
I accept the contract! Reincarnate me to Another World!

Fanfiction based on the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica PMMM world. The main lead, Keichi, who is a normal magical boy - had dreams of multiple timelines he tried to save his lover always failing as he kept fragments of memories when Homura resets the time somehow. He had failed each time. There's is no way out. He just, want to escape and moves on from this useless cycle. And so he made a wish - “I want to live in another world, with Magic, Gods and Dragons, like in fantasy stories I read! I want to be free from this meaningless cycle. Please grant my wish, Kyubey!”. ... Note: The ML is feminine pretty gay guy. Have male love interests in the story. I simplified the hot scenes from my draft to cater for wider audiences. If you want to read them please do mention it so i can share the part somewhere else.

nablethenoble · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 6: Red Scaled Lizard Subjugation

Back to the present.Fay used his inventory space to keep all of the party members items since it does weigh a bit. There's some dried food and all. The village is nearby so they can reach them by carriage directly in the evening. And hopefully stay in one of the villagers' houses. Otherwise, they had to set up their tents.'Kyubey, don't you worry about leaving the other kyubey?'."No".Fay does wonder where it went. But it shouldn't matter much since kyubey is still here. It's a bit confusing because they are both the same kyubey. Fay can only think of it as kagebunshin no jutsu from Naruto but it's actually alive.The journey Is smooth. They finally reached Noah village greeted by the village chief. He expressed urgency as it even dares to break into people's houses and some of them even got injured."Thankfully Eli recently got the skill to heal! We are definitely lucky to have someone blessed by the Gods".The chief let out a sigh of relief. If not for Eli, some of the villagers who encounter the beast accidentally might have died. He wonders if the village would be even more prosperous after this. After all, being able to heal means to be acknowledged by the Gods. Usually only high priests and devoted believers can use Heal.Although the livestock it ate reduces the village income, and they would worry about winter, but at least they are still alive for now.Fay nodded. Thinking about how healing magic is basically a power shared by the Gods in this world. But Fay thinks that's not necessarily true. He's sure there's also healing magic that uses logic and based on biology instead of pure miracles and power of the Gods.The village 'chief led them to an empty house especially for visitors. They make themselves at home before Elvis and Wain go out to scout the area and the location of the lizard beast.Fay took out the potions, antidotes, and a few bags belonged to the party members. The potions are made from plants and materials with magic property. It's not as potent as healing magic from the members of the church but it's still manageable. So far, they never got any injuries that bad.The journey itself isn't much since they ride a carriage. But to return with the loot of monsters' corpses they would need a second carriage if the monster is big enough. But thankfully Fay is here.After waiting for a while, Elvis and Wain came back."We found its tracks and followed them. It leads to a cave nearby. It's probably resting there".Elvis spoke,"We should stay alert for tonight in case it went inside the village. But if it didn't, we will subjugate it at its nest". The lizard is mainly nocturnal after all.Everyone nodded. Each member take turn scouting the village around to see any activities going on while the rest would sleep. While Wain insists Fay don't have to because it is his first time, but he refuses. He wants to do his job as a party member as well. Since they are 6 of them, it really just amounts to an hour or more of being alert so it isn't much.Fortunately, the night is peaceful.The party cook their own meal with fresh ingredients that Fay stored. After all they shouldn't trouble the villagers to feed them."We will move and set an ambush an hour later". Elvis spoke.Everyone had prepared their items. The party composition is somewhat balanced except there's no healer. So far, they do just fine with potions and they never encountered a life-or-death situation. And the party never risked going for too difficult opponent either.The party consisted of Wain (Fire mage/Melee/Range DPS), Trevor (Tank), Lisa (Earth mage/ranged DPS/Control/Support), Amber (Water mage/ranged DPS), Elvis (Wind mage/Archer/Ranged DPS), and finally the new member Fay (Mage/Ranged DPS/Support).Lisa acts as the team backline cover as the Earth mage have many defensive spells to shield incoming projectile attack and can use Earth Bind onto the opponent to stop its movement.While Fay space magic can be used offensively, but it can be used to shield and redirect attacks so it's very useful for support as well – but Fay is not used to it yet so he still needs to practice it. Since Fay can hit the monster very easily, his main role is as DPS since he can stab and slash the lizard at a safe distance. He can opt for bow and arrow and but since he never used them, using the sword is a better option.Trevor, as the tank, since he keeps taunting monsters in the party, he developed the specialised skill important for Tanks – Aggro. He wore a full set of heavy armour and uses a very large shield. He had a short sword on his waist as well. He sprayed himself with monster attracting oil. It's made from some type of plant. With the skill and the oil, he pulls the hatred and focus of monsters towards him in few meters' radius towards him.He shares the aggro with Wain, somewhat. If Trevor got injured and need to use his potions Wain could take over. As a beastman, his physical strength is better than normal human overall.Seeing the lineup, Fay feels confident in his first monster subjugation. Although there's lack of healer but it should be fine.Healer is especially needed for difficult monster subjugation naturally since they reduce fatality rate significantly. They are pretty much necessary but very few had skill to heal so there's too much demand. Not to mention, parties would pay high prices for them so there's competition.They marched together to the cave. The lizard should be sleeping right now. Everyone is ready to face it.Elvis readied his arrow and use wind magic to reduce air resistance and enhance it. Wain lights up the end. The arrow is shot into the cave. As it travels, it hit lizard's body waking him up.Trevor knock on his shield to make sounds to attack it.*Rumble*2Fay can feel the ground vibrating from its crawling.The giant lizard pokes out its head. It's so big!Now he knows what 9 meters sized lizard looks like.Trevor walked backward while using his taunting skill. It rushes out to bite him!As the body moves out of the cave, Lisa quickly use her spell, Earth Fall causing the roof of the cave to break down closing it. This is to prevent the lizard run back into the cave. It would be difficult to fight in close tight space.Trevor uses his big shield to block the bite. The lizard use it claws and swipe at the shield, only causing Trevor to move slightly backward and only a scratch forms on the shield. Trevor very heavy armour prevents knockback.Lisa once again uses her spell. Earth Armor – wrapping Trevor already thick metal armour with magic hardened rock – further increasing his defence.With enough space, the party moves close to the monster. Elvis shoots wind enchanted arrows, manage to pierce slightly through its thick scale.Amber chanted her strongest piercing water spell she knows – Water Jet. Magic circle forms in front of her as water is conjured and accumulates.Lisa also uses stone bullets since she's free. It's only a basic spell since she needs to conserve mana for emergency situation.Wain use flame enchantment to coat his longsword with flame magic. He sees a chance and dashed to slash at its neck. The monster unfortunately moved and the sword only manage to injure its hand. It got angry but Wain already retreated.Fay took the chance to take a deep breath, ready his stance. He charges up his mana to flow into his body muscles. Who have time to charge up in battle? Only Fay can do this.He slashes at the air with all his strength. He did a vertical slash at the air – the sword went through a vertical portal as the sword appears next to the lizard's neck – slitting its throat!Spurt!Critical Hit!The portal dissipates the instant Fay finish his downward movement. Fay luckily hit deep enough to damage its artery. The blood flows out so much. Not to mention, Fay's rapier made of MG magic is very sharp.The monster turned around to see who attacked it only to be more confused and enraged. If they draw out the battle, the lizard would definitely die from blood loss.The monster is in an enrage state however. It uses all its strength to be crazy. Even Trevor got pushed back and fell down.Wain uses his longsword as a shield to fend off the monster attacks for a while. Wain has an agile movement and can dodge the monster erratic claws and bites.Fay slashes at the monster here and there through spatial slashes, only causing more and more confusion as the lizard had to turn its head to see its left and right and his behind but can't understand what the hell is hurting him. Fay also tried to use his Wind Cutter and Water Bullet through the portal, launching the projectile through another portal close to its body.It only leaves a scratch and give some pain to the lizard unfortunately since it really consumes little mana and it's a basic offensive spell.Fay also gave a lot of space for Wain by these attacks.Amber finally finished her chants. Wain and Trevor stepped aside at Lisa's reminder.Water Jet!A stream of highly pressured water shoots out at the lizard. It missed the head but hits its body, piercing its scales while even pushing the lizard backward! The sheer pressure and force even manage to move the lizard.It bleeds profusely.The lizard is close to death as it's losing more and more blood. It turned its back and walked sluggishly towards the already-closed cave.It soon stops moving and died peacefully."Whew. That went well." Wain exclaimed his relief."Ergh… my body hurts", Trevor interrupted. After all, even with armour and rock protecting him, some of the force still reach his body.In fact, most of the potions always end up used on Trevor, and Wain is the second one to use them."Amber, your magic is really strong!". Fay got really excited seeing how the Water Jet pierce the lizard scale into its body and even manage to push back it's 9 meters long body."Yes…Your magic is strong as well". Amber said quietly. Amber is usually the team finisher. Her Water Jet never fails. Although she can only shoot them 2 times before her mana runs out.Although in Amber's opinion, she has to chant for a long time to do it. While Fay can use his space magic close to instantaneously. And as far as she knew, Fay haven't had a proper training.Kyubey who is on Fay's shoulder spoke,"Fay, I already recorded her chants for Water Jet".'You WHAT!?'."Do you want to learn it? I can't write with my paws so I will tell you".Fay felt guilty. That sounds wrong. Hopefully Amber won't be mad at him.He shook his head. He doesn't know if it's right or wrong. After all, Amber probably paid a lot of money for the spell and yet he got it for free.Fay finally remembered Kyubey can't be seen by ordinary people. Can't he sneak into the Mages Association branch and just read everything there. He shuddered. He's not a pirate. He shook his thoughts away.Fay also admires Lisa use of Earth Magic. She is very versatile. While as for Trevor he admires that he could took a heavy beating and face the monster directly. He doesn't think he can do it like Trevor. Is he a masochist? Every arrow launched by Elvis hits the monster accurately and piercing its scales. Although not lethal, it hurts the monster.And Wain looks like a warrior with his flame sword and his agile movement. He looks like a handsome warrior.So… handsome…Fay moves his eyes away from Wain, blushing a little while scratching his cheek.The team members move to dismantle the giant lizard. Fay also tried to help. The scale of the lizard is tough yet light, and can be used to make a light armour. It's saliva and its salivary gland is poisonous and can be sold – it has a medical use to treat a variety of warts - a trivia Elvis just blurted out of nowhere.Lizard meat is edible but it's not really delicious. So, they burn the rest of the corpse. They stored the harvested materials inside Fay's inventory space.The subjugation is a breeze you could say.They returned back to the village to report their success."Thank you, thank you! Finally, we can rest at night". Chief let out a sigh of relief. He signed the paper confirming the Quest is completed so the guild can release the rewards."If you are injured you can meet Eli at the house over there. She would be happy to heal you people". He pointed out a particular house.They decide to visit Eli, the so-called healer.A middle age woman comes out of her house with a baby in hand. She bowed profusely and thanking Eli so many times for treating her child's fever.Eli smiled and wave at her.The woman nodded at the party coming in.Eli also looks at the adventurers. She nodded and say her thanks. A very old woman also comes out to greet them."Come in, come in. You slay the beast for us, it must be tiring. I will make some tea".Elvis can't refuse so they just went in. The house is pretty small but comfortable. The members noticed the broken window as if something pried it open."Maam, did the lizard tried to get into your house?". Asked Elvis out of curiosity."Oh! You won't know. I almost died! Thankful Eli got her power to heal. Gods truly give Their grace to us"."How old are you, Eli?".Eli replied she's 14. She then offered to heal the party members. Everyone except Trevor refused since they aren't injured anywhere.Trevor takes off his armour. Fay can see some bruises on his body. Although it is very far from fatal, it must still hurt…Eli uses her magic. Green light covers Trevor as his bruise visibly heals.Fay noticed something peculiar. The bracelet with green gem that Eli wear. It glowed when she does so…It's like when he used space magic.And he felt a connection. There's no way, right?He asked Kyubey just because,"Her power feels like a Magical Girl from our world".'Indeed, she is.'. Kyubey replied nonchalantly.…"WHAT!?""How??".'She made a contract to be a magical girl'."What-why-you-"."Is there Kyubeys in this world too? Or did you meet this girl? Is there other Kyu-". Ah. There is another Kyubey.Is this what Kyubey had been doing behind his back?Fay had a headache. He can't really stop Kyubey's decision. And he knew Kyubey power to grant wishes is certainly strong and comes with benefit. He won't deny a life changing wish to anyone.'What is her wish?'."I can't disclose it. But you can guess from her power".Oh. Connecting the story of how the grandmother almost died, and her wish, and her healing power it's very easy actually."Kyubey… I saw she had used her power many times. Won't she… run out of magic?".'Yes. She is halfway to running out. You can help her as a fellow magic user if you want. She doesn't seem to have ability to fight magic beasts alone'."Then why did you give her a contract if you know she can't?".'It's an experiment. I don't really care if she is able to survive or not. I already told her the consequences. And she benefitted from the contract. It's mutual'."I see". Kyubey at times sounds very cruel. But he can't understand human emotions, so I guess it's what to be expected. But to hear such a cold statement in his cute voice is quite unsettling at times.Trevor thanked Eli. Elvis had a thought and asked Eli if she wanted to be an adventurer. The party does need a healer. She refused, saying she wanted to stay and take care of grandmother. Elvis can only sigh. But maybe someday Eli would be one. So, he can still wait.Fay took the chance to talk to Eli. He drags Eli to a corner of the house. The party members do have questions but let him be."Eli. Do you have this?". Fay conjures his still quite bright silver soul gem.Eli is surprised.'You… meet the bunny too?'.Kyubey finally shows up and jump on Fay's head. Another Kyubey also shows up and sit on Eli's head."There's two Kyubey?!". Eli is surprised again."Yup.". Fay looks at the other Kyubey for a while.'Eli, you know if you run out of magic… you die, right?'."Yes…". Eli turned his eyes down.'You need magic crystal to replenish them. Kyubey must have told you'.Eli nodded.'Mmm… since you are a healer, you can join adventurer guilds. I am sure many would want you to join. Or you can ask Elvis-san there to join us. You can buy or get magic crystal this way'."I can't leave grandma alone…". Eli do want to solve this problem.Fay thinks for a moment and got an idea.'How about, open up a clinic?'.Eli blinked twice at the suggestion.'You can get people to pay for your service, then use the money to buy magic crystal from the market. Or exchange healing service with magic crystals. You don't have to leave grandma that way'.Eli eyes shined. That's a good idea. But her magic is already halfway used."Umm… I will try to talk to Elvis-san for the beast magic crystal".'Y-You don't have to. I will try to find a way-'."It's alright".Fay leaves her and went to Elvis side. Since he is the team leader and accountant, he asked if he could take the magic crystal. He doesn't know the market price. But he promises he would pay the rest back if his cut won't buy it.Elvis went to talk to the other party members. They have no complaint and let Fay take the magic crystal."Thank you!". Fay felt grateful for his party kindness.Fay passed it to Eli. Eli reluctantly takes it. She tried to cleanse her soul gem with it as Fay also observes. The grimes all went into the magic crystal, causing the crystal to lose its sheen and becomes darker while the green soul gem becomes as bright as new. Kyubey told them it can still be used to recharge a third of the Soul Gem power.Fay remembered his own Soul Gem. It's only used about a tenth of his magic. Fay uses little magic in combat actually, so he's not in a rush.The last time his soul gem becomes very dimmed is because he used most of the magic to heal his near-death injuries. So, he lets Eli keeps it.Fay told the party how Eli wants to open a clinic and ask for their support. The party have no objection. Elvis also thinks it's a good way to curry favour with Eli when time comes, they needed a healer to join them for a mission.They went with Eli to tell the Chief about it and he agreed. The party members will help spread the words and simply post a simple advertisement on the boards of multiple guilds about Eli's clinic. Chief agreed to pay for advertisement for Eli because it still meant the village would be more prosperous with visitors.They said their farewell and ride a carriage back to Angis Town."Fay, why do you give the magic crystal to Eli?". Elvis finally asked. He's curious.'Umm…'. He doesn't know what to tell really."It's okay if you don't want to tell me".Fay stayed silent.But he decides to at least tell he, and Eli needed magic crystal."Eli… and me, needed magic crystal to use our magic".Elvis digested the words. He finally remembered magic that uses magic crystal and is shocked!"Y-You guys are contracted to a spirit?!".???'Uhh…?'."You know- the spirits eat magic crystal and can cast magic- I know that much"."It's okay. We can keep secrets you know? You don't have to hide them. Although they are very rare, but its not unheard of". Elvis tries to convince Fay.'I guess, it's kind of a spirit'. Fay replied."Can you show me the spirit?". Elvis is very curious. His whole life he never seen one. Although spirit contractor is mostly from the elves, but only very few can see and contract them."Kyubey, do you mind showing yourself?".'I don't mind'.Soon Kyubey suddenly appeared sitting on Fay's head.Elvis opened his mouth wide open. The party members also saw the creature."Waaaa so cutee!!!". Lisa screamed and tried to pat Kyubey, but Kyubey dodged and clinged onto Fay's shirt."He doesn't like strangers much". Fay exclaimed.'I am Kyubey'. He said with his cute neutral voice.The party members wait for him to speak more, but only silence prevail."Uhh… he doesn't really speak much".Seeing there's nothing else, Kyubey hide himself from other people. Fay can still see him however."I don't know spirits look like a bunny". Elvis exclaimed.Fay is pretty sure they don't. Kyubey isn't a spirit after all. But he will ride the tailcoat of misunderstanding since its easier.The excitement died down after a while as Fay explains his space magic is from Kyubey. He hides that Kyubey can copy chants from others however.Elvis explained about the elemental spirits to Fay, since Fay seems to just happens to meet Kyubey and don't really know what he is. There are elemental spirits that represents the elements of the world.They act as the world natural regulator. Each spirit is very proficient in their elemental type magic. There's very rare elemental spirit like Time Spirit and Space Spirit as well, which he believes Kyubey is.Elvis felt jealous towards Fay knowing this. Most spirit contractor are the elves due to their natural closeness to nature – even then its already rare. And Space Spirit contractee is unheard of and yet Fay a human race can get a contract with it.Since Fay already explained to them about his spirit magic, the party members also felt its better to give Fay the magic crystal in the future.