
I'm The Son of a Demon Lord?!

What if you learnt that your father was a demon lord? And what if that demon lord killed your mother? ====== New Chapters every Monday - Thursday! Website for illustrations!: https://www.dotturndotcreative.com/gallery

dotturndot · Kỳ huyễn
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169 Chs

4.1. Alpha's Favourite

City streets of Rika Nation.

"Is this what people do on dates?"

"Maybe? This is the first time I'm going on one like this."

"What if I said that I don't believe you?" Schwii narrowed her eyes.

'Actually, she might be right.. '

Sequencee turned to meet her gaze.

A splendid dark-red silk dress with a pink cardigan over the top. Her loose, flowing auburn hair was held in place by Riestallia's signature silver lotus pin, adding a touch of childishness to her alluring looks.

Sequencee on the other hand, wore a collared outer shirt with a checkerboard pattern over a crew cut shirt lying beneath. His silver lotus pin was in his pocket.

The weekend streets were pretty crowded. Coupled with Schwii's beauty, all eyes would turn her way the moment her presence graced the sights of the onlookers. So for the sake of it, Schwii and Sequencee had their arms linked

She stared back at him with equal intensity.

"It's not like I've not done escort work in the past.. get it?"


'An escort quest is not a date– actually..'

Such a thing could be possible. In a sense, if the individual was brave enough, they could put up a quest disguised as a rental date.

"Whatever it may be, it has nothing to do with us now.. here, want a bite?"

"This is an indirect kiss, you know that, right?"

"Of course I'm aware. Or do you want me to shove it in your mouth instead?"

"No thank you, I'll help myself," with a wry smile, Sequencee leaned in and took a bite out of this super popular must have food item for couples– the crepe.

Sequencee wasn't sure why exactly this food item held connotations of love, but it's a culture spread by Hero Rika that had long lasted the centuries, so it must mean something right?

"I don't really like it. What is this white cream made of anyways? I think it would be better if it were ice cream instead," Sequencee said.

"I agree. Though personally, I think it's not bad. With you at least, it makes it tastier," Scwhii said nonchalantly and took a bite.

It was the kind of date where neither were embarrassed when one tried to tease the other, as if it were simply the norm. The chance to spend time with someone she liked for the sake of it; simply wanting to bond with each other. It was something that Schwii found fun inwardly.

There was just something about this that felt different from being in class with him. They had already established enough of a strong understanding of each other that most of their conversations skewed towards the more practical side of things. So it was a refreshing change of pace to play around with her words.

"Looks like there are students from the other academies that are already here."

"Looks like it."

The exchange student programme. Students from Riestallia will go off to other academies to study for a month, while those from other academies will come to study in Riestallia. And with the conjuncture of the New Dawn Series, the prestige of being selected as an exchange student had multiplied several folds.

"You know, I just realized I hadn't asked. How long are we going to stay in Riestallia? You said we had a year before we have to return to the demon empire, right?"

"Hm? A year? To be honest, I'm not sure. Father said a year but never stipulated when we should return," Schwii blinked. "Maybe I should ask Iona."

'No stipulated date to return?'

"What kind of person was father?"

"Ah–you'd be surprised. Despite his lack of presence in our lives, the best way to describe him is aloof but wise."


"Yes. That's how I felt when I met him. He's also calculative, having dictated this mission to me because he somehow knew that I liked you. This decision then to announce our engagement.. maybe mama told him about it, I'm not sure."

"How's your mother..? She's still imprisoned, right?"

".. I never got to see her."

'Is it alright to ask any further?'

"Let's hope she's still alright.."

"I had forgotten about my mother.. I must be crazy.." Schwii shuddered.


"I was supposed to be saving my mother, not playing out here like this.." Schwii's arm loosened from Sequencee's. She halted in place, eyes casted down.

He bent down in front of her and placed both hands on her shoulders.

She raised her head, tears in her eyes, "The report has already been sent to father. There's nothing left but to wait."


"I don't know.."

"You know, let's find somewhere to have a drink.. something to calm you down"

Sequencee dragged Schwii to a nearby cafe. They took a seat on the first floor, where there were less people. Of course, it didn't really resolve the issue of being 'watched' by others.

Schwii stirred her cup of coffee silently.

"Do you need sugar for that?"

"Sugar? Ah right, sugar. Is there sugar anywhere?"

"It doesn't look like it."

With a look of resignation, Schwii sipped on her coffee– and made an amusing expression.



"I wish someone could've prepared sugar."

"Let me try something."

Remembering how Judy did her alchemy magic, Sequencee attempted to replicate it. He had practiced the spell a couple times before, but it was usually a hit or miss at times.

White crystal condensed mid air. The formation was slow, taking around a minute for it to accumulate into the size of a regular eraser.

"That is..?"

Grabbing the shard-like material, Sequencee broke off a small part and had a taste.

"It's sugar. Here."

"This is sugar?" Schwii uttered as if she couldn't believe it. She broke off a small piece and tasted it. Astound, she dropped the entire thing into her coffee.

Sequencee could feel the doubtful, scrutinizing gazes from the other tables.

'She really likes her sugar..'

The shard took some time to dissolve. The end result was a satisfactory smile from Schwii.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome.. just know, um, about your mother.."

"Mn.. I feel bad."

"I can understand why."

".. You don't."


"I'm sorry."


'True. I don't understand anything of what's going on..'

"I can only hope father keeps his promise. I don't know much about him in this regard, after all, he is in politics.. you know?"


"While you were out enjoying yourself during the previous holiday, Iona and I were busy trying to get the reports past the human empire. It should've arrived by now, I'm not sure what kind of effect it will have. Likely, I'll have to wait till the next holiday for a response."

"So that's what you were busy with."

Schwii nodded.

"We can only wait."

"I know.. that's just how it is.. I hate it. I don't want to go back home. I want to stay like this if I can but.. it's impossible."

"The time you were ruling the territory.. was difficult, wasn't it?"

"Those assholes just wouldn't listen. Not even coercion works. I have to get down and grovel on their feet sometimes– those are the worst!" she groaned.

'I never really got to understand what Schwii went through.'

"They want my body so badly that some even told me to sleep with them. It's absurd.. did they think they could do whatever they wanted to their queen? I don't know how mama managed.. I love her and admire her a lot."

"Those are really assholes."

"And those assholes are sending people here to mess up our life together."


"Ah.. ff!?" Schwii quickly covered her mouth.


"You heard nothing!"

"So that's.. that's why Iona isn't around lately?"


"Something like this.."

"I.. I didn't mean to hide it, it's just.. I don't want you to be dragged into my problems."

"It's not only your problem when it has to do with 'us'."

Those words caused Schwii's checks to flare up.

'Does this mean.. the black knight sent to destroy my home was from an enemy faction?'

Having personally experienced a strength beyond logic, the notion of 'a threat' became realer than ever.

".. Sorry."

"You know what? Spare the details for later. I want to know if your mother is alright, first of all."

"No. It's related. The fact that there are spies sent to disturb us tells me that something must've happened in the empire. Of course, I assumed that the spies were from an enemy of mine, though I may be wrong. In regards to specific intel, asking Iona would be better as she has a better grasp of the enemy forces. I only send out orders and make minor decisions based on the information Iona passed down to me. Most of it is still up to her judgment."

"So we're being followed right now?"

"Iona will deal with it. I just hope.. the report wasn't stolen before it reached the right hands.." Schwii said regretfully.

Sequencee lowered his voice.

"How long does it take to travel from here to the demon nation?"

"A full month at least. With a caravan, maybe two weeks..?"

"If you're desperate, I could always drop out.. provided that you're alright with losing the money."

"There's a refund policy. So we wouldn't lose everything."


Schwii blinked, "No. I don't want to go back yet. I love my mother, but more than that I don't want to put you in danger."

"Schwii. I hope you understand that you should be selfish about this. After all that you've done for me, I wish I can reciprocate too."

"Promise me that you're mind, that's all I need," Schwii gazed at him with her ruby red eyes.

Sequencee reached over and tugged at her cheeks. "My dear Schwii. Don't forget that you're also mine."

Schwii pouted, ear red to the tip. Sequencee's felt a little disgusted at his own word play.