

"Dad enough!!.. please I can't eat anymore!! " flora screamed on top her lungs startling both her father and heaven. she glared at her father who was looking at her with confused face.

"wh.. what happen princess what did I do?" he asked confused. she huffed and said "are you serious!!. dad I'm telling you if you forced me to eat one more bite than my stomach's gonna burst. for god sake I'm not your guinea pig." she slumped on the chair holding her tummy making a vulnerable face.

"what nonsense are you spouting, you're thin as a stick. i knew you were not taking care of your health properly. even a bird eats more than you, and don't raise your voice.. you startled my granddaughter." he said placing a cupcake in front of heaven. who ate it happily

"paa!! please I'm already full. now I'm really tired, I'm going upstairs to my room and you! little missy!!. come on! you need rest too." she said getting up and heaven too jumped down from her chair skipping her way up to their room.

"this girl.. never listens to me!.. so bossy! but at least she is behaving normally again, give her strength Cynthia, your daughter needs it. I wish you were here my love, your daughter has grown up into beautiful young lady. she's strong, smart, kind hearted and a great mother just like you!.. I'm sure you'd be so proud of her, just like I am." leonard said looking at her wife's portrait on the wall with teary eyes. he usually talks with his wife's picture as if she's right here with him, listening to his every word.

in her room, after giving heaven a bath and doing her hair she herself took a bath in warm water with her favourite lavender essential oil. after drying her hair she lie down on the bed.. dead tired. "Hahh!! I'm feeling much better after the bath!... essential oils really helps in relaxing tense muscles." she saw heaven playing with her doll. she caressed her head and pulled her on her lap. " so! you're liking it here?" she asked hugging her close. "yes mommy!.. I like grandpa he's so nice" she replied. flora smiled and kiss her cheeks "good now lets get some sleep.. after that we have to go somewhere"

"where mama?" she ask. "to meet your great grandfather." she replied laying her on the bed. "now close your eyes and sleep like a good girl." she said gently patting her head. heaven closed her eyes and soon fall asleep. flora lie down beside her and hugged her to sleep.

in the evening they all left for her grandparents house. even though her father assured her but she still feels anxious regarding her grandmother. soon they reached there. Leonard led them inside the mansion. a the servants were happy to see their young miss after such a long time. they quickly informed their master about their arrival. flora smiled when she saw her grandfather coming towards her with his arms wide open for her. she ran and hugged him and he pat her back.

"you!.. unfilial little brat. I'll teach you a lessen, now you got the time to meet this old man. do you know how much I missed you in these three years??. I'm not talking to you" he said lightly hitting her head.

although he said that he won't talk to her but flora knows that this grumpy old man can't stay angry with her even for a day. everyone in the city knows that the X president of country A is too wrapped up around his granddaughter's little pinky to even think about scolding her. at most he'll just give her a little nagging before abiding by her wishes.

"Hehe.. sorry grandpa! I missed you too!.. now please don't be angry with me anymore! otherwise it will affect your health old man, and you look ugly frowning like that.." she said breaking the hug.

"who are you calling ugly and old!.. little bratty! I'm still more fit and handsome than your father OK!.. after all he got his handsomeness from me." he said stomping his stick on the ground. flora and leonard shook their heads on his narcissistic comment.

Louis ( flora's grandpa's name) scoffed at them, than his eyes landed on the little girl standing beside his son. "is.. is this my.. great... granddaughter! Oh My!!." he stuttered as tears formed in his eyes. he was so happy to see her again. "come here little one.. let me look at you closely" he said gesturing her to come forward. heaven looked at her mother as if asking for her permission. flora understood what she was trying to ask and nodded her head in yes. Louis watched her coming towards him. he crouched down and picked her up. he looked at her face up close and tears started to fall from his eyes. " flora!.. her.. her eyes!.. its really like h-"

"Grandpa!!" flora stopped him from completing his sentence. through her eyes she signaled him to not say anything more."

Louis internally cursed himself for giving into his emotions and almost spit out something that no one is allowed to utter in front of heaven. he cleared his throat and compose himself before speaking. "little one I'm your great grandfather.. but you can call me Ba. you've grown so much!.. I've seen you when you were still a newborn baby."

"okey Baa" heaven replied giving him the cutest smile.he kissed her forehead while patting her head gently.

'such a charmer!.. with just two words and a smile she managed to charm me, melting my heart with her sunny smile...what a pity!..I can literally see my future self following her around abiding her every single wish.. seesh!!.. she's just like her mother, little troublemaker.' he thought.

"Ohh! so finally you came back!.. it seems like you're not that stupid that I thought you to be. " a stern and cold voice draw their attention and they looked back to see an old woman descending the stairs. she looks younger than her age.. her face devoid of any expression which makes it impossible for others to know what's cooking in her mind. that's Sofia... flora's grandmother.

"hello grandma!... nice to see that you're in good health" Flora greet her bowing her head.

"glad to see that you still have some manners left inside you" she said folding her hands than her eyes fall on heaven and she frowned.

"heaven she's your great grandma, greet her baby" she reluctantly asked heaven to greet her.

"good evening great grandma, I'm heaven nice to meet you" heaven said politely.

she hummed in response diverted her attention again to flora which made the little girl sad and confused.

"Grandma, at least you can greet her properly.. she's your great granddaughter!. she did nothing to receive such treatment from you" flora said tying to control her anger.

sensing the heated atmosphere leonard said. "cupcake, you know there's a big koi fish pond behind this house. with many colorful fishes in it. do you wanna take a look?" he asked raising his brows. he shared a look with his father and getting the hint Louis added "yes child!.. and it is surrounded by the rose garden."

colorful fishes and roses caught her interest and she nodded her head enthusiastically. leonard told Julian to take her there and also instruct the maids to send some snacks for her in the garden. after heaven left he said

"stop it both of you. and mother what is wrong with you!. she's just a little girl" leonard said annoyed with his mother's behaviour.

"alright then.... let's talk about you instead flora. do you remember what I've told you three years back."

"yes, very well" her expression turn dark when she replied.

"well then I hope you have learned your lesson. so let me ask you once again. what's your decision? will you marry my friend's grandson or not. think carefully before answering." she said staring coldly at her.

"I don't need to think grandma. my decision is the same as before. I will not marry that pervert douchebag at any cost. and sorry to say granny but how could you even think about marrying me off to that jerk!.. are you sure you're my real grandmother?"

"you!!.. how dare you talk to me like that!.. and what's so wrong in Jason.. he's super rich, has his own company, he's not bad looking guy and most importantly he's even ready to accept that little girl for you. he just have one minor condition that heaven will live far away with her nanny in his other villa after marriage. I don't see any problem in it."

"mother have you lost your mind!.. what the freakin hell are you saying. heaven is the young princess of Martin family and flora's child. why would she live away from her?" leonard roared in anger.

"forget about marriage, I'll not even let him come anywhere near my granddaughter." Louis said in a firm voice.

"Leo I'm doing this for her own good. if she get married than no one question her character. it will save her from embarrassing herself in our social circle. and she'll get a nice life partner and that child will get a father. what's so wrong about this" sofia yelled slammed her hands on the table.

"thank you father and grandpa! for taking my side" flora said looking at them gratefully than turn towards the old lady... and spoke with fire burning in her eyes.

"what's wrong with him you say!!..alright if you really don't know than let me tell you.. first, he's at least 10 years older than me, second, he's a greedy B****** who's only interested in our wealth. third he is pervert douchebag who once tried to harass me but I broke his hand. since that day he wants to take revenge on me and that's why he send that proposal for marriage thinking that he can take advantage of my situation. forth and the most important, my daughter doesn't need a father like him. I am enough for her. " flora's chest heave up and down as she took deep breaths to calm herself.

"and now if you don't mind.. I'd like to leave. I'm tired and don't wanna waste my energy on arguing with you. dad please call uncle Julian and tell him to bring heaven at the entrance we're leaving. " she said than looked at Louis. she hugged him and apologize to him for creating a scene. "don't apologise dear it's not your fault. instead I should apologize to you for all this. I know you got hurt today but don't let it weaken you. now let's go heaven would be waiting for you outside" they all went outside except sofia who was still in shock because of what flora said.

heaven hugged Louis and they bid goodbye to him and drove away. Louis sighed heavily, he knows that the relationship between his wife and granddaughter has damaged beyond repair. seeing his dearest granddaughter fighting and suffering alone breaks his heart. but he's helpless in this situation. he shook his head dejectedly and went inside

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