
I've been reborn as a villain and all I can think about is survival

 My name is Alberto Di Sarto.  I am a mob villain aristocrat who appears in the popular love simulation game "Fortune Star".  My reputation in the game is that I am fat, arrogant, and sadistic, and in every scenario in which I play an active role, I end up dead, and even if I don't play an active role, I end up exiled from the country.  Can I accept such a fate?  Having been reincarnated as Alberto, a character with such a miserable fate awaiting him, I decided to fight back and train myself to avoid my destiny of doom.  As a result, unlike in the game, I became absurdly strong, and for some reason, lively game heroines and game protagonists gathered around me.  I can't understand it. •Tag : Ugly to beautiful, Abandoned children, Villain, Weak to strong, Reincarnation, Game, Action, Harem, Adventure, Non human race / Beast Companion

NovelGods · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 1「Stuck in life」

This is the worst.

 I looked at the small drops of blood on the ground from my head, which had fallen and hit the ground, and I inwardly cursed myself.

「Are you all right, little Alberto?」

「I've already called the medics! Please be careful!」

The bewildered servants panicked.

 Because I am the eldest son of the Sarto family, one of the most prominent noble families in the country.

 I am bleeding a lot of blood. If I'm not careful, someone will lose their job. Physically, too.

 After all, I am one of the most hated members of the Sarto family.

Fat, arrogant and sadistic.

 That's what people say about me.

 How did I know that?

 It's simple.


That's the kind of setting I had in the game I was playing

 I wondered if I had spilled too much blood, and that's when I lost consciousness.

 Just before I lost consciousness, I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye of a girl staring at me with a Noh-like gaze.

I woke up with a snap.

 It is a strange ceiling ....

 I looked around and realized that it was not my room, but a hospital room for treatment in the mansion.


 Nearby was a mirror with his reflection in it.

 There was a bandage wrapped around his head, which could easily be understood as having been treated.

 Underneath the bandage was a boy with black hair and, round face that looked like a piglet.

 My name is Alberto Di Sarto. I am the legitimate son of one of the most prominent noble families in the country.

 My face is not bad.

 In the "game," the design of the character was not well-drawn, and many people said that he does not looked like a beautiful man.

 But, however.

 I can only sigh when I see his flabby chin, which symbolizes his lack of exercise, dark circles in his eyes due to his inactivity, and his pale skin.

 If the story progresses as it does in the game, the future that awaits me is harsh.

 In the route in which I play an active role as a villainous aristocrat, I will surely be killed by the protagonist or his friends, and even if I do not play an active role, the fate that awaits me will surely be deportation.

 Perhaps there is a different future if I play the good guy now, but in a game like this, there may be a kind of compulsion, and I need to be careful.

 I continue thinking. I was a student in a previous life, but perhaps I thought about it more seriously than I did then.

 My life is literally on the line.

 Yes, it does.

 The reason I decided that this world was "Fortune Star," the love simulation game I loved in my previous life, was because my name and the country name in my memory, my magic attribute, the name of my marriage, etc. matched ...It would be pretty bad if it matched that much!?

 I guess I really want to turn myself away from reality. ...

 Switching my thoughts back to the game.

 First of all, there are basically two routes in which I get killed. I'll try not to get too involved with the heroines in those two routes.

 And if I am in a situation where I might be killed, I should hone my skills to be able to escape.

 Aiming to turn the tables on the hero and his friends?


 They are cheats. They are monsters who, at the end of the game, have risen to mythical levels.

 No matter how much I train myself, I'm still just a mob.

 So my goal is just to survive.

 The other route is usually deportation.

 If I lose my family name and am left on my own, how am I going to make ends meet?

 Then a revelation came to me.

 Yes, I had a revelation. The art of survival has a lot in common with the skills of an adventurer.

 If I could establish myself as an adventurer and eventually become a merchant by utilizing the knowledge of my previous life, I could make a living for now, right?

 I applaud my own flash of genius.


「Excuse me」

 With a knock, my doctor enters the room.

 His face was a little pale.

「How is your condition?」

 The butlers and maids around me were a little freaked out. Why? I thought, but then I realized.

 I was right. Because this is where I usually throw a tantrum.

「No problem I'll call you if I need you」

 Everyone was taken aback by my words. It's supposed to be a normal thing to do, but it's a bad thing that it wasn't normal before.

「I just fell down by myself, so there's no treatment for that. I didn't thank you for bringing me to the hospital room. I'm sorry about that」

 I bowed lightly to him. That's natural for a human being.

 The stunned butlers and maids conversely bailed and walked out of the room, freaking out. Why?


 They said that the little boy had gone crazy.

 That was the first reaction of the butlers and maidens working in the mansion.

「But isn't that a good thing? Compared to when he used to throw tantrums and make the maids of honor quit their jobs」

「But now he is devoting himself to his studies and athletics as if he has changed. It's not easy for his subordinates to keep up with him, is it?」

「Well, you'll probably get tired of it eventually. But it is really good that he is not throwing tantrums anymore. Oh, by the way, I found a great restaurant in town. I found a great restaurant in town that specializes in a particular dish: ....」

 The chatter of the maidens was endless.

 On the other hand, Alberto at that time.


 He was just walking around.

 First of all, I had to squeeze my slack body before I could start anything. So he started running.

 Fortunately, I am still 10 years old and have almost 6 years to go until the day of my destiny.

 If I prepare now, I should be able to cope with the situation.

"Boy," she said, "don't overdo it. Don't push yourself too hard or you'll break your body.

 Bonadia, the knight who has become my constant companion, advises me with a puzzled look on her face.

「Hahahaha... listen Bonadia... I have a mission that I have to do... hahaha.... ...So don't say anything ... and help me ....」

 I appeal to Bonadia without even wiping the sweat from my eyes.

「Well, if you say so, I'll cooperate with you...」

 When Bonadia said that, I fell to the ground with my legs in a tangle.

I tried to get up, but my leg wouldn't get up against my will.

「Well, you can't push yourself too hard or you'll just fall over, so how about I come up with an exercise plan for the rest of the day?」

There is no way to push it alone.let's get help from the experts.

「Please give me some guidance」