
I accept the contract! Reincarnate me to Another World!

Fanfiction based on the world of Puella Magi Madoka Magica PMMM world. The main lead, Keichi, who is a normal magical boy - had dreams of multiple timelines he tried to save his lover always failing as he kept fragments of memories when Homura resets the time somehow. He had failed each time. There's is no way out. He just, want to escape and moves on from this useless cycle. And so he made a wish - “I want to live in another world, with Magic, Gods and Dragons, like in fantasy stories I read! I want to be free from this meaningless cycle. Please grant my wish, Kyubey!”. ... Note: The ML is feminine pretty gay guy. Have male love interests in the story. I simplified the hot scenes from my draft to cater for wider audiences. If you want to read them please do mention it so i can share the part somewhere else.

nablethenoble · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 3: New Life

Knock3.Wain is awoken from the knock.The door opens.Shit! He forgot to lock the door!Lisa, Amber, Trevor, and Elvis was surprised at the scene.Two of these guys naked on a single bed, hugging each other.Wain sat up straight, followed by Fay who awoken by the movement. He sees a group of people staring at them. He pulled up a blanket and close his face."S-sorry for disturbing.".Trevor sends a huge smile and closes the door. Amber who had always been a quiet person screamed in excitement while covering her face, even weirding out Lisa.Kyaaaa!!!Fay and Wain didn't speak much. They are both embarrassed and feeling awkward. As wain get out of bed, he used his hand hide his tower standing due to morning problem.Fay caught a glimpse of it. Last night it's too dark to see. He can only feel the outline. But seeing it, he gulped.As wain stood and crouch to get his pants that he threw too far away, Fay eyed the cake beneath the fluffy tails. He gulped.He turned his eyes away. Wain throws Fay's shirt (Wain's oversized shirt) to Fay. He wears his pants but it really is too big.Wain gives him a simple rope and he use it as a belt of sort.They went out to see the group standing outside, waiting for them."Hahaha. Wilding huh?". Trevor smirked making fun of them.'S-shut up'. Wain quietly muttered.Lisa and amber hurriedly flock to Fay."Fay, he didn't force you, right? If you need to talk to someone, sisters will listen.". They eyed Wain, obviously not trusting him because he is in fact quite a playboy because he confessed his liking to both Lisa and Amber once.'Ah… No…'.Fay is red with embarrassment while scratching his neck. Seeing this they all went quiet about this and get breakfast. Wain is distant and don't talk to Fay the entire time. While Fay is always quiet.Everyone could see they are both awkward with each other.Elvis spoke.'Fay needs a new cloth it seems. Let's get him new one before going to the guild.'Elvis is naturally a calm person as a long-lived race. He's already seen a lot of things after all.Wain looked at how cute Fay looked in his baggy clothes. He remembered how good the night is. More than any women he ever slept with. Remembering last night, he really wants to do it again.Wain turned his eyes away again. He wonders what Fay thinks.As for Fay. He felt it's unreal. Of course, he likes it. Although Wain is a stranger and he just met, but after such an emotional roller coaster of being close to death, and the first person he saw is Wain who happens to be hot, you could say Wain friendship meter directly filled up to 30% from 0%.Although he only met Wain, but he's handsome and definitely his type.Kyubey who's sitting on the table occasionally taking a bite from Fay's food have no comment.For him emotions are something he can't feel nor understand. But he does theoretically know how humans have attractions towards the opposite sex is to reproduce although sometimes there are differences but that's normal in any organisms as variants are inevitable.He doesn't really care personally."Kyubey.. did you see….".Fay remembered Kyubey as he sees him stole a bite from his sausage.'I did observe for a while. I don't have the capacity to understand nor judge it, you don't have to feel embarrassed. It is quite interesting to see how men copulate, however'.Kyubey said it nonchalantly.Fay ears went red, thinking Kyubey is watching what they were doing in bed.They finished eating and went to the nearby clothing store. Amber and Lisa went together to the store to play dress up Fay.Fay hesitantly had to play along.They tried various clothing's. Upon Fay request, they relent and get Fay a simple white button shirts with a simple brown pants. They also get a few sets for him."Thank you…".Fay had in his mind he will have to pay for everything back to them. They helped him a lot and it leaves him feeling guilty.They went to the adventurer. After few minutes they finally got invited to a private room with a crystal ball inside. Fay went to place his hand on them.The girl frowned, because it meant Fay hadn't registered in any adventure guild in the human kingdom at least.She suggested he register as an adventurer as it could provide him with an identity card. She gave him a form to fill. Somehow, he understands and can write in their world language courtesy of the goddess of course. He writes that he had an encounter with an ogre and lost his memory of his origin and his hometown.The woman just let it be and still gives him an identity tag as he got few people testifying, he's not a harmful person or people working in the dark areas. Not that she would believe such a cutie would be so shady.-----------------Name: FayAdventurer rank: Low CopperAge: 16.Elemental Affinities:Profession:Skills:Spells:----------------The information that Fay can put is for other adventures and the guild to see when it comes to hiring for certain tasks. It's like a quick resume for adventurers. Although the downside is that, people can lie on the profession, skills, and spells they learned since no one regulates it.As for the elemental Affinities, they had to check using a magic artifact only owned by the adventurer guild or the Mages Association.The woman brought another crystal. This time it's translucent and whitish in colour.She asked Fay to channel his mana. Fay don't know how to channel his mana. But he felt like by instinct, the crystal ball is trying to suck out something from him. He let it suck it out.Soon the crystal ball had lights flickering here and there in 2 colours. Green and blue.A dual element. Very good. The woman nods in satisfaction. About 30% of people have dual attribute, and less than 5% have triple and even lesser those who have more.What is interesting is the intensity of those blue and green is very bright indicating very high affinity for both elements. This is very rare even for dual elements.She added the information to Fay's tag.Elemental Affinities: Wind (High), Water (High)It's done. As for the skills occupation or whatnot, Fay don't know yet.As they are done registering, and seeing how clueless Fay looks, they decide to let Wain teach him anything necessary.While they are party members, it's not that frequent they went to get a quest together. After all, smaller individual quests that can be done alone or in pairs is more efficient.Only for subjugation of difficult beast would they team up as 5. Otherwise, normal beasts would just take 2 or 3 or them so their party is quite flexible. Everyone decides to take simple quests while leaving Wain and Fay by themselves."Umm... I don't know much about... The jobs here..."."Uh... Anything you are particularly good at? Any magic? Or you know about herbs and stuffs? Alchemy?"Fay just swings his head sideways.This is troublesome. How did he live all this time? His memory lost is to that extent? He remembered about Fay's injuries that healed in an instant.'You can use healing magic?'."Uh... It's more like regeneration. I can only heal myself".Hmm... Wain felt troubled. There's an option for Fay to...fight like a madman since his regeneration magic is so potent it healed him from close to death to full.But seeing Fay cute small stature, and the scream he heard back in the forest, he don't want Fay to go that route.Of course, Wain couldn't simply just take care of a whole other person. He's not a saint, and it's not like he loves Fay... Although he does want to date him. Or just be friends with benefits.Kyubey on Fay's head tells him to ask about space magic. Since Fay can use it even without transforming. Fay can access an empty space through his portal while minimal magic unit. The space seems endless as he had tested secretly in the bathroom."I know space magic". Fay said.Wain opened his eyes wide."Space magic!?". It's unbelievable.Wain dragged Fay to a secluded corner.'Can you show me?'.Fay nodded and conjures a white illusory portal. He inserted his hand into it, and took it out."I can store many things there". Fay explained while pushing a leather bag amber and Lisa bought him into it. And taking it out.Wain made an O shape. This is one of the rarest skills in Elysia. Of course, there's soul, mind, and even time magic but those are only heard in stories and legendary heroes.The use is really good. There's no need to bring and carry monsters' parts by hand. The tents, their foods, all monster's meat and parts can be brought and stored fresh.And merchants would definitely kidnap Fay to make him work for them. Not to mention even smuggling things will be so easy if Fay wants to do illegal jobs."How about other skills?".Fay mentions his high dual affinities. Water and wind."Hmm you can learn magic later from mage association branch. Or you can ask amber. She's a water magician but well... I think you should go to the association".After all, asking for someone who's barely an acquaintance to teach you something they pay for with their money and hard work is rude."Yes, I understand.".Fay added,"Oh and... I can attack as well".Wain didn't understand.Fay simply opened 2 portals, 30 cm away from each other. Fay pokes a finger on one portal and the finger went out from the other portal.Wain made another O, even bigger this time. He knows the potential is endless."How long is your range, and how long you can maintain this."."Uh... I can maintain it as long as I have mana". Fay calls the energy within his soul gem mana. It's actually a different type of energy though and can't replenish naturally like mana in his body.As for the distance."It's about 20 meters away maximum".'So, you really did injure the ogre...'. he finally convinced. He can guess how he did it."Oh right... This is the magic stone from the ogre. You deserved it since it's already close to death when I killed it".Kyubey on Fay's head suddenly spoke."Fay! It has similar property to a grief seed. You can replenish your magic with it".Fay took the crystal from Wain big rough hand."Can you teleport people?".'No. It takes too much mana to open a bigger space opening'.'What weapon can you use?'.Fay thought for a moment and pulled out a white silver rapier.It's such a beautiful blade as if it's made by magic.Who is this guy who can use crazy regeneration magic, can use space magic and now this rapier that seems a dwarf craft them for a noble?'Emm... I don't really know how to use it well. I just swing it across the portals and hit the ogre'.Wain understands the circumstances. It's already overpowered in a sense."How about using a bow?".Fay opened his eyes wide at this idea. Kyubey told him he can make a bow with magic. But to avoid suspicion he says he doesn't have a bow.Wain asked Fay to come with him to do a simple beast hunting. Any beast really.Usually, beasts found around the perimeter of the forest are weaker and a lot of it is edible like the large horned hare, boars and giant chickens.So, Fay went to follow Wain out of town. 15 minutes of walking and they soon arrived at the perimeter of the forest. Soon he found a track in the ground and found a boar nearby.They stealthily walk around the first and soon found the boar, munching on some mushrooms."Okay, Fay, you try to use your ability".Fay nodded. Fay took out his rapier.He wanted to stab it a space in front of him but suddenly wain stops him."Fay, here's how to hold your sword better".Wain shows him how he handles his sword. Although it's not a rapier, but principle is the same. To use all your muscle in your swing and thrusts.Fay nodded and tried to swing it.Wain went closer and held Fay's soft arms, guiding him the way to swing.Fay is slightly touched. Wain too actually. But he kept a stoic face."Now try".Fay took a deep breath and assumes a posture. He lunged, 10 meters away from boar to stab the air-Instantly 2 portals appear in front of Fay sword as it's thrusting forward and the blade went though the other portal appeared right in front of the boar, causing the rapier to stab its forehead.The blade reaches it skull and it stops moving. The boar keeps crying in pain and flaying around. Fay rapier keeps shaking as it hit the edges of the portal as if it's hitting a wall. The rapier is about to break.Fay use both his hands to put more force and magic into the rapier, finally stabbing right into its brain causing it to stop spasming and die.Wain gives an incredulous look. If Fay is good enough at this, he might become an Adamantite level adventurer.Not to mention Fay mentioned he has high affinities for both wind and water magic. If Fay grows enough, he would be a monster with his cheat space ability."Is it okay?". Fay asked Wain for his approvalHe smiled and pat Fay's head. Kyubey had to roll off Fay's head and jump to Fay's shoulder to avoid being noticed.He jumped back onto Fay's head once wain finished."You did good. You can do so many things with your space magic. I don't know much about it but you definitely can be a high-level adventurer".Wain gives an honest review."Let's hunt some more".Fay nodded. He hunted another boar and a large horned hair easily.Although he missed the vital point on the boar and had to stab it twice. It's quite difficult because the distance of the portal conjured is far and he only relies on his magical instinct. But he felt like he started to get the hang of it.He tested what happens if a boar hits the small portal. It seems like it had hit a wall. It tried to poke through the portal as the tusk also came out in front of Fay, almost stabbing him. Thankfully he had taken a distance away. The portal is basically a 2-sided sword. The enemy can attack him through the same portal. This is a weakness to keep in mind.He also tested closing the portal while an object is still in between. when it closes, it cuts them clean. He also tested two vertical portals and let a rock fall into them.It falls infinitely until it reaches terminal velocity where the air resistance limits its acceleration.He also tried to stab a hare sideways. Fay stabs forward, but the blade comes out from the hare's side. It works wonders as it caught off guard.While wain is peeing on some tree, Fay took the chance to conjure his soul gem from his hairclip. He looked at dots of black impurities and how it's dimmed.He took out the magic crystal he got from the ogre and contacted it to his soul gem. All the impurities got absorbed as the magic crystal lost some of its sheen and became darker.Kyubey theories the monsters are a sense of a part Wraith because it has negative energy mixed with the foreign energy called mana, creating the monsters. And this magic crystal has property of a grief seed.Fay felt like his magic power in his soul gem is replenished instantly and it glows as bright as new.He unconjured his soul gem back into his hairclip.Wain is done with his business and they went to butcher the meats near the river. While the butcher can do it but that means losing money. They can do it themselves.Wain taught Fay how to remove their blood properly by hanging, butcher them, how to skin them and wash them properly and wrap them in leaves.They would sell it to the butcher or eat it themselves usually unless there's a specific request from adventurer guild for the meats although it's usually from the nobles asking for ridiculous beast meats.But since Fay is here, he asked if he could keep all the meat and leather in his space. Fay of course allows it naturally. Now they don't need to carry so much anymore.They went back to town in the afternoon and sell most of it to the butcher and then keep a portion of the boar to ask the chef to cook it as they went to get their lunch.