? Time to test out my new moves!"

Saiba charges towards he hopping slime and he stabs his sword into the gelatinous being. His sword gets sucked in and pushed back out. It deals no damage to the slime. Saiba's attack also backfires, launching him few meters away from the slime.

As he gets back up, he begins rushing towards Coroner once again. He tries jabbing his sword into the slime hoping to deal some actual damage. This time, the sword gets swallowed whole by the Slime. The slime does not stop until Saiba is completely inhaled by the monster as well.

Saiba tries to flail around, but is unable to move. The King Slime jumps into the air and discards Saiba by launching him directly into the ground, leaving a dent where he landed.

Saiba slowly tries to get up, but the Slime prevents him by using the natural gravity to slam into him from above. Saiba is once again stuck inside the green monster. He faintly mutters,

"...Can't... Breathe..."

He starts to suffocate inside the monster. He is on the verge on collapsing when, (Slash!)

Saiba is suddenly freed from the King Slime as he falls back onto solid ground. Above him, he sees a mysterious figure holding a glowing weapon.

On either side of Saiba lay the two cleanly cut halves of the now defeated Coroner. The King Slime turns to dust like the other slimes as Saiba lays on the ground weak and injured.

The mysterious being slowly approaches as Saiba blacks out.